AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [03:22] *** CIA-25 parted the chat.
IRC [07:01] *** CIA-2 joined the chat.
IRC [14:54] *** daguz parted the chat.
IRC [18:18] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [19:25] *** apprentice_8 joined the chat.
IRC [19:25] <apprentice_8> aolserver rokz
IRC [19:26] <apprentice_8> anyone test out lighttpd v aolserver?
IRC [19:26] <apprentice_8> I am not sure how good fastcgi or scgi vs aolserver stuff is
IRC [19:26] <apprentice_8> lighttpd seems clever though
IRC [19:26] <apprentice_8> but aolserver was clever in 1995 and question is has anyone yet been clever-er
IRC [19:32] <partymola> hi
IRC [19:32] <partymola> apprentice_8: i have lighttpd as a front-end
IRC [19:32] <partymola> that proxifies petitions to aolserver
IRC [19:32] <partymola> i use aolserver because it use its TCL & ADP facilities
IRC [19:33] <partymola> what are you speaking about? using aolserver to serve static files? to serve PHP?
IRC [20:25] *** apprentice_8 parted the chat.