IRC [01:57] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [01:57] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [02:23] *** holy_cow joined the chat.
IRC [02:26] *** booyaa parted the chat.
IRC [02:42] *** alater joined the chat.
IRC [03:10] <Dossy> Ah! siddfinch is Mat Kovach! yay!
IRC [03:10] <Dossy> okay, now that it's *3 AM* I'm going to crawl upstairs into bed.
IRC [03:34] *** alater parted the chat.
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IRC [04:10] *** holy_cow parted the chat.
IRC [04:12] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [05:12] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [05:26] <alater> Hi all, I am trying to store the header of a request with set headersin [ns_conn headers] but headers in is empty :|
IRC [05:32] *** holy_cow parted the chat.
IRC [05:39] *** holy_cow joined the chat.
IRC [05:49] <anlater> how can I know all the options of ns_conn ?
IRC [07:06] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [07:17] *** holy_cow parted the chat.
IRC [07:37] *** Samer joined the chat.
IRC [07:47] *** Samer parted the chat.
IRC [09:07] <Dossy> anlater: read the source, OR, http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/ns_conn
IRC [09:07] <anlater> ok
IRC [09:09] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [09:10] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [09:27] <hsiddfinc> Yep siddfinch is Mat Kovach ... or at least that is what my parents tell me, but I don't trust them.
IRC [09:43] <Dossy> Good morning, Mat.
IRC [09:44] <Dossy> So, I'm glad you made it to the chat -- as you can see, both #aolserver and #openacs have folks regularly hanging out here.
IRC [09:45] <siddfinch> Yea, I use to hang out in #openacs but got busy for a while ..
IRC [09:45] <Dossy> Ahh, OK.
IRC [09:45] <siddfinch> So how goes the memory issues with AOLserver4 and ns_openssl?
IRC [09:45] <Dossy> Ahh, not good, and there's mounting pressure to fix it. :)
IRC [09:46] <Dossy> Thanks for nudging me. :-)
IRC [09:46] <siddfinch> Yea, a while back I tried to migrate uptime to it, but the memory issues, as well as some programming issues, showed up.
IRC [09:47] <siddfinch> I wish I would of had the time to get some good diagnostic for it.
IRC [09:47] <Dossy> For folks who are wondering what siddfinch is referring to: http://aolserver.com/sf/bug/1097485
IRC [09:47] <Dossy> siddfinch: nsopenssl for serving HTTPS should not leak (I believe), but outgoing HTTPS connections do.
IRC [09:48] <siddfinch> Well, this was about 2-3 months ago ...
IRC [09:48] <Dossy> nod.
IRC [09:48] <siddfinch> (plus I am looking at adding uptime checking of https sites)
IRC [09:48] <Dossy> Right.
IRC [09:49] <siddfinch> but on drdater.com (with aolserver 3.3ad13 an openssl) we are not seeing any issues with memory leaks ..
IRC [09:50] <Dossy> Oh, interesting - uptime.openacs.org requires the monitor URL to return a canned string, instead of just respond with a valid HTTP response?
IRC [09:50] <Dossy> sidd: really? no leaks *at all*? running OpenACS? what version?
IRC [09:50] <siddfinch> Yes, it looks for the word ``success''
IRC [09:50] <Dossy> I'd really love to find out that from one version of OpenACS to another, a leak was introduced ...
IRC [09:51] <siddfinch> drdater started at OpenACS 5.1.1, but is customized heavily
IRC [09:51] <siddfinch> and many patches have been back ported ..
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> Interesting. But no leaks, whatsoever? nsd footprint grows to a stable size and stays there?
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> Any chance you could roll a test upgrade on a dev/staging box to AOLserver 4.0.10 and Tcl 8.4.9 and see if a leak appears?
IRC [09:52] <siddfinch> Until the jabber bits begin to wig out, yes.
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> I really want to narrow this down to "is it an AOLserver version related leak, or a custom code caused leak"
IRC [09:53] <siddfinch> I am planning looking at an upgrade test once a few issues with the developer is worked out
IRC [09:53] <Dossy> Jabber bits? You have some Jabber thinger implemented? It breaks on AOLserver 4.0.x?
IRC [09:53] <siddfinch> we use nsjabber and a flash client to give IMs
IRC [09:54] <siddfinch> and mixed in some outcash avatar stuff to have ``talking ims''
IRC [09:54] <siddfinch> Sorry, outcast!
IRC [09:55] <Dossy> neat!
IRC [09:55] <siddfinch> I am writing to DrDater to request permission to discuss their site in a few articles
IRC [09:55] <Dossy> Awesome!
IRC [09:56] <Dossy> That'd be a great case study, and probably good publicity for them and their service (as you get to talk positively about their features)
IRC [09:56] <martinh> in the very near future we'll be running minus nsjabber and then we can get some good stats.
IRC [09:56] <siddfinch> yea, they might like that!
IRC [09:57] <martinh> they might need it. . . :->
IRC [09:57] <siddfinch> martinh is the current developer aka starvin' martin :)
IRC [09:57] <martinh> technically i'm only the admin. :->
IRC [09:59] <siddfinch> I'll contact a few people in the OpenACS community to see if they want to be included in more case studies
IRC [09:59] <siddfinch> It could almost be a monthly feature on the website ... "Case Study of the Month ... "
IRC [10:00] <Dossy> that'd be amazing.
IRC [10:00] <Dossy> AOLserver Magazine. Just think ...
IRC [10:00] <Dossy> Tips and Tricks from the Masters. Site Spotlight. Q&A.
IRC [10:01] <Dossy> Ah, martinh - you never said you were in cahoots with Mat.
