AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [02:32] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [02:32] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [02:35] <error27> I'm doing something wrong in my init.tcl
IRC [02:36] <error27> xapian::Database REF_DB $DB_PATH
IRC [02:36] <error27> nsv_set searcher rdb REF_DB
IRC [02:37] <error27> after I do a "set ref_db [nsv_get searcher rdb]" it complains that $ref_db is the wrong type.
IRC [02:37] <error27> I'm doing the nsv_get from a .adp file
IRC [04:17] *** Peaceful parted the chat.
IRC [04:21] *** Peaceful joined the chat.
IRC [04:26] *** Peaceful parted the chat.
IRC [04:55] *** Peaceful joined the chat.
IRC [06:47] *** leeldn joined the chat.
IRC [06:49] <leeldn> hi folks... I'm having an issue that aolserver returns 'iso8859-1' as the character encoding for my adp pages
IRC [06:49] <leeldn> and my client is complaining that this isn't compliant because its not an official alias of iso-8859-1 according to INAN
IRC [06:50] <leeldn> has anyone had to deal with this before?
IRC [07:17] <Dossy> huh?
IRC [07:17] <Dossy> so, edit the aolserver config?
IRC [07:17] <Dossy> so it returns iso-8859-1, then?
IRC [09:51] <leeldn> yeah... that's fine... I was editing the wrong config so my changes didn't seem to be doing anything... sorry
IRC [10:37] <Dossy> heh :)
IRC [10:38] <Dossy> that can happen.
IRC [10:38] <Dossy> so, error27 - are you using AOLserver?
IRC [10:40] <Dossy> error27: are you the same Dan Carpenter as associated with ?
IRC [11:34] <error27> Dossy: morning yeah.
IRC [11:38] <error27> Dossy: I'm messing with a source indexer and trying to use aolserver to do it. :)
IRC [11:38] <Dossy> cool!
IRC [11:49] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [12:24] *** leeldn parted the chat.
IRC [15:09] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [15:14] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [18:40] *** holycow parted the chat.