IRC [02:59] <snutte> I love C and hate all other languages ;-)
IRC [04:49] *** tektubby joined the chat.
IRC [08:20] <Dossy> Hm, hi snutte. Who are you?
IRC [08:24] <snutte> fine thanks!
IRC [08:25] <siddfinch> [to Dossy]: Got word back from Linux Journal, we are developing a series of AOLserver related articles to appear over the summer
IRC [08:27] <snutte> Dossy: How does AOLServer handle fileupload for me and where do I read about it?
IRC [08:33] <siddfinch> http://www.aolserver.com/docs/devel/tcl/api/conn.html#ns_get_multipart_formdata
IRC [08:36] <snutte> ahh ... thanks siddfinch. So this is a TCL based module.
IRC [08:43] <Dossy> siddfinch: that's great news - who's the editor? what kind of articles are they looking for? etc.
IRC [08:43] <Dossy> and, are these going to be AOLserver-centric or OpenACS-centric?
IRC [08:43] <Dossy> btw, I just got my iPod "connected" to my Linux box. so, I might try Andrew's iPodder on Linux and see if it works. :)
IRC [08:44] <siddfinch> [to Dossy]: Nope. Not OpenACS-centric
IRC [08:44] <siddfinch> http://www.livejournal.com/users/hsfinch/425.html
IRC [08:44] <siddfinch> it will be a football stats site based on the data I found
IRC [08:44] <siddfinch> All towards AOLserver and its features ..
IRC [08:45] <Dossy> interesting.
IRC [08:45] <Dossy> using OpenACS?
IRC [08:45] <siddfinch> Nope
IRC [08:46] <siddfinch> Only AOLserver and what ever I code ...
IRC [08:46] <Dossy> Very cool.
IRC [08:46] <Dossy> because it'd be nice to provide a "download the code for this article" with each article
IRC [08:46] <Dossy> and it'd be nice if it were just "get AOLserver and this tarball" instead of "get AOLserver, figure out how to make OpenACS work, then install this."
IRC [08:47] <siddfinch> But if you happen to have a nice basic auth system I would be more that happy to give you credit :->
IRC [08:47] <siddfinch> [to Dossy]: That is part of the plan. Here is how to install AOLserver, here is a config, here is where you download the code ...
IRC [08:48] <Dossy> heh, didn't realize you were actually writing to your LJ. heh
IRC [08:48] <Dossy> cool.
IRC [08:48] <Dossy> it'd be cool if we showed that for most tasks, you don't even need a DBMS though. heh
IRC [08:48] <Dossy> anyway ;-P
IRC [08:49] <siddfinch> I worked with them a bit to make sure it wouldn't be OpenACS centric
IRC [08:49] <siddfinch> I website with out a DBMS? those exists?
IRC [08:51] <Dossy> siddfinch: got your email - thanks
IRC [08:52] <Dossy> siddfinch: AOL's sites don't run off DBMS'es directly :-)
IRC [08:52] <siddfinch> So if you want to feed me some ideas or have some code that could be useful, feel free to let me know.
IRC [08:53] <Dossy> you'd be amazed at how many people have the "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (except replace "SQL query" for "hammer" and "RDBMS" for "nail")
IRC [08:53] <jcdldn> or vice versa.
IRC [08:53] <Dossy> jcdldn: ;-)
IRC [08:54] <Dossy> RDBMS'es are slow.
IRC [08:54] <Dossy> Even a "fast SQL query" is on the order of milliseconds.
IRC [08:54] <Dossy> er, order of a few hundred milliseconds.
IRC [08:54] <siddfinch> [to Dossy.]: I know. I have created something I call ``grouphug stories'' which lets you write stories using grouphug.us urls ... and just create a simple text file to generate things.
IRC [08:54] <Dossy> grouphug.us? heh
IRC [08:55] <siddfinch> http://siddfinch.net/grouphug-stories.adp
IRC [08:55] <Dossy> god I hadn't heard about grouphug since it launched. hah
IRC [08:55] <jcdldn> otoh, I have seen things done outside an rdbms where if they put things in a db they would have had something about as fast and much much more robust.
IRC [08:55] <Dossy> siddfinch: I don't get it. your page is static?
IRC [08:55] <siddfinch> I read it all the time, just to laugh ...
IRC [08:56] <Dossy> jcdldn: It's possible, sure.
IRC [08:56] <jcdldn> dossy: most of our queries (like for perms etc) are <10ms
IRC [08:56] <siddfinch> Not really static it. All the text in the story is ripped from grouphug, I just use nscache to story the data
IRC [08:56] <jcdldn> only the big ugly ones are that slw.
IRC [08:57] <Dossy> jcdldn: yeah. i hear that.
IRC [08:57] <siddfinch> https://shag.mek.cc/svn/web-mek/trunk/grouphug/01-story.txt
IRC [08:57] <Dossy> siddfinch: Ah, OK. Wasn't changing after a few reloads, so I was puzzled.
