IRC [00:57] *** pingdashf parted the chat.
IRC [05:37] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [07:12] *** AndyPiskorski joined the chat.
IRC [07:47] <Dossy> morning, Andy.
IRC [09:36] <Dossy> so at startup, we're looking at about 290M nsd
IRC [09:38] <Dossy> before and after the restart
IRC [10:39] <Dossy> really?
IRC [11:35] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [11:54] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [12:26] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [13:03] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [13:04] *** bartt joined the chat.
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IRC [14:11] *** me joined the chat.
IRC [14:11] <me> set data [ns_queryget textareavar]
IRC [14:11] <me> data has ^M at the end of each line
IRC [14:12] <me> why?!
IRC [14:15] <jcdldn> http
IRC [14:19] <jcdldn> some browsers send \r\n and some send \n you are looking at text on unix from a browser on windows.
IRC [14:21] <jcdldn> read rfc 2616 3.7.1
IRC [14:27] <me> I was looking for a quick way to get rid of ^M should they exist
IRC [14:27] <me> perhpas string map ?
IRC [14:28] <me> oh and the browser is ff 1.0 on linux
IRC [14:29] <jcdldn> set fixed [string map {\r {}} $bad]
IRC [14:29] <me> ok that makes sense
IRC [14:30] <me> thanks
IRC [15:18] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [16:29] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [17:30] *** me parted the chat.
IRC [17:32] *** me joined the chat.
IRC [17:55] <jhavard> gah, this 12x cd burner is too s...l...o...w
IRC [17:59] *** bart1 joined the chat.
IRC [17:59] *** bart1 parted the chat.
IRC [17:59] <jhavard> and either these cdr blanks are bad, or the burner is going bad.
IRC [18:06] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [18:24] <holycow> i've actually had something similar happen
IRC [18:24] <holycow> the bios started hating the cdburner as slave
IRC [18:25] <holycow> and would somehow have problems burning at anything greater than 8x
IRC [18:25] <jhavard> This was apparently a couple of bad cdr's
IRC [18:25] <holycow> putting it on its own ide channel as master helped
IRC [18:25] <holycow> weird, i have no explanation for it
IRC [18:25] <jhavard> In fact, I could see a visible flaw on one of the discs.
IRC [18:32] <jhavard> Man, java developers are annoying.
IRC [18:32] <jhavard> (note: java developers that do the whole "we are community" thing)
IRC [18:39] <holycow> why is that annoying?
IRC [18:39] <jhavard> Well, they're rabid.
IRC [18:39] <holycow> lol
IRC [18:39] <jhavard> It's like all the rabid linux kiddies of 5 years ago are now java developers.
IRC [18:41] <holycow> i'm happy you feel linux users are growing up a bit :)
IRC [18:42] <jhavard> The fact that they call anything non-java as "legacy code" seems a bit pretentious.
IRC [18:51] <martinh> just start calling all their non quantum computers legacy hardware.
IRC [18:52] <holycow> hahaha
IRC [18:52] <holycow> however, they are right in a way
IRC [18:52] <holycow> java5 is supposed to have gotten a speed boost
IRC [18:53] <holycow> appearently they discovvered that each click in java4 and earlier was spawning hunderds of events each
IRC [18:53] <holycow> and thats what caused the slowness 'feel'
IRC [18:53] <holycow> *shrug*
IRC [18:53] <jhavard> Java5 is indeed shweet.
IRC [18:54] <holycow> eclipse is a very very good ide as well
IRC [18:54] <jhavard> I also hate eclipse.
IRC [18:54] <holycow> lots of decent toolkits
IRC [18:54] * jhavard is filled with hate
IRC [18:55] <holycow> java isn't right for everything of course, but write once test everywhere sounds dandy
IRC [18:55] <holycow> jhavard, hehehe :) appearently
IRC [18:55] <holycow> lol
IRC [18:55] <holycow> just out of curiosity, what don't you like about eclipse?
IRC [18:56] <jhavard> Forgive me if I don't back it up with detailed explanations, it's been months since I evaluated a half dozen ide's.
IRC [18:57] <jhavard> It's concept of a project feels icky.
IRC [18:57] <holycow> most people say ms has the best ones
IRC [18:58] <jhavard> Certain parts are way too clunky.
IRC [18:59] <jhavard> The ide gets in the way half the time.
IRC [18:59] <holycow> :)
IRC [19:00] <holycow> what i love about eclipse is it's plugin structure
IRC [19:00] <jhavard> I actually found an IDE I was quite happy to use... Jetbrains' IntelliJ IDEA.
IRC [19:01] <jhavard> It's actually simple to hide everything but the text editor.
IRC [19:01] <jhavard> It allows plugins galore.
IRC [19:01] <jhavard> adding non-java languages is easy.
IRC [19:01] <jhavard> It's project model is very useful, and can also be extended by plugin.
IRC [19:02] <jhavard> It integrates with practically every revision control system in active use.
IRC [19:03] <jhavard> cvs, svn, perforce, that borland thing, clearcase, and a few I never knew existed.
IRC [19:04] <holycow> i heard about intellij, perhaps i should take a peek
IRC [19:04] <holycow> nice to hear about svn
IRC [19:04] <holycow> *hmmm*
IRC [19:05] <jhavard> Unfortunately, a few days after I dropped the money on idea, I dropped some money on world of warcraft.
IRC [19:05] <jhavard> I've written maybe 8 lines of code since then.
IRC [19:05] <holycow> heheh :)_
IRC [19:05] *** me parted the chat.
IRC [19:07] * holycow googles intellij
IRC [19:10] <holycow> *ooo* demo for linux
IRC [19:11] <jhavard> well, it's written in java, so if it can run java...
IRC [19:11] <jhavard> note: that whole "write once debug everywhere" thing has long passed
IRC [19:11] <jhavard> Still, not as portable as tcl.
IRC [19:13] <holycow> yeah that discussion on the openacs forums regarding tcl, and the sexyness of the toolkit was enlightening
IRC [19:13] <holycow> i learned a lot
IRC [19:15] <holycow> i think tcl will let aolserver continue on for a very long time
IRC [19:15] <jhavard> I've yet to find a Big Annoying Issue with tcl.
IRC [19:15] <jhavard> It's like the combination of Generic Scripting Language and lisp.
IRC [19:17] <holycow> i don't have enough experience yet to have an opinion really
IRC [19:40] <martinh> i have the big annoying issue of how tcl does math. . .
IRC [19:40] <martinh> but, that's because I'm more of a math geek. . .
IRC [19:40] <jhavard> hrm, true.
IRC [19:40] <jhavard> But is there really any general purpose programming language that's exceptionally good at math?
IRC [19:41] <martinh> pretty much all the other ones are at least capable. . .
IRC [19:42] <jhavard> I've never had a problem with math in tcl, of course I've never written anything that require more than incr
IRC [19:43] <martinh> I always find ways around it the most complex stuff because it's annoying.
IRC [19:44] <Dossy> Evening.
IRC [19:44] <jhavard> Speaking of non-white.
IRC [19:45] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [19:46] <jhavard> you know, if I hadn't stayed at the office late working on that 'dossy is unwhite' scrolling thing, I probably would not have bumped the manual trigger for the fm200 system.
IRC [19:56] <Dossy> oh, sure blame it on me :P
IRC [20:11] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [20:14] <holycow> lol
IRC [20:14] <holycow> nite
IRC [20:15] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:37] *** bartt parted the chat.