IRC [05:15] *** frankie joined the chat.
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IRC [13:05] <AndyPiskorski> Lurch, of course there exists such a mechanism. Simply use the Tcl 'open' command:
IRC [13:05] <AndyPiskorski> http://tcl.activestate.com/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/open.htm#M20
IRC [13:53] *** frankie joined the chat.
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IRC [19:18] <|Lurch|> AndyPiskorsky: yes - certainly an open pipe would do the trick, but it requires some trickery such as setting callbacks on file events or polling with gets - I was wondering if there is a canonical way of achieving this in aolserver - if "open" is it, that's fine - just want to make sure I don't go and reinvent the wheel.