IRC [00:54] *** martinh parted the chat.
IRC [00:54] *** martinh joined the chat.
IRC [16:44] *** holycow joined the chat.
AIM [20:34] *** underworld529 joined the chat.
IRC [20:34] *** [CS-Dem]Hannibal joined the chat.
IRC [20:34] *** Hannibal69 parted the chat.
AIM [20:35] *** cRaCkMoNkEyWoOt joined the chat.
AIM [20:35] *** cRaCkMoNkEyWoOt joined the chat.
IRC [20:35] *** Tucan joined the chat.
IRC [20:37] *** Tucan parted the chat.
AIM [20:37] *** underworld529 joined the chat.