AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [03:36] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [03:43] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [03:58] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [05:02] *** torbutte joined the chat.
IRC [06:14] *** torbutte parted the chat.
IRC [09:27] *** cbowman joined the chat.
IRC [11:12] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [14:06] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:33] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [14:41] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [14:56] <cbowman> anyone seen this before in the server.log: Warning: Ns_TclGetConn: interp == NULL; Valid interp value required. followed by a crash?
IRC [15:01] <cbowman> I might have figured it out. It looks like a couple modules that loaded can't find their shared libraries.
IRC [15:21] <Dossy> That's new to me ... is that from custom modules you've got?
IRC [15:26] <cbowman> there are some custom modules on this server.
IRC [15:44] <cbowman> is nsxml known to work on aolserver 4?
IRC [15:46] <tekbasse> yes, I believe so, but I think you need to choose the newest version.
IRC [15:47] <tekbasse> this is based on the assumption that somewhere there's an openacs 4.x system running on aolserver4
IRC [16:07] <holycow> *hmmmm*
IRC [16:07] <holycow> i've been thinking a bit about aolserver and openacs as standalone applications, with replication capability
IRC [16:07] <holycow> sort of like lotus notes clients
IRC [16:08] <holycow> and it occured to me that all one would haveto do to let someone have a 'client' so to speak is write an openacs module for replication
IRC [16:08] <holycow> where aol server and openacs would be installed locally on a laptop
IRC [16:09] <siddfinch> well, you would have to sync the openacs files and postgres db ...
IRC [16:09] <holycow> and the replication module would allow someone with the right credentials to 'replicate' and app to local machine, 'use it locally' say as a sales person traveling and using some crm modules, then 'replicating' the the data back to the server
IRC [16:10] <holycow> *nod*
IRC [16:10] <siddfinch> then you would have to start the transactions done on the local client and feed them into the master db.
IRC [16:10] <holycow> *nod* right
IRC [16:10] <siddfinch> I don't know how well postgresl would do it (should be possible with oracle using transactions logs)
IRC [16:11] <holycow> yeah obviously some investigation is needed
IRC [16:11] <holycow> but there is another side benefit possible here
IRC [16:11] <tekbasse> openacs has a tdom package for passing xml chunks
IRC [16:11] <siddfinch> but why would you want to emulate Notes? blah!
IRC [16:11] <holycow> just the replication part
IRC [16:12] <holycow> i do a lot of consulting and don't have internet connection everywhere
IRC [16:12] <siddfinch> well, write server <-> server replication for postgres and you have it.
IRC [16:12] <holycow> *nod* thats what i mean :)
IRC [16:12] <holycow> i.e. you guys rock, aolserver is amazing :)
IRC [16:12] <holycow> heh
IRC [16:13] <holycow> you could expand on that a bit and apply the same to open acs applications
IRC [16:13] <holycow> those with priviledges can develop applications on local install, and 'push' to live servers via replicatio process, although
IRC [16:14] <holycow> obviously simple ftp is just as good or whatever
IRC [16:15] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [16:17] <tekbasse> you could also create a distributed set of servers that share core info and replicate other info for backup, redundancy, and overall network availability
IRC [16:17] <holycow> *nod* exactly
IRC [16:17] <holycow> thats really the only good thing about domino that i like
IRC [16:18] <holycow> just a quick think, but very exciting
IRC [16:19] <holycow> AND
IRC [16:19] <holycow> you could do what barracuda networks has done
IRC [16:19] <holycow> put all of this on turnkey 1u systems
IRC [16:19] <holycow> and sell it like hotcakes
IRC [16:19] <holycow> not quite but there is a need for that
IRC [16:20] <holycow> i remember working it a medium sized company 6 years ago about doing something similar on apache
IRC [16:20] <holycow> never got around to it for other reasons
IRC [16:21] <tekbasse> well.. the functionality for openacs is coming sooner than later. I think it's inevitable (hopefully =)
IRC [16:22] <holycow> with properly featured admin consoles, one could push the 1u units out like nothing, setup networking and such via gui, and you can really hammer the domino/exchange/websphere markets
IRC [16:22] <holycow> tekbasse, *nod*
IRC [16:22] <holycow> absolutely, i know i'm not the only one that needs this
IRC [16:23] <holycow> by properly configured admin modules, i mean simply to appeal to appeal mcse retreads that whine if they haveto look at a console and theres quite a few of those
IRC [16:23] <holycow> and as dossy mentioned to me the other day
IRC [16:23] <holycow> tcl is turing complete
IRC [16:23] <holycow> unlike say lotus script
IRC [16:23] <holycow> lol
IRC [16:30] <holycow> later
IRC [16:30] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [16:44] <cbowman> the error message that I mentioned above ("Ns_TclGetConn: interp == NULL; Valid interp value required") is caused by a change in Ns_TclGetConn. In the past it discarded the parameter so the directions instruct to pass NULL but that does not seem to be the case anymore. The documentation found here: should be updated...
IRC [17:15] *** iharding joined the chat.
IRC [17:29] *** iharding parted the chat.
IRC [17:47] *** cbowman parted the chat.
IRC [17:52] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [18:25] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [21:38] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [23:26] *** holycow joined the chat.