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IRC [17:44] <natester> hello
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IRC [18:22] <natester> Dossy: are you there?
IRC [18:25] <bartt> What's your question natester?
IRC [18:29] <natester> should I run a virtual server or two instances of aolserver
IRC [18:29] <natester> I'm interested in stability
IRC [18:29] <natester> over performance
IRC [18:32] <natester> ls
IRC [18:34] <brunom> natester, I have two virtual servers up and running (very very low traffic at the moment) but haven't gone down in weeks
IRC [18:35] <brunom> I think that with two instances you have more flexibility if you are using one virtual server as a development server (need to restart it often) and one in production (doesn't need to go down)
IRC [18:35] <natester> can one go down withouth the other going down?
IRC [18:35] <brunom> I don't think so
IRC [18:35] <brunom> At least, if that's possible, I am not aware of it :)
IRC [18:35] <natester> hmm I have a some tcl ns_scheduled procs that could cause crashing
IRC [18:36] <natester> so I'd like to put those somewhere where it does not effect the user interface
IRC [18:37] <brunom> If you have the possibility of "crashing" your AOLServer with some procs and you don't want that to affect the "public face" I would suggest you run it as a separate instance then
IRC [18:37] <brunom> so that you are sure that you won't be causing problems with your public instance
IRC [18:38] <brunom> In a way, apache does the same ... you can't stop and restart one virtual server, they are all part of the same apache process
IRC [18:38] <brunom> the difference is that you will need another IP address or run AOLServer on another port if you don't have more than one IP address on your server
IRC [18:38] <brunom> that's why I chose to run virtual servers, didn't want to waste a perfectly fine IP address on a webserver ;)
IRC [18:58] <natester> ok thanks for the help
IRC [18:58] *** natester parted the chat.
IRC [19:03] <bartt> brunom: You should checkout Pound (http://apsis.ch/pound/)
IRC [19:03] <bartt> Offers a perfect virtual hosting solution in combination w/ aolserver
IRC [19:04] <bartt> Each site runs on a separate aolserver instance.
IRC [19:04] <bartt> The best of both worlds.
IRC [19:26] *** bartt parted the chat.
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IRC [19:37] <brunom> Hey bartt ... yeah, had a look at pound ... it's working on my development instance at home
IRC [19:38] <brunom> but decided to go the way of virtual servers with AOLServer mainly because I had to apply the patch for SSL sessions to work properly right?
IRC [19:38] <brunom> I just couldn't be bothered at this stage ... if this solution proves to be unstable on a higher level of traffic, Pound is what I'll use :D
IRC [19:38] <bartt> Pound would handle the SSL requests
IRC [19:39] <bartt> The communication between pound and aolserver is over HTTP.
IRC [19:39] <bartt> Always
IRC [19:39] <brunom> Yeah
IRC [19:39] <bartt> But you can flag if the connection to Pound is secure or not.
IRC [19:39] <brunom> Exactly but the problem is that OpenACS has a different way to handle SSL sessions
IRC [19:39] <bartt> I've made that transparent to OpenACS.
IRC [19:39] <brunom> OK
IRC [19:40] <bartt> That's what James is working on.
IRC [19:40] <brunom> I was a bit put off by the comment from the pound creator though ... about the virtual server support using Pound
IRC [19:40] <bartt> I had to fix ACS and lack the time right now to port it to OpenACS.
IRC [19:40] <bartt> Ignore it. He must have smoked something.
IRC [19:40] <brunom> :)
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