IRC [10:01] <siddfinch> Hmm, I like that idea
IRC [10:01] <siddfinch> he never likes to admit to it, unless I am picking up the tab!
IRC [10:01] <Dossy> Haha!
IRC [10:07] <martinh> yea. i avoid admitting to knowing him. :->
IRC [10:14] <Dossy> heh.
IRC [10:15] <Dossy> martinh, are you local/nearby too?
IRC [10:18] <martinh> i'm in cleveland with mat.
IRC [10:24] <Dossy> OK, cool.
IRC [10:26] <Dossy> Cleveland, OH, is only what, 8 hours from NJ?
IRC [10:26] <siddfinch> Something like that, yea ..
IRC [10:27] <martinh> at some point we need to get some devleopers out here to drink. . .er, have a social. . .
IRC [10:36] <Dossy> Sure.
IRC [10:36] <Dossy> Although, coming to OH isn't probably high on people's list.
IRC [10:36] <Dossy> I'd sooner expect folks to come to NJ than OH. :)
IRC [10:36] <Dossy> Maybe we could "meet in the middle" and book into a resort in the Poconos in PA.
IRC [10:36] <Dossy> You folks could come down, we could go west.
IRC [10:37] <Dossy> Maybe even markd2 could trek out of his cave to join us. :P
IRC [10:58] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [11:24] <Dossy> OH GOD. I hate this.
IRC [11:24] <Dossy> I think that nsopenssl leak bug is bogus.
IRC [11:25] <Dossy> I had installed my session management code in my test env. -- duh
IRC [11:55] <anlater> help on regexp: regexp {\x8c\x84\x98([^\x00]*)\x00\x8d\x90} $line -> mms_id
IRC [11:57] <anlater> what is wrong. I wish to catch in mms_id variable all value sorrunded by that exadecimal
IRC [11:58] <Dossy> what is [^\x00] for?
IRC [11:59] <anlater> exadecimal 00
IRC [11:59] <Dossy> replace that with (.*?) instead
IRC [11:59] <Dossy> and, I'm not sure if it's going to do the right thing w/ binary data like that.
IRC [12:01] <anlater> the ? means one char ?
IRC [12:01] <Dossy> no
IRC [12:01] <Dossy> it turns off greedy matching
IRC [12:01] <Dossy> did it work?
IRC [12:01] <anlater> no did not
IRC [12:05] <Dossy> can you log [ns_log notice $line] and see what bytes it's really got in there?
IRC [12:15] <anlater> Dossy: I'm snooping....
IRC [12:18] <Dossy> ?
IRC [12:19] <anlater> I see the traffic with tcpdump so I am sure about bytes
IRC [12:20] <anlater> Dossy: I am asking to tcl channell too...
IRC [12:22] <Dossy> that doesn't mean that the nsd is giving you the bytes
IRC [12:23] <anlater> Dossy: I am sure that $line contains the match
IRC [12:23] <Dossy> how are you sure?
IRC [12:24] <Dossy> Did you dump the contents of $line somewhere and inspect it?
IRC [12:29] <anlater> using set $line [ns_conn content 0 [ns_conn contentlength]]
IRC [12:30] <anlater> I am sure that $line contains the exadecimal stuff because I resend the same request to another server and I see it with tcpdump
IRC [12:37] *** torbutte joined the chat.
IRC [12:40] <anlater> Dossy:ijchain says: I'd like to believe that aolserver is up to date with passing Tcl_*() routines the encoding they expect.
IRC [13:01] <Dossy> it might not.
IRC [13:04] <Dossy> interesting would be to dump the bytes to a file, and try writing the tcl outside of aolserver to ensure that the tcl at least works
IRC [13:09] <anlater> :) <dgp> Talk to Dossy about getting aolserver up to date with Tcl's encoding expectations.
IRC [13:10] <Dossy> :)
IRC [13:10] <anlater> <dgp> I see that [ns_conn content] uses Tcl_SetResult() to return its result. That interface cannot pass an embedded \x00 byte because of the confusion with the end of the C string.
IRC [13:11] <anlater> this always by ijchan
IRC [13:12] <Dossy> I'm watching #tcl now --
IRC [13:12] <Dossy> I'm still not convinced that $line has the data you think it does.
IRC [13:53] *** anlater parted the chat.
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IRC [16:41] *** camusatan joined the chat.
IRC [16:42] <camusatan> uhm....is this thing on?
IRC [16:43] <tekbasse> welcome
IRC [16:44] <camusatan> I haven't used IRC in like 52 billion years
IRC [16:44] * tekbasse bows to the ancient one
IRC [16:45] <camusatan> lol
IRC [16:46] <tekbasse> =)
IRC [16:46] <camusatan> This is the only decent OS X IRC client I could find. Colloquy, very pretty.
IRC [16:48] <camusatan> any exciting aolserver related discussion or anything going on? Or regarding anything else?
IRC [16:48] <camusatan> OS X mail clients? Ancient IRC users?
IRC [16:48] <tekbasse> there's an irc built in to mozilla... that's the one I use.
IRC [16:49] <camusatan> ah - I'm on firefox lately, so nothing built-in like that
IRC [16:49] <tekbasse> irc discussions are logged.. so you can aways check history
IRC [16:51] <tekbasse> http://www.panoptic.com/aolserver/chat/
IRC [16:52] <tekbasse> bbl
IRC [17:30] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [17:54] <frankie> camusatan: isn't gaim available for osx?
IRC [17:54] <camusatan> Hrm... it might be - I never looked, but I never liked Gaim on my linux systems when I used it, so....
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