AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [01:24] *** rubick parted the chat.
IRC [08:25] *** jcollins joined the chat.
IRC [08:28] <jhavard> cvs [update aborted]: unrecognized auth response from M PserverBackend::PserverBackend() Connect (Connection refused)
IRC [08:29] <jhavard> It's been like that since atleast friday.
IRC [08:54] <erph> I've got a reverse proxy and backend servers behind it. Backend servers sometimes send redirections, but with the port number of the backend server which is firewalled. Can I force somehow AOLserver to send redirections without port number specified or something what can solve this problem?
IRC [08:56] <erph> For example I request http://a/dir. Then reverse proxy sends this request to backend server is listening on port 8000.
IRC [08:57] <erph> Backend server sends redirection Location: http://a:8000/dir/. The port 8000 is blocked on firewall and the browser ,,hangs''.
IRC [08:57] <erph> s/ is listening/listening/
IRC [08:58] <jcollins> What reverse proxy are you using?
IRC [08:58] <erph> pound.
IRC [08:58] <jcollins> We have a similiar setup, let me see how we solved this.
IRC [08:58] <erph> Thank you.
IRC [08:59] <erph> Would be great if I got solution for this :)
IRC [08:59] <jcollins> Ok, well we use Apache and it works.
IRC [08:59] <erph> uhm.
IRC [08:59] <jcollins> But what you can do is change the headers on the way out
IRC [08:59] <jcollins> Basically write your own ns_returnredirect
IRC [09:00] <jcollins> I meant to say "Apache just works" ;)
IRC [09:00] <erph> jcollins: It would be good idea to rewrite Location on pound...
IRC [09:01] <erph> jcollins: but I can't find such feature...
IRC [09:03] <jcollins> Yeah, then you probably need to handle that on the backend servers
IRC [09:05] <Dossy> morning.
IRC [09:05] <erph> Dossy :)
IRC [09:06] <erph> Dossy: could you read what i wrote 10 minutes ago?
IRC [09:06] <Dossy> erph: in nssock, explicitly set ns_param location
IRC [09:06] <erph> :)
IRC [09:06] <erph> thanks!
IRC [09:06] <Dossy> :)
IRC [09:06] <jcollins> erph: Seems like Pound should handle this anyway
IRC [09:07] <erph> jcollins: yes.
IRC [09:07] <jcollins> At least according to config.c in Pound 1.7
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> jcollins: nah
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> pound inspect the outgoing http response and rewrite headers?
IRC [09:07] <erph> jcollins: hmmm.
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> that's dangeorus.
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> anyone else here have a tivo?
IRC [09:07] <jcollins> rewrite the location
IRC [09:07] <jcollins> Dossy: yes, i do
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> jcollins: really? weird.
IRC [09:08] <erph> tivo? what's that? :)
IRC [09:08] <Dossy> erph - heh
IRC [09:08] <Dossy> jcollins: a series2 tivo?
IRC [09:09] <jcollins> both
IRC [09:09] <jcollins> series1 and series2
IRC [09:09] <erph> Dossy: -- this? ;)
IRC [09:11] <Dossy> erph - yes
IRC [09:11] <Dossy> jcollins: you paying for a subscription on your series2?
IRC [09:12] <jcollins> yes, $5/month
IRC [09:12] <jcollins> lifetime on the other
IRC [09:12] <jcollins> it's actually a DirecTivo
IRC [09:12] <Dossy> ahh
IRC [09:12] <Dossy> you have the Home Media Option on your s2?
IRC [09:12] <jcollins> nop
IRC [09:12] <jcollins> e
IRC [09:13] <Dossy> ahh
IRC [09:13] <Dossy> i have a SA2 (was going to get DirecTiVo as we have DTV satellite) ...
IRC [09:13] <Dossy> i have the beginnings of an aolserver module to serve content via HMO
IRC [09:13] <Dossy> :)
IRC [09:13] <jcollins> neat
IRC [09:14] <jcollins> so it'll serve music, photos?
IRC [09:14] <jcollins> or video too?
IRC [09:14] <Dossy> music + photos, for now
IRC [09:14] <Dossy> already got it to stream an mp3 :)
IRC [09:17] <jcollins> very neat
IRC [09:19] <Dossy> yeah
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> hmm
IRC [12:09] *** rubick joined the chat.
IRC [13:14] *** martinh parted the chat.
IRC [13:14] *** martinh joined the chat.
IRC [13:14] <martinh> hey. is it possible to load a server module after server startup?
IRC [13:24] *** frodoroot joined the chat.
IRC [13:31] <martinh> it doesn't look like it is possible. . .hrm.
IRC [13:31] <Dossy> martinh: not currently, no
IRC [13:32] <martinh> damn. i really could use that. . .
IRC [13:49] *** iharding joined the chat.
