AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [01:46] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [01:46] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [13:26] *** jhavard joined the chat.
IRC [14:43] <the_unmaker> aolserver and tcl can use js?
IRC [14:44] <the_unmaker> so there are no adp tutorials because liek adp=tcl
IRC [14:44] <the_unmaker> run through aolserver
IRC [14:45] <jhavard> the_unmaker: adp is tcl embedded in html for the most part.
IRC [14:45] <the_unmaker> so if I learn tcl
IRC [14:45] <the_unmaker> and then what learn aolserver functions
IRC [14:45] <the_unmaker> I will be able do do everything with adp?
IRC [14:45] <jhavard> pretty much.
IRC [14:45] <jhavard> and you don't really need to be an "expert" with tcl.
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> will i ever get stuck not being able to talk to like verisign or some oher gotcha since im not using php/apache?
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> aol must have worked that out
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> somehow
IRC [14:46] <jhavard> verislime will take your money and ignore you no matter what you do.
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> I know nothing but bash now
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> LOL
IRC [14:46] <the_unmaker> don't forget "the problem is on your side"
IRC [14:48] <jhavard> tcl is a simple language, it shouldn't take you more than a couple of hours to figure out enough to write a full CMS in aolserver. You'll spend more time learning the aolserver API, seriously.
IRC [15:00] <the_unmaker> I have nto even finished tcl for web nerds.
IRC [15:00] <the_unmaker> I never took programming.
IRC [15:00] <the_unmaker> but there are few bumps.
IRC [15:01] <the_unmaker> it seems to consist fo remembering how little built in fucntions like list stuff etc work
IRC [15:01] <the_unmaker> I get if then else
IRC [15:01] <the_unmaker> variables seem simple to set
IRC [15:01] <the_unmaker> for a cms how would i handle like a file upload
IRC [15:02] <the_unmaker> or a add comment to bulletin board upload
IRC [15:02] <jhavard> magic?
IRC [15:02] <the_unmaker> some fo these things i think are in the browser and its a matter of calling them and recieveing the input eh
IRC [15:03] <the_unmaker> is the wiki tutorial better of greenspun web nerds tutorial better
IRC [15:03] <the_unmaker> OR-
IRC [15:04] <jhavard> I didn't really use a tutorial. I just learned tcl by doing with aolserver, and learned the API
IRC [15:16] <the_unmaker> no way!!
IRC [15:16] <the_unmaker> really?
IRC [15:17] <the_unmaker> so read stuff on aolserver site?
IRC [15:17] <the_unmaker> or waht
IRC [15:17] <the_unmaker> ok
IRC [15:17] <the_unmaker> do you know postgresql?
IRC [15:19] <EvilOtto> do you have an idea for something you're trying to build, or are you just learning about stuff? I find that even in the latter case, it works better to be focused on a particular thing, even if it's just an exercise. Like class project type things.
IRC [15:22] <the_unmaker> id love to create a simple blog
IRC [15:22] <the_unmaker> uplaod text
IRC [15:22] <the_unmaker> and be able to place stock market chart [nondynamic] at top of a blog page
IRC [15:23] <the_unmaker> then have monthly grouping of blog entry
IRC [15:23] <the_unmaker> blog by user, comments by anyone
IRC [15:25] <the_unmaker> :)
IRC [15:25] <the_unmaker> my friend has his one one yahoo
IRC [15:25] <the_unmaker> and hes payign a dev who then has underling in india
IRC [15:26] <the_unmaker> long time to get things liek he wants
IRC [15:26] <the_unmaker> i bet i could live off off my skilsl if i can do same
IRC [15:26] <EvilOtto> That's a fair amount, so take it one step at a time. Start with the super-basic blogging function. You're using pgsql? So create your table first, something like create table blogs (title text, body text, posted timestamp). Then set up a html form to add a new entry into the database, and a page to display all the entries in the database.
IRC [15:35] <EvilOtto> you'll need a html input form: <form method="post"><input type="text" name="title"><textarea name="body"><input type="submit"></form> and an adp page to process that <% ns_db dml $db "insert into blogs values ('[ns_queryget title]','[ns_queryget body]','now'::timestamp)" %> and somethign to display all your entries like <% set sh [ns_db select $db "select * from blor order by posting...
IRC [15:35] <EvilOtto> ...desc"] ; while [ns_db getrow $db $sh] { ns_puts "Title: [ns_set get $sh title]<br> [ns_set get $sh body]<hr>" } %>
IRC [15:36] <EvilOtto> get that initial part working, and build from there.
IRC [15:37] <EvilOtto> then slap adsense on the page and profit! :)
IRC [17:07] <partymola> EvilOtto: WHY did you tell him our biggest secret to make profit effortlessly?
IRC [17:07] <partymola> now more like him will come, and we'll be ruined, and will have to work again ;_;
IRC [17:09] <EvilOtto> I'm starting to promote my new book, "How to make Million$$$ writing web pages in your spare time". Just $19.95 plus S&H.
IRC [17:09] <EvilOtto> Plus if you act now, you'll get this fabulous set of Ginsu steak nkives!
IRC [17:15] <the_unmaker> yes!!
IRC [17:15] <the_unmaker> ginsu ginsu ginsu!!
IRC [17:15] <the_unmaker> I want to make profit effortlessly!
IRC [17:15] <the_unmaker> <----linux admin, went to college, no oen cares
IRC [17:16] <the_unmaker> and i never get promoted!
IRC [17:16] <the_unmaker> damn ti jim!
IRC [17:16] <the_unmaker> damn it jim!
IRC [17:16] <the_unmaker> [where do I read on howto make login pages with adp?]
IRC [17:16] <EvilOtto> Step 1: steal all the underwear. Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit!
IRC [17:16] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [17:17] <the_unmaker> any pr0n sites on aolserver?
IRC [17:17] <the_unmaker> ;)
IRC [17:53] <the_unmaker> bad q ok
IRC [17:56] <the_unmaker> I wish there was a howto :)
IRC [17:56] <the_unmaker> ah well
IRC [17:56] <the_unmaker> ok ns_db dml $db "insert into blogs .." so thats just loggin into database and running an insert based on what i have from the adp grabbign the text input
IRC [17:56] <the_unmaker> ok maybe this isn't so hard
IRC [17:57] <the_unmaker> so <form method part is simply a html form created by the browser by the html
IRC [17:57] <the_unmaker> hmmmmm
IRC [17:58] <the_unmaker> ns_queryget takes the input from the post....
IRC [18:47] *** the_unmaker parted the chat.
IRC [18:48] <jhavard> that guy...
IRC [19:44] *** jhavard parted the chat.
IRC [20:10] *** the_unmaker joined the chat.
IRC [20:10] <the_unmaker> so there is no big adp tutorial
IRC [20:10] <the_unmaker> you just learn tcl
IRC [20:10] <the_unmaker> and learn aolserver commands and thats it
IRC [20:10] <the_unmaker> ?
IRC [20:19] <EvilOtto> sure, in the same way that learning sysadminning is just learning a few startup files and shell commands. Which is to say, yes, it is that simple, but that doesn't mean that knowing the basics is the beginning and the end of it.
IRC [20:19] <EvilOtto> hrm, well I guess you need the root password too :)
IRC [21:46] *** jhavard joined the chat.
IRC [23:15] *** jhavard parted the chat.