IRC [02:07] *** holycow parted the chat.
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IRC [08:12] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [10:18] <Dossy> Morning.
IRC [10:49] <jhavard> Morning...
IRC [11:31] *** tektubby joined the chat.
IRC [11:44] *** rubick parted the chat.
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IRC [16:06] *** freenet joined the chat.
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IRC [16:08] *** freenet joined the chat.
IRC [16:09] <freenet> clear
IRC [16:10] <Dossy> Hi.
IRC [16:10] <freenet> Er. Hello. My name is COnnie-Lynne (clynne is fine); I'm working with Cynthia (CNK) at Caltech, and I'm having some trouble installing AOLServer. I'm also pretty rusty with my IRC-fu, so, here goes with my questions.
IRC [16:10] <Dossy> No problem.
IRC [16:11] <Dossy> Start with /nick clynne
IRC [16:11] <Dossy> calling you "freenet" isn't fun.
IRC [16:11] <freenet> I'm following the instructions at http://openacs.org/doc/openacs-5-1/aolserver4.html and installing aolserver 4.0.10..
IRC [16:11] <clynne> There, that's better.
IRC [16:12] <Dossy> Connie, if AIM or Y!IM is better, I can do that too.
IRC [16:12] <clynne> Nah, I'd far prefer to use IRC. I'm just rusty -- my preferred IM client is a little-known unix app called "gale." :)
IRC [16:12] <clynne> Thanks, though.
IRC [16:12] <Dossy> gale? Heh.
IRC [16:13] <clynne> Do you know it? It's, er, a play on words from MIT's "zephyr." ANd of course we're all windbags there..
IRC [16:13] <clynne> AFK briefly
IRC [16:14] <Dossy> Heh.
IRC [16:14] <clynne> OK, now typing in my fairly lengthy question.
IRC [16:14] <Dossy> I see you're involved with the gale project - cool.
IRC [16:14] <Dossy> Mmm, zephyr. Brings back memories ...
IRC [16:14] <tekbasse> clynne, this url may be more helpful: http://openacs.org/doc/current/aolserver4.html
IRC [16:15] <tekbasse> slight changes on build parameters
IRC [16:15] <clynne> Ooo. Lemme lookit that URL.
IRC [16:16] <clynne> Haha. That URL *does* address one of my problems -- setting the AOLSERVER variable for installing the modules. Although I had already figured that one out. :)
IRC [16:17] <tekbasse> =)
IRC [16:18] <Dossy> heh
IRC [16:19] <clynne> This'll make my explanation of my problem simpler, though. When I get to step 4a, installing the nscache module, it exits with error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lnsthread". Is there some version of /usr/bin/ld I need to grab from somewhere that supports this flag?
IRC [16:19] <Dossy> Is the majority of folks at Caltech female? Maybe I should do my grad school study there. heh.
IRC [16:19] <Dossy> GNU ld?
IRC [16:19] <Dossy> what OS are you on?
IRC [16:20] * Dossy smells Solaris, but I could be wrong.
IRC [16:20] <clynne> RHEL 4.0... I was assuming gnuLD, but er.
IRC [16:20] <Dossy> Ponderous.
IRC [16:20] <Dossy> nscache module Makefile is the old style. you likely need to set NSHOME ...
IRC [16:21] <Dossy> in addition to AOLSERVER
IRC [16:21] <clynne> The majority of students at Caltech are still male. Cynthia and I are staff -- well, I'm a contractor (but I'm still nice!) -- but Cynthia did her grad work here. :) Our office just happens to be full of women, for some reason.
IRC [16:22] <clynne> I did set NSHOME. Found that problem at the same time as AOLSERVER.
IRC [16:22] <clynne> OK, it does look like I have gnu ld.
IRC [16:24] <clynne> I'm installing into a non-standard location (/software/stow/aolserver), but since I've set AOLSERVER that shouldn't be affecting this ld -lnsthread issue, right?
IRC [16:25] <Dossy> not sure.
IRC [16:25] <Dossy> find /software/stow/aolserver -name libnsthread\* -print
IRC [16:25] <Dossy> what's it say
IRC [16:26] <clynne> Find finds nada.
IRC [16:26] <clynne> Ohwait.
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> AOLSERVER= must point to your source/build dir, IIRC.
