AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [05:47] *** motion joined the chat.
IRC [05:48] <motion> im trying to use aolserver with this sample: but nsd segfaults :/
IRC [05:49] <frankie> motion: what platform?
IRC [05:49] <motion> os x
IRC [05:50] <motion> srry
IRC [05:50] <frankie> and what version?
IRC [05:50] <motion> installed form macports
IRC [05:50] <motion> 4.0.10
IRC [05:50] <motion> guessing try 4.5.0 install manually ?
IRC [05:50] <frankie> ah i cannot help, never used osx
IRC [05:50] <motion> kk
IRC [05:50] <frankie> yes possibly there's some ABI breakage in your port
IRC [05:50] <motion> and will aolserver work with mysql ?
IRC [05:50] <frankie> yes
IRC [05:50] <motion> cool
IRC [05:51] <frankie> there's a suitable module for that
IRC [05:51] <motion> ill try compiling 4.5 manually
IRC [05:55] <motion> figures
IRC [05:55] <motion> the util/*.tcl files have no shebang
IRC [05:55] <motion> and they are being called directly
IRC [05:55] <motion> like thats suppose to work
IRC [05:56] <motion> hmm maybe my fault
IRC [05:58] <motion> haha
IRC [05:58] <motion> aolserver on leopard is big no no
IRC [05:58] <motion> so much for that
IRC [05:59] <motion> ahh, has to do with tcl
IRC [06:29] <motion> aolserver doesnt work with tcl 8.5
IRC [06:29] <motion> epic fail
IRC [08:59] *** motion parted the chat.
IRC [10:45] *** Dossy joined the chat.