AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [11:34] *** KnifeHat_ joined the chat.
IRC [11:45] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [11:46] *** KnifeHat parted the chat.
IRC [20:09] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [21:01] *** mattholimeau joined the chat.
IRC [21:02] *** mattholimeau parted the chat.
IRC [21:35] <partymola> Dossy: i have a little problem....
IRC [21:35] <Dossy> what's up
IRC [21:35] <partymola> aolserver refuses to accept a POST with a file of 12Mb
IRC [21:36] <partymola> ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
IRC [21:36] <partymola> ns_param port $httpport
IRC [21:36] <partymola> ns_param hostname $hostname
IRC [21:36] <partymola> ns_param address $address
IRC [21:36] <partymola> ns_param maxinput [expr 25 * 1024 * 1024] ;# Maximum file size for uploads in bytes, default is 1MB, new in AOLserver 4.01
IRC [21:36] <partymola> that's what I have...
IRC [21:36] <partymola> it's supposed to have 25Mb :|
IRC [21:38] <partymola> << Read this
IRC [21:39] <partymola> The file upload limit can be altered to e.g. twice the size (about 20MB) by
IRC [21:39] <partymola> ns_limits set default -maxupload 20480000
IRC [21:39] <partymola> This command can be written as well to the config-file
IRC [21:39] <partymola> O_o
IRC [21:39] <partymola> that feels like a tricky way to get the job done... breaks completely the syntax in the file...
IRC [21:42] <partymola> ok, it worked
IRC [21:42] <partymola> i am going to update the wiki...
IRC [21:42] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [21:42] <partymola> heya holycow
IRC [21:42] <partymola> Dossy: the working version of the wiki is supposed to be the one, right?
IRC [21:44] <holycow> hello sir
IRC [21:44] <holycow> hows it going?
IRC [21:44] <holycow> bbias
IRC [21:44] <partymola> nah, just had a problem with max file upload size, but fixed it
IRC [21:44] <partymola> found the solution in the openacs forums xD
IRC [21:59] <Dossy> wiki is read-only
IRC [21:59] <Dossy> eventually, it'll be read-write and will be the permanent home
IRC [21:59] <partymola> ok
IRC [22:00] <partymola> anyways, that wiki is much slower than panoptic's one
IRC [22:00] <holycow> Dossy: going to setup xowiki there maybe?
IRC [22:02] <partymola> imho, the current one is just fine lol
IRC [22:02] <holycow> i'm curious
IRC [22:02] <holycow> how do you think running apache for AOLSERVER is good form?
IRC [22:06] <partymola> eh?
IRC [22:06] <holycow> its a wiki running on apache FOR an aolserver website
IRC [22:07] <partymola> LOL
IRC [22:07] <holycow> how can that be considered proper form?
IRC [22:07] <holycow> it doesn't say a whole lot of positive, now does it?
IRC [22:07] <partymola> bah
IRC [22:07] <partymola> it doesn't affect to aolserver itself
IRC [22:07] <holycow> bah what?
IRC [22:07] <holycow> oh but it does
IRC [22:07] <partymola> unless people like you start bitching about it lol
IRC [22:07] <partymola> well, holycow
IRC [22:08] <holycow> well its unfortunate that we have devs that don't know anything about marketing
IRC [22:08] <partymola> if you offer yourself as a volunteer to convert the wiki into xowiki, i won't complain :D
IRC [22:08] <holycow> i'm quite certain you dont' speak on behalf of the aolserver project
IRC [22:08] <partymola> I speak in my name as a user of aolserver
IRC [22:08] <holycow> the original question is a qustion about your original assertion not my volunteering
IRC [22:09] <holycow> you speak for no one unless you are a project member, pulling from cvs gives you no priviledge whatsoever
IRC [22:09] <partymola> i speak for myself
IRC [22:09] <holycow> bingo
IRC [22:09] <partymola> i don't care about if the wiki is run on top of apache, aolserver with php, lighttpd, fastcgi, or whatever
IRC [22:10] <holycow> thats idiotic
IRC [22:10] <partymola> and i am not thinking on putting a tatoo of TCL and/or aolserver in the short-mid term
IRC [22:10] <holycow> again tangential to anything and nothing
IRC [22:10] <partymola> no, i am just thinking on how to allocate resources
IRC [22:11] <holycow> no you are not thinking at all
IRC [22:11] <partymola> and migrating a wiki just to inflate egos...
