IRC [00:06] *** jhavard parted the chat.
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IRC [10:49] <jhavard> hey dossy, what do you use to post your blog entries to lj as well?
IRC [11:05] *** rubick joined the chat.
IRC [12:36] <jcdldn> Dossy: is there example code that uses ns_job?
IRC [12:39] * martinh . o O ( ns_job -hand )
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IRC [14:29] <Dossy> martinh :-P
IRC [14:29] <Dossy> jhavard: w.bloggar, although I'm not entirely happy with it. I'm going to probably work on a blog post tool in Tcl/Tk soon.
IRC [14:31] <Dossy> jcdldn: ns_eval machinery usese ns_job, IIRC - you could look at that
IRC [14:36] <jhavard> dossy: thanks for the heads up on the rss thing. I haven't touched any of that, so I have no idea why it's wrong.
IRC [14:37] <jhavard> and now I see, it was something I borked (and lack of clarity in the documentation)
IRC [14:37] <Dossy> no prob :-)
IRC [14:37] <Dossy> hey, you ask people to subscribe to your feed, you should at least check that it works :-P
IRC [14:39] * jhavard celebrates his undiverseness
IRC [14:42] <Dossy> :-)
IRC [14:42] <Dossy> TOO WHITE :-)
IRC [14:43] <jhavard> I'm so white, I can only keep perfect rhythm :(
IRC [14:44] <jcdldn> Dossy: there is an ns_job.adp test file which ended up being a pretty good example.
IRC [14:44] <jhavard> put it in the wiki
IRC [14:45] <Dossy> jcdldn: oh, that's cool.
IRC [14:46] <Dossy> or at least put a pointer to it on the wiki :-)
IRC [14:49] <jhavard> speaking of stuff in the wiki: " 11 with nsd8x, nsd, and not nsd76. It prevents hairloss too according
IRC [14:49] <jhavard> +to jhavard.
IRC [14:49] <jhavard> "
IRC [15:00] <Dossy> ?
IRC [15:00] <Dossy> You know, I'm starting to get tired of reposting my blog entries both to Blogger and to LJ.
IRC [15:01] <Dossy> But, I'm afraid if I didn't post to LJ, people just wouldn't read it. Hmm.
IRC [15:02] <martinh> make your blogger post it automatically.
IRC [15:06] <jhavard> I'm looking at adding an lj poster to lars-blgger
IRC [15:06] <jhavard> The only thing I'm a bit shaky on is an update to an entry.
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> right.
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> you'll have to keep track of what you posted where and what entry IDs are associated with them
IRC [15:15] <jhavard> hrm, time to whip out the code I wrote for the weblog phone post system.
IRC [15:20] <martinh> in public? eeewwww!
IRC [15:21] <jhavard> I'm open source, baby.
IRC [15:21] <Dossy> woii
IRC [15:21] <jhavard> (note: don't call a weblog phone post system a "weblog phone post system" as it's really a mouthful to say "weblog phone post system")
IRC [15:28] <jhavard> hey dossy, integrate gecko with tcl/tk
IRC [15:58] *** frankie joined the chat.
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