AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [05:35] *** tektubby joined the chat.
IRC [05:35] *** tektubby parted the chat.
IRC [12:00] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [12:51] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [12:52] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [13:55] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [13:56] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [14:58] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [15:00] *** bartt joined the chat.
IRC [16:22] *** bartt parted the chat.
IRC [17:12] *** martinh parted the chat.
IRC [20:19] *** martinh joined the chat.
IRC [20:39] *** martinh parted the chat.
IRC [22:01] *** martinh joined the chat.
IRC [23:24] <Dossy> Yay, a bit more participation on the wiki ...
IRC [23:24] <Dossy> Hey, what do people think about an AOLserver Coding Contest? Email me your thoughts: