AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [09:38] *** samer joined the chat.
IRC [09:38] *** samer parted the chat.
IRC [16:30] <AndyPiskorski> What's the status of the Makefiles for all the misc. AOLserver modules?
IRC [16:30] <AndyPiskorski> Looks to me like the AOLserver build has been changed on the head, but none of the modules have been changed to match.
IRC [22:23] <Dossy> yeah ... playing with new build ideas a while back
IRC [22:23] <Dossy> unified the *nix and win32 builds
IRC [22:24] <Dossy> but before going through all the modules and retrofitting, I think we lost interest
IRC [22:24] <Dossy> but, it IS cool that some of the build machinery is reused between *nix and win32. maybe, not cool enough