IRC [00:43] *** samuella joined the chat.
IRC [00:44] <samuella> Hello!
IRC [00:46] <samuella> Goodbye!
IRC [00:46] *** samuella parted the chat.
IRC [04:37] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [05:06] *** sandos joined the chat.
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IRC [06:30] *** holycow joined the chat.
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IRC [07:11] *** sandos joined the chat.
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IRC [14:43] *** ioncannon joined the chat.
IRC [17:38] *** ioncannon parted the chat.
IRC [18:45] *** tux0beliver joined the chat.
IRC [18:48] *** Appleswitch joined the chat.
IRC [18:49] <Appleswitch> hello
IRC [18:55] *** Appleswitch parted the chat.
IRC [18:55] *** tux0beliver parted the chat.
AIM [18:56] *** appleswitch@mac.com joined the chat.
AIM [18:56] <appleswitch@mac.com> helllo
AIM [18:59] *** appleswitch@mac.com joined the chat.
IRC [20:42] *** sandos joined the chat.
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IRC [23:02] *** sandos joined the chat.
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