AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [04:41] <erph> i don't know what's going on... i can't properly display content with iso-8859-2 encoding. i have been fighting with OutputCharset, HackContentType, but with no success. (the charset is defined in <meta>)
IRC [08:22] *** Sybex joined the chat.
IRC [08:25] *** Sybex parted the chat.
IRC [09:15] <Dossy> OK, AOLserver 3.5.11 source tarball up on SourceForge. Wait for it to hit the mirrors. Announcement sent to AOLSERVER-ANNOUNCE list.
IRC [09:17] <martinh> so, anyone here have issues with aolserver & pthreads on freebsd?
IRC [09:28] <Dossy> '''How can I learn more about AOLserver?'''
IRC [09:28] <Dossy> oops
IRC [09:29] <martinh> i would say "ask dossy", but that's a silly answer. :->
IRC [09:33] <Dossy> :P
IRC [09:34] <Dossy> hey, maybe i can start a 1 week tutorial/bootcamp for aolserver dev :)
IRC [09:34] <Dossy> come for a week, hack on code together, get a t-shirt and printouts of a bunch of powerpoint slides ...
IRC [09:34] <Dossy> anyhow, i gotta get int he car and drive now ... ung
IRC [09:34] <Dossy> be back online in ~2 hrs
IRC [10:35] <frodoroot> morning
IRC [11:18] <Dossy> heyya.
IRC [11:19] <frodoroot> like a pollaroid picture
IRC [11:38] <Dossy> haha
IRC [11:41] <frodoroot> Dossy: aolserver 4.0.7 is crashing on my production site. Is this a known issue or am I up in the night?
IRC [11:53] <jhavard> martinh: if you're still around, I don't seem to have any problems under 5.2.1
IRC [12:01] *** rubick parted the chat.
IRC [12:03] <frodoroot> how do you print the code in gdb?
IRC [12:06] <erph> is anybody here using pages with some other encoding than iso-8859-1?
IRC [12:27] *** rubick joined the chat.
IRC [12:32] *** frodoroot parted the chat.
IRC [12:56] <Dossy> erph: utf-8 is popular. i hear someone's using gb2312 or whatever the chinese encoding is.
IRC [13:23] <erph> Dossy: hm... i don't know what to do :) html docs in iso-8859-2 don't display well (they have <meta>)
IRC [13:51] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:24] <Dossy> erph - you have to look for the hacktype stuff in the sample config
IRC [14:29] <erph> Dossy: i think, i did.
IRC [14:30] <erph> Dossy: i have played with OutputCharset, HackContentType
IRC [14:31] <Dossy> hmm
IRC [14:32] <erph> Dossy:
IRC [14:46] <erph> Dossy: can i do anything about it? i really have no idea what.
IRC [14:54] <Dossy> 6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
IRC [14:54] <Dossy> your server still says it's serving iso-8859-1
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> testa.html --
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> in the ns/mimetypes section, try adding:
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> ns_param .html "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
IRC [14:55] <erph> - - [12/Sie/2004:20:57:13 +0200] "GET /testa.html HTTP/1.0" 200 122 ""
IRC [14:55] <erph> ""Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)"" 0.000384
IRC [14:55] <erph> strange ;)
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> and in ns/encodings section similar thing
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> ns_param .html "iso8859-1"
IRC [14:55] <Dossy> er -2
IRC [14:56] <Dossy> note no - between iso and 8859 -- this is the tcl name for the encoding
IRC [14:57] <erph> ns_param .adp "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
IRC [14:57] <erph> it's in the default config. isn't it wrong?
IRC [14:57] <erph> (according to what you wrote)
IRC [14:58] <erph> never mind.
IRC [14:58] <erph> sorry ;)
IRC [15:00] <erph> still doesn't work. uhm.
IRC [15:00] <Dossy> uhh
IRC [15:00] <Dossy> did you restart the server?
IRC [15:00] <erph> yes.
IRC [15:01] <Dossy> can you paste a copy of the config you're using to or email it to me
IRC [15:02] <erph> Dossy: got it?
IRC [15:06] <Dossy> looking now
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> dude, that looks like a fat dagbrown
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> oops, w/w
IRC [15:11] <erph> No definitions found for "dagbrown" ;)
IRC [15:12] <Dossy> it's a person's nickname :)
IRC [15:13] <erph> ;)
IRC [15:14] <Dossy> can you rename to nsd.tcl.txt ?
