IRC [02:07] *** typewriter parted the chat.
IRC [07:43] <Dossy> ouch. "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."
IRC [15:31] *** typewriter joined the chat.
IRC [15:33] <Dossy> hi. sorry I missed you earlier.
IRC [15:33] <Dossy> don't really have time to talk now either ... but if you want to ask questions, email me at dossy@panoptic.com
IRC [15:34] <Dossy> best way to guarantee I'll see it at least :)
IRC [15:34] <typewriter> actually i'm just intersted in AIM now
IRC [15:34] <typewriter> heh
IRC [15:34] <typewriter> i want to add one to my own channel
IRC [15:39] <Dossy> heh
IRC [15:40] <typewriter> how does it work?
IRC [15:40] <Dossy> just sits on the AIM network, and here on IRC, and bridges an AIM chat room with this IRC channel.
IRC [15:41] <typewriter> yea but what is it written in?
IRC [15:41] <Dossy> Tcl.
IRC [15:41] <typewriter> i see
IRC [15:42] <typewriter> so why would i want to run aol+tcl instead of apache2+php?
IRC [15:42] <Dossy> security?
IRC [15:42] <Dossy> scalability?
IRC [15:43] <typewriter> im not too familiar with tcl, but it doesnt seem as dynamic as things you can add to apache2
IRC [15:43] <typewriter> besides php
IRC [15:43] <Dossy> what do you mean by that?
IRC [15:43] <Dossy> give an example.
IRC [15:44] <typewriter> again, im not familiar with tcl, so i can be going on a misconception
IRC [15:44] <typewriter> but it just seems more dynmaic for pages written in php/cgi
IRC [15:45] <typewriter> more that can be done basically
IRC [15:45] <typewriter> i mean, i dont even see that many servers running aolserver
IRC [15:45] <typewriter> or writing websites with tcl
IRC [15:45] <tekbasse> is php Turing complete?
IRC [15:45] <Dossy> um, aol.com ...
IRC [15:46] <Dossy> it serves some 100+ million unique visitors a month.
IRC [15:47] <typewriter> that's it
IRC [15:47] <typewriter> heh
IRC [15:47] <typewriter> http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=apache&word2=aolserver
IRC [15:47] <typewriter> as far as popularity goes
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> You know, Microsoft Windows is awfully popular ...
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> That must make it better than Linux, right?
IRC [15:49] <typewriter> how is performance compared with apache2?
IRC [15:50] <Dossy> Depends on the application being served.
IRC [15:51] <Dossy> You can't really make an apples-to-apples comparison.
IRC [15:52] <Dossy> Anecdotally, I'll tell you that AOLserver can outperform.
IRC [15:52] <Dossy> But, you can write poorly performing application code in any language, in any environment.
IRC [15:59] <Dossy> Hope that helps.
IRC [15:59] <typewriter> ill install it, and try it out
IRC [16:02] <Dossy> Great. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask.
IRC [20:07] *** jhavard_ joined the chat.
IRC [20:53] *** jhavard_ parted the chat.