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> although libnsthread.so.* should get installed
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> so no, you SHOULD be able to point to your install dir.
IRC [16:28] <clynne> I'm building it in /software/stow/aolserver, but my source dir is /install/src/aolserver (there's version numbers there in the dirnames, but lazy with the typing.)
IRC [16:28] <clynne> Ah, here we go:
IRC [16:29] <clynne> Argh, stupid IRC.
IRC [16:29] <clynne> install/src/aolserver-4.0.10/nsthread/libnsthread.so
IRC [16:30] <clynne> That's what find finds when I point it at the right place. I think maybe in all my mucking about, I may have incorrectly set AOLSERVER. Lemme try making again with things set right.
IRC [16:31] <Dossy> well
IRC [16:31] <Dossy> if it didn't find libnstherad.so in /software/stow/aolserver, then you didn't "make install" correctly.
IRC [16:31] <Dossy> or something.
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> it SHOULD be in /software/stow/aolserver/.../lib/libnsthread.so
IRC [16:32] <Dossy> Unless you pooched something.
IRC [16:33] <clynne> Erf. Well, I have been screwing around with stuff, so lemme start over and see if it puts stuff in the correct places (especially 'cause I just make distcleaned...)
IRC [16:33] <Dossy> yay.
IRC [16:39] <clynne> Just to doublecheck, AOLSERVER should be set to my build directory and NSHOME to ... build or source directory?
IRC [16:41] <Dossy> for modules, it can (should?) be pointed at the install dir.
IRC [16:41] <Dossy> not the source dir. although it SHOULD build fine if pointed to the source dir.
IRC [16:41] <Dossy> and some modules might be "broken" with respect to their Makefile's in that they need to be pointed at the source dir when compiling the module, but then pointed at the insatll dir when installing it
IRC [16:42] <clynne> OK. Both are pointed at the install dir. So here goes.
IRC [16:42] <Dossy> make AOLSERVER=/path/to/source; make install AOLSERVER=/path/to/installdir
IRC [16:42] <clynne> Erf. I was worried that there might be that brokenness, actually, in nscache. Let's see if that's the case.
IRC [16:43] <Dossy> could be.
IRC [16:43] <Dossy> jade rubick ran into this a few weeks/months ago. not sure if it's in the chat logs ...
IRC [16:43] <clynne> Oh, also -- I thought I'd very closely read the instructions this time (you know, to make sure I was doing everything right) -- and in step 3 it appears to be telling you to make install twice, but never just make? That's just an error, yes?
IRC [16:44] <Dossy> the docs are busted
IRC [16:45] <Dossy> it shows the commands with prompts, and then immediately after just lists the commands
IRC [16:45] <Dossy> i guess one is an example, the other is suitable for cut-and-paste, maybe
IRC [16:45] <clynne> Makes sense.
IRC [16:46] <Dossy> although it's not clear from just reading the doc.
IRC [16:46] <Dossy> Guh, my office is too damn hot.
IRC [16:49] <jhavard> That's what you get for working with the devil.
IRC [16:51] <clynne> Uh, freaky. I probably should have run make and make install separately, but although the cannot find -lnsthread error popped up again this time, it, erm, kinda looks like it just said "yeah, I had this problem, but then I just kept going and installed stuff and nothing mattered." Freaky. I guess I'll continue installing and see if it all tests out OK.
IRC [16:51] <clynne> Dossy, you mentioned some irc logs? Where are those kept?
IRC [16:53] <Dossy> aolserver chat logs?
IRC [16:53] <Dossy> bot, aolserver chat logs is http://www.panoptic.com/aolserver/chat/
IRC [16:53] <clynne> Si. You said Jade Rubick had the problem?
IRC [16:53] <clynne> Ah, thanks.
IRC [16:53] <Dossy> yah, back in november 2004, apparently.
IRC [16:53] <Dossy> btw: google indexes the chat logs pretty aggressively.
IRC [16:54] *** Your-NickName joined the chat.
IRC [16:54] <clynne> Cool.
IRC [16:55] <Your-NickName> i just found this place, can i find longhorn here
IRC [16:55] <Your-NickName> how do I change my nickname?
IRC [16:56] <tekbasse> /nick your-nickname
IRC [16:56] <idrivefast> cool thanks
IRC [16:57] <idrivefast> so how doesthis work? I am looking for longhorn.