IRC [15:14] <erph> sure
IRC [15:14] <erph> done.
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> what is that testa.html page supposed to show?
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> I see: aseló
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> well, that's close approximation
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> the s has an accent too
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> and the a and e look like they have tails
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> and MSIE says the page encoding is now "Central European (ISO)"
IRC [15:19] <erph> hm.
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> maybe your browser cached it
IRC [15:19] <erph> Mozilla Firefox...
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> close your browser down/flush cache and try again
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> oh. mozilla sucks. :P :P :P
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> at least try with MSIE and see that it works :)
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> what language is that, btw?
IRC [15:19] <erph> polish ;)
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> is registered in poland -- ah
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> ok
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> :)
IRC [15:20] <Dossy> seems like lots of poles like using aolserver, what's up with that?
IRC [15:20] <erph> i don't know.
IRC [15:20] <erph> i saw an article about aolserver in one quite famous magazine.
IRC [15:20] <erph> maybe many people read this.
IRC [15:20] <Dossy> magazine? really?
IRC [15:20] <Dossy> what magazine? a polish one?
IRC [15:21] <erph> yes.
IRC [15:21] <Dossy> like to get bibliographical info so i can cite it :)
IRC [15:21] <erph>,293,1,1,pl.html
IRC [15:21] <erph>,294,1,1,pl.html
IRC [15:21] <Dossy> cool, thanks
IRC [15:22] <erph> but this magazine may not be printed...
IRC [15:22] <erph> i don't know.
IRC [15:22] <Dossy> Autor: Wojciech Kocjan
IRC [15:22] <Dossy> HAH! cool
IRC [15:22] <erph> ;)
IRC [15:22] <Dossy> gonna put a link to that on the wiki, thanks
IRC [15:22] <erph> what a strange thing!
IRC [15:23] <erph> it works (after cache cleaning and restart)
IRC [15:23] <Dossy> We should get Wojciech to join the chat here.
IRC [15:25] <erph> hm... so what fixed the problem...
IRC [15:25] <Dossy> just adding the ns_param for .html to iso8859-2 and iso-8859-2
IRC [15:25] <erph> why <meta ...> is not enough?
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> because the browser ignores meta if HTTP response has Content-type: header apparently
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> or, MAYBE it doesn't
IRC [15:28] <Dossy> but AOLserver transcodes output before returning the data
IRC [15:28] <Dossy> so even though the browser was expecting iso-8859-2, AOLserver was still returning iso-8859-1 until you added the ns/encodings param
IRC [15:28] <Dossy> telling AOLserver to encode .html as iso-8859-2
IRC [15:56] <erph> hmmm... Dossy... so what for is OutputCharset? is it even used?
IRC [15:59] <martinh> so, back to my question from this morning. anyone ever have issues with aolserver and pthreads on freebsd?
IRC [16:06] <tekbasse> ever? yes. have you googled for: aolserver, pthread, freebsd?
IRC [16:21] <martinh> yea. i didn't find anything that helped me.
IRC [16:23] <jhavard> martin: What version of freebsd?
IRC [16:23] <martinh> 4.1 stable
IRC [16:23] <martinh> er 4.10 stable
IRC [16:24] <jhavard> Any reason you're not using FreeBSD 5?
IRC [16:24] <erph> jhavard: 5 is not stable yes.
IRC [16:24] <erph> jhavard: yet
IRC [16:24] <jhavard> 5 is very much stable.
IRC [16:24] <martinh> not my server to install on.
IRC [16:25] <erph> jhavard: people are experiencing crashes under high load.
IRC [16:25] <jhavard> Hrm, maybe I'm just lucky.
IRC [16:25] <jhavard> well, what's the exact issue you're having?
IRC [16:25] <erph> ...but i use 5 on production ;)
IRC [16:26] <martinh> the issue i'm having right now is that the pthread_cond_wait complaining about invalid arguments.
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> ?
IRC [16:27] <Dossy> So, what am I going to work on now ...
IRC [16:27] <Dossy> I really want to dig into the "why nsopenssl is so busted" issue ... but I'm lacking sufficient motivation. Grr.