IRC [13:49] <martinh> you know. this wouldn't be a problem if the module didn't automatically try to create the singleton connection. maybe i'll change that. . .
IRC [13:52] *** panthrd joined the chat.
IRC [13:53] <panthrd> Hey I was looking for some examples of using nsmysql with ADP - anyone have some test scripts, I want to make sure I setup the environment correctly
IRC [13:53] <panthrd> I bet Dossy has an example
IRC [13:56] <panthrd> is anyone paying attention in this chat room?
IRC [13:57] <panthrd> Anyway I'll keep in the room, if anyone can help me out that would be much appreciated
IRC [14:00] <tekbasse> panthrd, do you mean example config nsparams and their values for nsmysql?
IRC [14:01] <tekbasse> oh wait, i bet you mean how to use queries in adp pages..
IRC [14:02] <iharding> Sorry not paying attention. Don't use mysql, so can't help with mysql specific stuff.
IRC [14:15] <panthrd> yeah
IRC [14:16] <panthrd> I wanted just a simple example of using nsmysql (connecting to database, simple query, etc)
IRC [14:16] <panthrd> tekbase you still there
IRC [14:19] <iharding> That bit should be universal. The config file and the actual sql you send are the only clues as to what db you are using
IRC [14:19] <iharding> I will dig up a sample and send an url
IRC [14:22] <panthrd> okay awesome thanks alot
IRC [14:23] <iharding> Well, here's the docs on ns_db
IRC [14:24] <iharding> and here's a page where they show a specific example
IRC [14:25] <iharding> Basically, you get a handle with [ns_db gethandle], send a query with [ns_db select $db $sql] and
IRC [14:25] <iharding> loop throught the results as shown in the examples.
IRC [14:26] <iharding> Handles get given back to the pool on exit
IRC [14:31] <panthrd> okay thanks alot, I will try it out
IRC [14:36] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:56] <panthrd> Hmmm iharding, I don;t think that example covers the nsmysql
IRC [14:58] <bartt> Dossy: Would it be possible to show the people who connect through the AIM bridge to this channel?
IRC [15:08] <Dossy> yes.
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> bartt: it should, already
IRC [15:09] <bartt> How?
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> and if you /msg the bot "who" it will show you who's on the other end, if any.
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> but on-join, the bot should announce folks joining the AIM chat room
AIM [15:09] *** DossyNJ joined the chat.
IRC [15:09] <Dossy> See?
AIM [15:10] <DossyNJ> I'm the only one in the AIM chat room, though.
IRC [15:10] *** NORMALGUY1234 joined the chat.
AIM [15:10] *** DossyNJ joined the chat.
IRC [15:10] <bartt> I see
IRC [15:10] *** NORMALGUY1234 parted the chat.
IRC [15:10] <bartt> Didn't know which commands the bot understands
IRC [15:10] <Dossy> hi ian.
IRC [15:10] <Dossy> bartt: /msg the bot "help" :)
IRC [15:10] <bartt> k
IRC [15:11] <panthrd> Dossy
IRC [15:12] <Dossy> yes, pahtnrd?
IRC [15:12] <Dossy> er, panthrd?
IRC [15:12] <panthrd> Hey dossy I was wondering if you have any examples of ADP using mysql
IRC [15:12] <panthrd> I'm trying to get the environment configured for a friend of mine, but I don't really do much TCL coding, I just wanted a simple query select to test it out
IRC [15:14] <panthrd> I downloaded the nsmysql and I think everything is setup correctly in the config file
IRC [15:14] <Dossy> you get the control port working?
IRC [15:16] <panthrd> Hmmm, I don't know
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> Probably not. Hmm.
IRC [15:18] <Dossy> what's the name of your db pool?
IRC [15:19] <panthrd> mysqldb
IRC [15:19] <panthrd> I basically used the config from the README
IRC [15:20] <panthrd> I made sure I had a database setup with a username/password that can connect to it (for now it can be connected to from outside the box as well)
IRC [15:22] <Dossy> OK.
IRC [15:25] <Dossy> hey
IRC [15:25] <Dossy> give me 10 minutes.
IRC [15:25] <Dossy> forget hey
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> dossy?
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> OK, didn't break that at least.
IRC [15:38] <Dossy>
IRC [15:38] <Dossy> bot, db tutorial is
IRC [15:39] <Dossy> documentation?
IRC [15:39] <Dossy> yay.
IRC [15:40] <Dossy> z panthrd
IRC [15:53] <iharding> f you don't explicitly do an [ns_db releasehandle $db], that connection will not be returned to the pool, which can lead to accidentally exhausting all pool handles. This can easily happen if an uncaught Tcl error is thrown in code before the [ns_db releasehandle] call is made, thus causing it to never get executed.
IRC [15:53] <iharding> Really?
IRC [15:53] <Dossy> yes.
