IRC [02:14] *** martinh_ joined the chat.
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IRC [05:23] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [09:27] <Dossy> natester: did you actually play around with the ns_xmlrpc thing?
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IRC [10:16] *** jcdldn joined the chat.
IRC [11:09] <natester> Dossy yeah I did
IRC [11:10] <natester> I'll do some more this afternoon
IRC [11:10] <natester> it works over http just fine
IRC [11:10] <natester> talking to a python xmlrpc server
IRC [11:36] <MzOzD> hmm
IRC [11:36] <MzOzD> Notice: Bootstrap: database problem found; Sourcing the installer.
IRC [12:13] <MzOzD> socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 3
IRC [12:13] <MzOzD> connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (
IRC [12:13] <MzOzD> No such file or directory)
IRC [12:13] <MzOzD> close(3) = 0
IRC [12:13] <MzOzD> any ideas why this socket is not there ?
IRC [12:15] <martinh_> it ran off with /dev/random to have lots of little sockets?
IRC [12:16] <martinh_> have you checked the existance and writeability of the directory?
IRC [12:16] <MzOzD> yes i did that
IRC [12:16] <MzOzD> i even created it
IRC [12:16] <MzOzD> in a chrooted environment
IRC [12:16] <MzOzD> and i tried with no chroot as well
IRC [12:16] <MzOzD> i don't see any access to /dev/random btw
IRC [12:17] <martinh_> . . .
IRC [12:17] <martinh_> anyway. . .
IRC [12:17] <martinh_> does it die right after that access?
IRC [12:18] <MzOzD> no
IRC [12:18] <MzOzD> it is up and running
IRC [12:18] <MzOzD> but i cannot connect to the site (cause database is down)
IRC [12:18] <martinh_> i'm betting it doesn't matter then. it probably tries a bunch of different ones. . .
IRC [12:18] <Dossy> MzOzD: is nscd running?
IRC [12:18] <MzOzD> Dossy: let me see
IRC [12:18] <Dossy> heh
IRC [12:18] <Dossy> ps -ef | grep nscd :-)
IRC [12:18] <MzOzD> yep it is
IRC [12:19] <MzOzD> and when i access the webpage
IRC [12:19] <MzOzD> hmm
IRC [12:19] <MzOzD> wait a minute
IRC [12:21] <Dossy> yay. someone exploited the SourceForge web farm, at least a portino of the AOLserver project.
IRC [12:21] <MzOzD> Dossy: nice, i am uninstalling AOL now :)
IRC [12:24] <MzOzD> that was a missing library
IRC [12:28] <Dossy> Huh?
IRC [12:43] <jcdldn> Dossy, did you get a notification or were there obvious changes?
IRC [12:53] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [12:59] <siddfinch> Dossy, don't know if you seen my last message. The server I had slated from the new aolserver.com have a few too many issues. I have a new one that should be here next week and I'll get that up on the next shortly after that.
IRC [13:05] <MzOzD> hmm, when running aol in chroot, you have to enable tcp access to connect to the database ?
IRC [13:06] <siddfinch> that would be the best way, yes.
IRC [13:06] <MzOzD> and to enable that, you just supply the port to your config.tcl file
IRC [13:06] <MzOzD> right ?
IRC [13:07] <MzOzD> set db_port "5432"
IRC [13:07] <MzOzD> for example.
IRC [13:08] <Dossy> jcdldn: someone emailed me saying the pages had been defaced.
IRC [13:08] <Dossy> according to file timestamps, it looks like it happened 22dec2004 :-(
IRC [13:08] <Dossy> makes me realize that what was defaced probably awsn't important anyway :)-P
IRC [13:08] <siddfinch> Yes, you have to enable the db_port ...
IRC [13:08] <siddfinch> make make sure that postgres is allowing TCP connetions
IRC [13:09] <MzOzD> siddfinch: i did all that.
IRC [13:09] <MzOzD> psql -h localhost -U aol
IRC [13:09] <siddfinch> then it is time for shots!
IRC [13:09] <siddfinch> :)
IRC [13:09] <MzOzD> that comamnd is allowing me to connect
IRC [13:09] <Dossy> siddfinch: no, I don't recall seeing that message
IRC [13:09] <Dossy> siddfinch: Did you send it? Hmm.
IRC [13:09] <siddfinch> I sent it in here, but I think you got bounced right around that time.
IRC [13:10] <MzOzD> siddfinch: but the error.log says: Could not connect to localhost:5432:dotlrn:could not connect to server: No such file or directory
IRC [13:10] <MzOzD> Is the server running locally and accepting
IRC [13:10] <MzOzD> nnections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
IRC [13:10] <Dossy> siddfinch: At this point, should I just pay for a vserver somewhere (Acorn? somewhere else?) -- or just leave the site at SourceForge? Who really cares, anyway ...
IRC [13:10] <Dossy> siddifnch: Oh, yeah, then I definitely missed it.
IRC [13:10] <siddfinch> Dossy. I have another coming. It should be here next week.
IRC [13:11] <siddfinch> So we should be on the 'net by next weekend.
IRC [13:11] <Dossy> siddfinch: OK, cool.
IRC [13:15] <Dossy> And I haven't seen or heard from SchemaThings in weeks now.
IRC [13:15] <Dossy> He said he'd work on a new design for the aolserver.com site. Oh well.
IRC [13:16] <Dossy> You know, maybe I should just pick up .NET and go do that. :-)
IRC [13:18] <natester> or pick up cocoa
IRC [13:18] <jcdldn> or maybe smoke cracko
IRC [13:19] <Dossy> nod
IRC [13:21] <siddfinch> Mmm....cracko
IRC [13:44] <martinh_> wait. . .you have cracko and i'm stuck here drinking beero? dammit!
IRC [13:46] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:00] <MzOzD> anybody using CRUX ?
IRC [15:09] <MzOzD> is it possible afterall, to redirect from apache to aol server with mod_rewrite ?
IRC [15:14] <Dossy> sure
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> you mean mod_rewrite+mod_proxy to place Apache in front of AOLserver? Sure ...
IRC [15:30] <MzOzD> yes
IRC [15:30] <MzOzD> that's exactly what i mean.
IRC [15:31] <MzOzD> i am trying Redirect / http://foo.com:9000
IRC [15:31] <MzOzD> and RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://foo.bar:9000/$1 [R,L]
IRC [15:32] <MzOzD> but no luck. can you refer me to some documentation or/and mailing list ? google does not provide any useful hints.
IRC [15:50] <Dossy> [R,L] ?
IRC [15:50] <Dossy> don't you mean [PT]
IRC [15:50] <Dossy> you should read up the docs on mod_rewrite :)
IRC [15:50] <tekbasse> You might checkout this: http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/mod_proxy.html
IRC [15:55] *** bart1 joined the chat.
IRC [16:01] <MzOzD> thanks all.
IRC [16:04] *** bartt parted the chat.
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