IRC [01:14] *** oddbod joined the chat.
IRC [03:57] *** oddbod parted the chat.
IRC [04:26] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [09:48] <jhavard> morning all
IRC [13:16] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [13:16] *** jader_ joined the chat.
AIM [13:17] *** fitbird6996 joined the chat.
IRC [13:50] <jhavard> Where'd everybody go today?
IRC [14:39] <bartt> working?
IRC [14:54] <jhavard> And that's stopped others from ircing since when?
IRC [15:02] <bartt> :)
IRC [18:56] *** frodoroot joined the chat.
IRC [19:45] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [20:33] *** rubick parted the chat.
IRC [21:19] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [23:05] *** dstar5 joined the chat.
IRC [23:06] <dstar5> lol sorry this is just too funny AOL and open source! HAHAH!
IRC [23:06] <dstar5> this is a joke right?
IRC [23:08] *** kjhoudini joined the chat.
IRC [23:10] *** kjhoudini parted the chat.
IRC [23:14] <dstar5> i dont understand why anyone is their rightm ind wuld use a server... amde by AOl, whioe you could use apache
IRC [23:14] <martinh> mostly because we can type it?
IRC [23:17] *** drew__ joined the chat.
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
AIM [23:18] <OnlineHost> You've made too many requests too quickly. Please reduce the rate of your requests.
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
AIM [23:18] <OnlineHost> You were signed off for making too many requests too quickly. Go to Keyword: Rate Limit to learn more.
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] *** McLone joined the chat.
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <McLone> O.M.G.
IRC [23:18] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> > www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:18] <drew__> <McLone> O.M.G.
IRC [23:18] <McLone> Dossy - here's teh nickname!
IRC [23:19] *** McLone parted the chat.
IRC [23:19] <dstar5> i am so horny now
IRC [23:19] <dstar5> ascii porn is nice
IRC [23:19] <dstar5> i just which aol had a keyword called porn
IRC [23:20] *** drew__ parted the chat.
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> that looks like fun.
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <martinh> uuuuh. . .
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> <dstar5> <drew__> <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:20] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <martinh> methinks someone got upset cuz i made fun of their typing. . .
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> nah
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> i just get mad when isee "AOL"
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolporn
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> server!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!aolpornserver!
IRC [23:21] <dstar5> aolpornserver!aolpornserver!
IRC [23:22] <martinh> ooh. right. . .i gotcha. that makes so much more sense. . .
IRC [23:22] <dstar5> martinh: do you like AOL or something?
IRC [23:22] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [23:23] <martinh> why does it matter?
IRC [23:24] <dstar5> itis just the strangest thing i ever seen
IRC [23:24] <dstar5> powering some of the busiest production websites in the world.
IRC [23:24] <martinh> really? i've always considered tubgirl to be far stranger. . .
IRC [23:24] <dstar5> haha that just makes me laugh
IRC [23:24] <dstar5> is any server in the world running aolserver?
IRC [23:25] <martinh> on a wild guess, aol's?
IRC [23:25] <dstar5> wow! i am surprised that the page is even up!
IRC [23:25] <dstar5> good job!
IRC [23:26] <dstar5> (that was being sacastic)
IRC [23:26] <martinh> yes. that is always surprising.
IRC [23:27] <dstar5> how many curse words do you have in the source code
IRC [23:28] <martinh> i don't know. i've never checked. you could grab it and grep for them.
IRC [23:28] <dstar5> nah
IRC [23:28] <dstar5> i vow never to look at AOL source code
IRC [23:29] <martinh> heh. i find it amusing that you think AOL actually wrote it. . .
IRC [23:29] <dstar5> well.. i mean AOL server...
IRC [23:29] <dstar5> it is assosiated with AOl
IRC [23:30] *** drew__ joined the chat.
IRC [23:31] <dstar5> hi drew__
IRC [23:31] <martinh> ah yes. flawless logic.
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] * martinh sighs.
IRC [23:31] *** McLone joined the chat.
IRC [23:31] <dstar5> FUCK AOL!
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] <drew__> www.asciipr0n.com/~drew hasascii pr0n stories
IRC [23:31] *** drew__ parted the chat.
IRC [23:32] <martinh> thank you for convincing me that aolserver sucks by your very intelligent and well thought out arguements. I will now switch to IIS as it has clearly been proven to be much higher quality.
IRC [23:32] <McLone> IIS lol
IRC [23:32] <McLone> liamoz?
IRC [23:32] <martinh> truly you have a dizzying intellect. . .
IRC [23:33] <dstar5> ty
IRC [23:33] * McLone uses plan9's in-kernel httpd
IRC [23:33] <McLone> and apache2 sometimes
IRC [23:33] <dstar5> do you people work for aol or something?
IRC [23:34] <dstar5> this sounds like a good slashdot story: AOL make a open suorce server! that would get some nice replys
IRC [23:34] <dstar5> hahah!
IRC [23:34] <martinh> there are probably a few people who receive money from aol. . .but, then again, the inventor of gnutella got money from aol.
IRC [23:35] <jhavard> If you consider aol cd's a collector's item, every time you get one in the mail, aol's giving you money.
IRC [23:35] <dstar5> McLone: in kernel heh
IRC [23:35] <dstar5> jhavard: i like putting those in the microwave
IRC [23:35] <dstar5> its pretty
IRC [23:36] <martinh> i'm not sure why you're still talking about it. i've already told you that your dizzying intellect has completely convinced me to drop aolserver by means of your astounding arguments and data.
IRC [23:36] <dstar5> martinh: really! gody!
IRC [23:36] <dstar5> s/gody/goody
IRC [23:36] <McLone> dstar5: true indeed. Go read http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/
IRC [23:37] <dstar5> McLone: blank page
IRC [23:37] <dstar5> http://www.adequacy.org/public/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html
IRC [23:37] <dstar5> thats a funny story
IRC [23:38] <dstar5> Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
IRC [23:38] <dstar5> hahah
IRC [23:38] <McLone> http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/plan9dist/index.html
IRC [23:38] <dstar5> McLone: wow a full distro
IRC [23:39] <McLone> in ~50 mb
IRC [23:39] <dstar5> nice
IRC [23:39] <dstar5> i might try sometime
IRC [23:40] <McLone> as Boyd from #plan9 sayz, if OS installs from more than one CD, it's crappy OS
IRC [23:40] <McLone> besides, plan9 si daed
IRC [23:40] <McLone> but has great ideas
IRC [23:40] <dstar5> i bet it will not have many drivers...
IRC [23:40] <dstar5> i generaly use usb devices to put stuff on servers
IRC [23:41] * McLone compiles out USB
IRC [23:41] <McLone> yes, plan9 runs on hardware old enough, especially VGA card.
IRC [23:41] <McLone> USB is no problem tho
IRC [23:41] <dstar5> good
IRC [23:42] <McLone> but it's more academic/research OS
IRC [23:42] <dstar5> how much memory does it need?
IRC [23:42] <McLone> will run on 8 mb
IRC [23:42] <dstar5> i have a old machine with only 26mb ram tha i might use as a light server
IRC [23:42] <dstar5> *16mb
IRC [23:42] <McLone> try it
IRC [23:45] <dstar5> will do
IRC [23:46] <dstar5> me has to go now
IRC [23:46] <dstar5> bye
IRC [23:46] <McLone> bye
IRC [23:46] <McLone> me too
IRC [23:46] *** dstar5 parted the chat.
IRC [23:47] *** McLone parted the chat.
IRC [23:47] <martinh> wow. . .that some of the most stuningly stupid conversation i've ever seen.