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Rooting Droid with Linux

This revision is from 2012/04/11 11:31. You can Restore it.


Note: This is currently a total scratchpad area at this time.

It is my first install, and I am doing everything exactly by the book. Hopefully on my second time I can write this better. For now, I can only provide vague ideas.

HTC Inspire(Edit)

This is what I started with:


  1. Download a ton of little bits.
  2. Create a "goldcard", which as far as I can tell is a bootable SD card. -
    1. This link is Windows-only. My suspicion is that you could accomplish this with dd if=goldcard.img of=/dev/sda1 #...but it needs to be tested. TODO
  3. Install psneuter and misc_version, then reboot the phone.
  4. "Root, S-OFF, ClockworkMod Recovery, and Engineering HBoot"
  5. Flash Cyanogenmod (or whatever other ROM you choose)