IRC [05:08] *** tektubby joined the chat.
IRC [06:41] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [06:56] *** tektubby parted the chat.
IRC [10:34] <Dossy> and correlate it back to scheduled procs and HTTP requests, etc.
IRC [13:35] *** siddfinch joined the chat.
IRC [14:03] <Dossy> hey siddfinch
IRC [14:42] <jhavard> http://www.sevensages.org/blog/one-entry?entry%5fid=3535
IRC [14:44] <Dossy> heh
IRC [14:44] <Dossy> nono - it's not necessarily legal
IRC [14:44] <Dossy> it just says that you don't need a license in order to operate one. it says nothing about the street-legalness of such a vehicle
IRC [14:48] <jhavard> although I didn't include it, all vehicles in that section are legal on mississippi highways
IRC [14:49] <jhavard> a highway under mississippi law is any public road.
IRC [14:49] <Dossy> oh
IRC [14:49] <Dossy> wacky
IRC [14:50] <Dossy> okay, i think it's going to be time for a new laptop soon. grr
IRC [14:51] <jhavard> however, a road may have further restrictions (e.g. "motor vehicles only", "minimum speed 45 MPH") that precludes use of Segue-like personal mobility assistive devices.
IRC [14:52] <jhavard> ugh, been reading too many laws lately.
IRC [14:57] <jhavard> the openacs news aggregator is sweet.
IRC [15:24] <Dossy> oh?
IRC [15:24] <Dossy> i've been using Bloglines.com and recently playing with Onfolio
IRC [15:24] <Dossy> both have their problems, though :-(
IRC [15:24] <Dossy> Trying to find the motivation to build an aggregator inside AOLserver.
IRC [15:47] <jhavard> as does the one for acs.
IRC [15:47] <jhavard> no atom support
IRC [15:48] <jhavard> and only rss 1.0, 0.91 support
IRC [15:48] <jhavard> which is crazy since lars-blogger does rss 2.0
IRC [15:49] <Dossy> man that's sad :-)
IRC [15:49] <Dossy> ah, whatever
IRC [15:49] <Dossy> there's no implementation of the killer news aggregator app, yet.
IRC [15:49] <Dossy> which, I guess, leaves room for more and more start-ups to try and take a stab at it
IRC [15:50] <jhavard> I want one that also provides proper query support
IRC [15:50] <Dossy> "query support" ?
IRC [15:51] <jhavard> there are various query languages for rdf
IRC [15:51] <jhavard> http://www.w3.org/2001/11/13-RDF-Query-Rules/
IRC [15:51] <Dossy> oh you're still on about that silly open sesame thing
IRC [15:52] <Dossy> show me an application for that silliness and you might convince me it's interesting
IRC [15:52] <jhavard> I have 200 feeds
IRC [15:52] <Dossy> just because you CAN do something doesn't mean anyone should or will
IRC [15:53] <jhavard> I want to find all items that have author-race as "unwhite"
IRC [15:54] <jhavard> semantic web, blah blah blah
IRC [15:54] <Dossy> uh, like I was saying ...
IRC [15:54] <Dossy> RDF Query is a solution looking for a problem
IRC [15:55] <jhavard> very true.
IRC [15:55] <jhavard> well, the current languages don't quite make sense.
IRC [16:00] *** jhavard parted the chat.
IRC [16:00] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [16:05] *** jhavard joined the chat.
IRC [18:06] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [19:12] <Dossy> ugh.
IRC [19:12] <jhavard> long day?
IRC [19:13] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [19:14] <Dossy> just went to put my girls to bed and discovered water flowing down from their window
IRC [19:14] <jhavard> eep
IRC [19:14] <Dossy> spent the last 2 hours taking the moulding off by the window ... called a friend who came over and climbed up on our roof to put a tarp down -- etc.
IRC [19:17] <jhavard> eep.
IRC [19:18] <jhavard> A couple of years ago, a storm came in, bad hail, etc, the worst damage to the house: every single boot around every single pipe or vent on the roof was damaged
IRC [19:18] <jhavard> that was a fun thing to repair.
IRC [19:19] <jhavard> (where "fun" is defined as "agonizing")