IRC [22:11] <holycow> tangential to nothing
IRC [22:11] <partymola> lol
IRC [22:11] <holycow> your comments reflect your age unfortunately
IRC [22:11] <holycow> its the sort of thing you see in #php
IRC [22:12] <partymola> sure
IRC [22:12] <partymola> well, i do not want to discuss about that
IRC [22:12] <partymola> i fixed the problem i had, i have uploaded the bit of code to the wiki, and now i am back to work
IRC [22:12] <holycow> lol, dude, you seem okay
IRC [22:13] <holycow> but you are a complete dumbass
IRC [22:13] <holycow> on the one hand you pretend to have no time to chat
IRC [22:13] <holycow> but you have plenty of time to pretend to argue about something you pretend not to care about
IRC [22:13] <partymola> if use not to discuss about opinions of things
IRC [22:13] <partymola> because they take to nowhere
IRC [22:14] <holycow> well you offered an opinion
IRC [22:14] <partymola> and now i regret it
IRC [22:14] <partymola> because i do not feel like i want to spend a lot of time defending it
IRC [22:14] <partymola> since i don't care about what software the wiki runs
IRC [22:14] <partymola> if it's on top of apache, be it
IRC [22:14] <holycow> in which case not only is your original point dumb
IRC [22:14] <partymola> if it's on top of aolserver, better then
IRC [22:14] <holycow> its irrelevant
IRC [22:15] <partymola> but i don't care as long as i can access the data on it
IRC [22:15] <partymola> as easy as i can do at the moment
IRC [22:15] <holycow> in which case it sounds like you shouldn't even have an opinion
IRC [22:15] <holycow> but clearly
IRC [22:15] <holycow> that isn't so
IRC [22:15] <holycow> you consider the choice of xowiki an excercise in ego
IRC [22:15] <holycow> rather than an excercise in engineering and marketing
IRC [22:15] <partymola> the change to xowiki, yes
IRC [22:15] <holycow> well then why are you in #openacs then?
IRC [22:16] <partymola> i am not in openacs atm :)
IRC [22:16] <holycow> i would recommend leaving the channel if you have nothing to offer
IRC [22:16] <partymola> when people asks questions, i help sometimes
IRC [22:17] <partymola> do you mean that i cannot be there just reading what happens?
IRC [22:17] <holycow> you can do whatever you want, but clearly you despise the project
IRC [22:17] <holycow> you consider it an act of ego
IRC [22:17] <holycow> i would recommend you don't polute the channel with drek
IRC [22:17] <partymola> ok, i will just shut up
IRC [22:17] <partymola> i won't ever criticise anything you folks do
IRC [22:18] <holycow> i don't represent the project
IRC [22:18] <partymola> you speak like you do...
IRC [22:18] <holycow> i only speak for my self
IRC [22:18] <partymola> you even have told me not to join the channel ;P
IRC [22:18] <holycow> i can't stop you
IRC [22:18] <holycow> i'm simply surprised to find out who you really are
IRC [22:19] <partymola> maybe it's that i am having a bad day
IRC [22:19] <holycow> ah in that case i will shut up
IRC [22:19] <holycow> it's not my intention to make it worse
IRC [22:19] <partymola> but believe me, programming is like 5% of my daily job
IRC [22:19] <holycow> i hope it gets better
IRC [22:19] <partymola> i give lectures about free software in high schools and such
IRC [22:20] <partymola> but i am NOT a follower of the GPL and the kumbaya movement
IRC [22:20] <holycow> then you are not for the free software movement
IRC [22:20] <holycow> if you don't support the gpl, you don't support free software
IRC [22:20] <partymola> i share sometimes, and some others not
IRC [22:20] <holycow> you support sharecropper software
IRC [22:20] <partymola> i am more with the BSD line
IRC [22:21] <holycow> that was my next accusation
IRC [22:21] <holycow> clearly we have nothing in common
IRC [22:21] <partymola> except that we're speaking here? :)
IRC [22:22] <holycow> nothing in common bro. hope you get better.