IRC [15:53] <Dossy> really.
IRC [15:53] <Dossy> argh. new driver.c won't work on win32.
IRC [15:53] <iharding> I NEVER release them.
IRC [15:55] <Dossy> heh
IRC [15:55] <Dossy> you never call ns_db releasehandle anywhere?
IRC [15:55] <iharding> Nope.
IRC [15:55] <iharding> ns_db releasehandle puts the handle back in the pool. When your operation has finished running, the server will automatically return any handles to their pools, so you don't normally have to call this function.
IRC [15:56] <iharding> Of course, that's old docs...
IRC [15:56] <iharding> And I use old aolserver (3.4.2
IRC [16:01] <Dossy> iharding: i don't know how true that doc is :)
IRC [16:04] <iharding> Maybe I'm just lucky. But if an uncaught tcl error would cause the automatic return of the handle, it seems like it would prevent the explicit return of your example.
IRC [16:04] <iharding> I know my handles are getting automatically returned, even if it
IRC [16:04] <iharding> is just a happy accident.
IRC [16:06] <iharding> Opps, I meant "prevent" not "cause" above as in "prevent the automatic return..."
IRC [16:07] <Dossy> maybe you just specifie
IRC [16:08] <Dossy> er specified "connections" high enough that you never have that many db requests :P
IRC [16:08] <Dossy> ever have unexplainable server lock-ups where nsd just stops responding? :)
IRC [16:08] <Dossy> or do you have to bounce the nsd daily or somesuch?
IRC [16:08] <Dossy> heh. "you might be leaking db handles if ..." :)
IRC [16:15] <iharding> Nope. All is well. In 3 years I have had maybe 3 unexplained lockups, but I think they are due to nsfreetds not hanging up when the sybase server doesn't answer.
IRC [16:15] <iharding> I use a tweeked nstelemetry adp to keep an eye on stuff and it seems just fine!
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> hmmm
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> hee. new build of aolserver 4.1.0a for win32 ... time oto post
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> er to post
IRC [16:37] <panthrd> Hmm, well here's the error message I get after the sample file - [16/Aug/2004:15:05:20][7396.1087622448][-conn:server1::1] Error: invalid command name "ns_db"
IRC [16:37] <panthrd> so I apparently don't have something setup correctly
AIM [16:40] *** GizmoBeastLives joined the chat.
IRC [16:41] <iharding> Yup. It's not loading the database driver.
IRC [16:41] <iharding> Double check the config file
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> Well I put these in the nsd.tcl
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> #
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> # MySQL
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> #
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param mysql
AIM [16:49] <OnlineHost> You have been removed from the room for scrolling.
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_section "ns/db/pools"
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param mysqldb "The MySQL Database Pool"
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_section "ns/db/pool/mysqldb"
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param driver mysql
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param connections 2
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param user <id>
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param password <pass>
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param datasource localhost:3306:<dbname>
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_param verbose off
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ############################################################
IRC [16:49] <panthrd> ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/db"
IRC [16:50] <panthrd> ns_param DefaultPool mysqldb
IRC [16:50] <panthrd> ns_param Pools *
IRC [16:50] <panthrd> hello
IRC [16:50] <panthrd> anyway <values> are replaced with my correct connection parameters.
IRC [16:51] <panthrd> Is there any error or message log that would let me know if I have configured something correctly
IRC [16:54] *** panthrd parted the chat.
IRC [16:55] *** panthrd joined the chat.
IRC [16:58] *** panthrd parted the chat.
IRC [17:06] <iharding> Look for a message indicating that the nsmysql driver was loaded, or that could not be found.
IRC [17:09] <iharding> something like [16/Aug/2004:13:58:12][2484.1][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/pkg/bin/'
IRC [17:28] <iharding> \quit
IRC [17:28] *** iharding parted the chat.
IRC [18:19] *** rubick parted the chat.
IRC [18:20] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [18:22] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [18:23] *** jcollins_ joined the chat.
IRC [18:37] *** jcollins parted the chat.
IRC [19:10] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [19:15] *** frodoroot parted the chat.
IRC [19:25] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [19:44] <jhavard> holy crap I may need to look for a new job in the next year or so.
IRC [19:57] <Dossy> why?
IRC [21:15] <jhavard> The magic 8 ball says "outlook not too good"
AIM [22:00] *** GizmoBeastLives joined the chat.
IRC [22:49] <Dossy> Wow, that's one smart 8-ball. Next, I bet it says "WinXP SP2 even worse."
IRC [22:52] <jhavard> Or it could be that 11,000 is clearly less than 24,000.
IRC [22:52] <jhavard> And that 235 is less than 878.
IRC [22:53] <Dossy> On that note, good night. :-)
IRC [22:53] <jhavard> more like nightmares.
IRC [22:53] <jhavard> and anxiety and all that crap.