AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [03:32] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [10:24] *** snutte parted the chat.
IRC [11:25] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [12:28] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [12:58] *** siddfinch joined the chat.
IRC [13:33] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [17:07] *** reuben joined the chat.
IRC [20:03] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [20:20] *** reuben parted the chat.
IRC [20:24] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:45] *** tekbasse_ joined the chat.
IRC [20:46] *** tekbasse_ parted the chat.
IRC [20:59] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [22:47] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [23:46] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [23:46] *** tekbasse joined the chat.