AOLserver Chat Logs


AIM [10:16] *** TurboFox93 joined the chat.
AIM [10:16] *** TurboFox93 joined the chat.
IRC [11:28] *** TreoDossy joined the chat.
IRC [11:28] <TreoDossy> google for dossy
IRC [11:54] *** TreoDossy parted the chat.
IRC [12:53] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [12:58] *** holycow joined the chat.
AIM [15:27] *** a16b425lsu joined the chat.
AIM [15:27] *** a16b425lsu joined the chat.
AIM [19:08] *** CrAzYeR12 joined the chat.
AIM [19:08] <CrAzYeR12> hey
AIM [19:08] <CrAzYeR12> im here
AIM [19:08] *** CrAzYeR12 joined the chat.
IRC [19:47] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [19:55] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [22:32] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [23:00] *** holycow joined the chat.