IRC [16:59] <Dossy> huh?
IRC [16:59] <idrivefast> am i in the right place?
IRC [16:59] <Dossy> probably not.
IRC [17:00] <idrivefast> do you have any idea where I might find hard to find software?
IRC [17:01] <idrivefast> what is the room for?
IRC [17:04] <idrivefaster> hello?
IRC [17:08] <clynne> *takes deep breath* *tries not to scream* OK, when I'm trying to make the nsxml module, there's a bunch of errors complaining about "no such file or directory" for a number of header files located in a "libxml" directory. As far as I can tell, no such directory exists anywhere on my system ( find . -exec grep -i libxml {} \;) so, er. Was this a library supposed to be included in the nsxml module?
IRC [17:10] <clynne> I downloaded the nsxml-1.5 module, fwiw.
IRC [17:12] <Dossy> no
IRC [17:12] <Dossy> you need libxml installed.
IRC [17:12] <Dossy> dependency, not provided by nsxml. nsxml depends on it.
IRC [17:12] <Dossy> are you sure you need nsxml?
IRC [17:12] <Dossy> shouldn't openacs be 100% using tDOM now/
IRC [17:13] <clynne> Cynthia (who's in a meeting right now) seems to think we need nsxml. I'll go grab libxml off our RH mirror.
IRC [17:13] <Dossy> not sure why she thinks that.
IRC [17:13] <Dossy> if you're running OpenACS, you shouldn't need nsxml.
IRC [17:14] <Dossy> ACS used nsxml, IIRC.
IRC [17:14] <Dossy> Are you also going to be installing ACS?
IRC [17:14] <tekbasse> versions of openacs earlier than openacs5 require nsxml http://cvs.openacs.org/cvs/openacs-4/etc/config.tcl?rev=
IRC [17:14] <clynne> Oh, hey, it's 2 pm. Maybe I'll eat lunch before doing more of this...
IRC [17:14] <clynne> Yeah, we are going to be using ACS, not sure what version or if it's OpenACS.
IRC [17:15] <Dossy> ACS != OpenACS.
IRC [17:15] <clynne> I suspected as much.
IRC [17:16] <clynne> OK, going away briefly for lunch and sunshine. Thanks so far for your help, tekbasse and Dossy! (and anyone else I may have forgotten). Dossy, FWIW, I'm also the clynne on LiveJournal who added the aolserver community.
IRC [17:19] <Dossy> Aha!
IRC [17:19] <Dossy> Thought you might be the same clynne. Cool.
IRC [17:19] <Dossy> Going to add you to my Friends list, if I haven't already.
IRC [17:21] <clynne> Noprob. I don't actually add people I don't know In Real Life to my friendslist, but most of my posts are unlocked, anyway. You don't really wanna hear me bitching about my diet, anyway. :)
IRC [17:23] <Dossy> heh
IRC [17:23] <Dossy> no problem - I just do it so new posts show up on my Friends page.
IRC [17:23] <Dossy> most of the people on my friends list I know IRL, and a few virtually
IRC [17:23] <Dossy> but they're all journals that I want to keep up with
IRC [17:24] *** idrivefaster parted the chat.
IRC [18:31] <clynne>
IRC [18:32] <Dossy> hey connie. what'd you have for lunch?
IRC [18:34] <clynne> Hey, Dossy. 0% fat-free plain yogurt and a mango.
IRC [18:35] <clynne> ...and a nice long lovely sit in the sunshine.
IRC [19:14] <clynne> Sweet. Figured out what my no libnsthread problem was. I had, erm, compiled and installed aolserver with *no* modules. Because I commented that line out of the Makefile. Oooops.
IRC [19:37] *** cnk joined the chat.
IRC [19:38] <cnk> OK 30 seconds with the docs didn't tell me. Have the command line args changed for starting AOLserver 4? I want to bind to port 80 so did "sudo bin/nsd -f -u clynne -g clynne -t sample-config.tcl" but got permission denied (and no, nothing else has bound port 80)
IRC [19:57] *** cnk parted the chat.
IRC [20:15] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:28] <clynne> Bye.
IRC [20:28] <clynne> exit
IRC [20:28] *** clynne parted the chat.
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