IRC [00:33] *** Mooooooo parted the chat.
IRC [08:49] *** holycow joined the chat.
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IRC [18:20] *** wtem joined the chat.
IRC [18:20] <wtem> anybody around who has set up nscgi for aolserver?
IRC [18:29] <Mooooooo> not me
IRC [18:35] <wtem> tekbasse is helping me out on #openacs
IRC [18:41] <Mooooooo> cool
IRC [18:47] <wtem> ok, bye
IRC [18:47] *** wtem parted the chat.
IRC [20:55] <Dossy> So, has everyone checked out the AOLserver Wiki running on MediaWiki? Happy now? :)
IRC [23:02] <tekbasse> dossy, as a matter of priority, the wiki was fine compared to the need for 4.0.11 release. Some of my code doesn't work since keepalivetimeout has to be set to 0 per http://dossy.org/archives/000108.html
IRC [23:03] <tekbasse> the connection times out before the page has a chance to completely load important reports while uploading data revisions...
IRC [23:06] <tekbasse> currenty I have to put the output through ns_log (and then filter out the other log info)
IRC [23:19] <tekbasse> but, I'm happy that you're happy with the new wiki =)
IRC [23:25] <Dossy> tekbasse: I don't understand -- what does keepalive have to do with your app issue/
IRC [23:26] <Dossy> there's no way (I think) to time out a connection - keepalive timeout is all about whether you support HTTP Keep-Alive connections, and if so, how long they linger.
IRC [23:26] <tekbasse> well... maybe it doesn't, but while connected via ssl, say I upload 10,000 records and a report is generated... The connection used to wait until the page was complete
IRC [23:26] <tekbasse> now the connection stops after a minute or two
IRC [23:26] <Dossy> when you say "upload" - you mean a file upload?
IRC [23:26] <tekbasse> yes
IRC [23:26] <Dossy> are you sure you're not hitting the POST limit?
IRC [23:27] <tekbasse> yes, because it processes and I get output via ns_log Notice
IRC [23:27] <tekbasse> it takes about 25mins to create the page.
IRC [23:28] <tekbasse> maybe it's the browser? hmm
IRC [23:29] <tekbasse> so, if keepalive is off, I can turn it back on then. maybe I inadvertently turned it off when I modified the config.tcl
IRC [23:31] <Dossy> Hmm.
IRC [23:32] <Dossy> 25 minutes to create the page? Do users really sit around and stay connected for that long?
IRC [23:32] <Dossy> You really should look into doing the whole async-processing-in-background and handing the user back a job token.
IRC [23:32] <tekbasse> it's an admin page... for me, so yeah ;)
IRC [23:33] <Dossy> But, that's beside the point: if you turn keepalive back on, are you saying that everything works fine and the connection stays connected for 25 minutes and works fine, but your nsd size grows due to the memory leak?
IRC [23:33] <Dossy> And only if you turn keepalive off, your page breaks?
IRC [23:33] <tekbasse> yes, that's what I experience.. but it's been so long, maybe I need to turn it on to verify again.
IRC [23:34] <Dossy> yes, please do.
IRC [23:35] <Dossy> if this IS the case, you could (if you want) run the tip of the aolserver_v40_bp branch (what would be tagged 4.0.11) and run w/ keepalive on
IRC [23:35] <tekbasse> okay, I'll take notes. It may take a day or two to work through. Will post when I have it.
IRC [23:35] <tekbasse> okay, good to know. thanks, dossy.
IRC [23:36] <Dossy> *nod* - the "fix" is already committed to the branch, so you COULD verify
IRC [23:36] <Dossy> if keepalive isn't your problem, let me know and maybe we can figure out what is really causing your issue
IRC [23:36] <tekbasse> good idea, I'll check it out on the test server. Will keep you posted.
IRC [23:44] <Dossy> I tell you, doing web page design is /so/ not my thing.
IRC [23:44] <Dossy> *eyes cross*
IRC [23:45] <tekbasse> I know what you mean.. I like the idea of drawing out on paper and scanning it into a jpeg. =)
IRC [23:47] <Dossy> heh
IRC [23:47] <Dossy> need some inspiration ...
IRC [23:54] <tekbasse> how to phrase that cvs command for aolserver_v40bp ? I get nothing on google, and variations I've tried aren't working =(
IRC [23:56] <tekbasse> oh wait v40 *_* bp ..trying again..
IRC [23:57] <Dossy> cvs co -raolserver_v40_bp aolserver
IRC [23:58] <tekbasse> ah.. thanks!