IRC [16:28] <Dossy> esp. since folks say they can't reproduce it in dev. environments,
IRC [16:29] <tekbasse> Martinh, for the record, I'm using aolserver4.0r5 from cvs on freebsd-4.10-stable, oacs-5-1 without errors . It's a min sys without ssl.
IRC [16:30] <erph> Dossy: do you think, that for my polish encoding thing
IRC [16:30] <erph> ns_param .html "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
IRC [16:30] <erph> ns_param .txt "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"
IRC [16:30] <erph> would be enough for the default config?
IRC [16:30] <jhavard> And I'm running cvs head on freebsd 5.2.1
IRC [16:30] <jhavard> no issues, other than aolserver bugs.
IRC [16:31] <erph> Dossy: just the solution...
IRC [16:31] <erph> Dossy: or it would be better to hack charsets.tcl?
IRC [16:31] <erph> ;)
IRC [16:34] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [16:35] <Dossy> erph: those two should be fine
IRC [16:35] <Dossy> [12/Aug/2004:16:35:45][4341.1088261040][-nsopenssl:reader-] Error: nsopenssl (server1): SSL error on reading data
IRC [16:36] <Dossy> YAY! i can reproduce the problm on the first hit. wooohoo
IRC [16:36] <Dossy> ho ho ho.
IRC [16:36] <Dossy> i think i might know what the issue is. man ...
IRC [16:37] <martinh> the base aolserver isn't having any issues. it's an additional library that's causing the problem.
IRC [16:37] <jhavard> 7 points for dossy.
IRC [16:38] <Dossy> martinh: what library?
IRC [16:38] <tekbasse> if its any help, my aols4 nsopenssl3b21 server predictably stalls while loading
IRC [16:38] <martinh> nsjabber. for the jabber package for openacs.
IRC [16:39] <martinh> not the greatest package, but it's also not far to complex so it should work.
IRC [16:39] <martinh> esp since it works on other linux and uses aolserver's threading stuff.
IRC [16:40] <Dossy> hmm
IRC [16:45] <erph> quick question. TCL. how can i check if variable ends with "/" char?
IRC [16:46] <tekbasse> variable name or value?
IRC [16:46] <erph> value.
IRC [16:49] <tekbasse> string match "*\/" $test
IRC [16:49] <tekbasse> returns 1 if true
IRC [16:49] <erph> tekbasse: thanks :)
IRC [16:49] <Dossy> erph: if {[string index $var end] eq "/"} { # yes, ends with / }
IRC [16:50] <erph> huh, thanks.
IRC [16:50] <Dossy> you don't need to escape the / for string match
IRC [16:50] <Dossy> if {[string match "*/" $var]} { # ends with / }
IRC [16:50] <erph> which of these will be faster?
IRC [16:53] <jhavard> they're the same
IRC [16:53] <jhavard> dossy just gave an example of using it in an 'if' statement
IRC [16:54] <Dossy> anyone know of a good HTTPS (SSL) testing tool
IRC [16:54] <Dossy> like apachebench but for SSL?
IRC [16:54] <Dossy> one that really brutalizes the server - drops connections mid handshake, etc.
IRC [16:54] <Dossy> Lets see if google knows.
IRC [16:54] <tekbasse> ie6 ?
IRC [16:54] <erph> maybe stunnel + apachebench?
IRC [16:54] <Dossy> google for ssl automated testing tools
IRC [16:59] <jhavard> I'm sure you could whip one up in an hour or so in tcl.
IRC [16:59] <erph> so i've got a little fix for fastpath.tcl ;)
IRC [16:59] <erph> (_ns_dirlist) ;)
IRC [17:02] <Dossy> yeah the fix is pretty easy
IRC [17:02] <Dossy> google for ssl automated testing tools
IRC [17:03] <Dossy>
IRC [17:03] <Dossy> ooh, "Microsoft Application Center Test 1.0, Visual Studio .NET Edition" --
IRC [17:03] <Dossy> does SSL tests apparently.
IRC [17:03] <Dossy> which I had VS.NET :)
IRC [17:04] <Dossy>
IRC [17:04] <Dossy> PushToTest "TestMaker" - free tool!
IRC [17:23] <jhavard> hrm, conditional chunks of html... doesn't ns_register_adptag make that easy?
IRC [17:44] <erph> need some sleep. thanks for help. nite.
IRC [17:53] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [18:00] *** bartt joined the chat.