IRC [08:57] <siddfinch> would be a sample ``story file''
IRC [08:57] <Dossy> your SSL cert expired 2/16 :)
IRC [08:58] <siddfinch> g:<number> would be a http;//grouphug.us/<....> entry
IRC [08:58] <siddfinch> t:... is just html text to add something
IRC [08:59] <Dossy> nod
IRC [09:00] <siddfinch> all filesystem there. I'm going to write a parse so people can send email, I'll yank the attachment and stories can be updated ...
IRC [09:00] <siddfinch> Basically I am going to create a fake blog based on grouphug.us posting
IRC [09:01] <Dossy> that could be funny.
IRC [09:01] <siddfinch> that is the point :)
IRC [09:17] <Dossy> yay, gtkpod works -- cool.
IRC [09:22] <siddfinch> I might have to pickup a ipod shuffle
IRC [09:23] <Dossy> heh :-)
IRC [09:25] <Dossy> or, better, with aolserver and scheduled procs and threads :-)
IRC [10:20] *** snutte parted the chat.
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IRC [11:21] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [13:16] *** jcdldn parted the chat.
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IRC [13:24] <Dossy> time to figure out the connsperthread!=0 mem leak today
IRC [13:34] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [13:43] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:48] *** jcdldn joined the chat.
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IRC [15:52] *** Astro73 joined the chat.
IRC [15:55] <Astro73> Where can I find info on the IRC/AIM bridge?
IRC [16:04] <Astro73> hello?
IRC [16:06] <tekbasse> hello, Dossy set that up. Dossy is usually around..
IRC [16:06] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:06] <Astro73> would he be on AIM?
IRC [16:07] <Astro73> (it seems that the invite bot is down)
IRC [16:07] <tekbasse> i don't know.. usually here. patience has its virtues ;)
IRC [16:07] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:08] <Astro73> since I was going to make something similar, based on an AIM SDK
IRC [16:08] <Astro73> the only problem was finding one for something other than flash
IRC [16:08] <Astro73> I was going to hack GAIM up to do it
IRC [16:16] <Dossy> ?
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> oh, the bot lost its AIM conn
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> let me punt it
IRC [16:17] <Dossy> yeah, I don't have it auto-reconnect to AIM -- probably should implement that. duh.
IRC [16:18] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:18] <Dossy> the aim-irc bridge bot code isn't available ... dunno if it ever will be - it's some very fast and dirty hackery by me.
IRC [16:18] <Astro73> fine by me
IRC [16:18] <Astro73> since I'd have to dig up how to connect to AIM, etc.
IRC [16:18] <Astro73> what is it written in/for?
IRC [16:19] <Dossy> it's 100% Tcl
IRC [16:19] <Astro73> ok
IRC [16:19] <Dossy> and it was written for briding an AIM chat room with the IRC chat here.
IRC [16:19] <Astro73> I ment OS/library base
IRC [16:23] <Dossy> oh, pure Tcl - can run anywhere Tcl will run.
IRC [16:23] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:24] <Astro73> how hard is it to learn TCL?
IRC [16:24] <Dossy> trivial.
IRC [16:24] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:27] <jhavard> It took me 1 minute to grasp the basics of Tcl.
IRC [16:27] <jhavard> literally.
IRC [16:27] <Dossy> the entire language's syntax description fits on a few pages of text, since it's only 11 rules
IRC [16:31] <Astro73> wow
IRC [16:31] <Astro73> Is there some place where I can grab the source?
IRC [16:31] <Dossy> http://www.tcl.tk/
IRC [16:32] <Astro73> no, to the bridge
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> It's free, it's open source, and it's simple.
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> It's not popular, but then again, nothing truly good ever is, is it?
IRC [16:32] <Astro73> I've heard of TCL before, and I figured I could find it in a hurry
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> oh - no
IRC [16:32] <Astro73> indeed
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> the bridge source isn't available. sorry.
IRC [16:32] <Astro73> you can't even e-mail it to me?
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> uh, no.
IRC [16:32] <Astro73> (I sent you an e-mail through SF)
IRC [16:33] <Dossy> no, I mean, I'm not distributing the source to the bridge, sorry. :-) not to you, not to anyone else for that matter.
IRC [16:33] <Astro73> man....
IRC [16:33] <Astro73> I'm going to know GAIM real well by the time I do this
IRC [16:34] <siddfinch> and aim to irc bridge? There is an ircbot out there to that does that I believe ...
IRC [16:34] <Astro73> great
IRC [16:35] <Astro73> Google hasn't seen it
IRC [16:36] <siddfinch> http://www.zevils.com/programs/imirc/
IRC [16:36] <siddfinch> I typed 'aimirc' and got lucky
IRC [16:36] <Astro73> k
IRC [16:36] <Astro73> thanx
IRC [16:39] <Astro73> hm,
IRC [16:39] <Astro73> seems to be a way to access IRC from AIM
IRC [17:10] *** Astro73 parted the chat.
IRC [18:40] *** me joined the chat.
IRC [18:41] <me> hey I'm getting ^M on text files downloaded from aolserver
IRC [18:41] <me> ^M at the end of every line
IRC [18:41] <me> lame eh?
IRC [18:55] *** me parted the chat.
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IRC [20:35] *** bartt parted the chat.
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IRC [21:17] *** holycow parted the chat.