AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [04:41] *** joie joined the chat.
IRC [08:35] * Dossy yawns
IRC [09:40] <joie> Morning/afternoon. I don't suppose anyone knows if there's some magic way to get ns_httpopen to work with https sites is there?
IRC [09:40] <joie> A bit of a websearch suggests there are some hacks to do it, though non look all that appetising.
IRC [12:41] *** joie parted the chat.
IRC [13:58] <Dossy> heh
IRC [13:58] <Dossy> ns_httpsopen :)
IRC [13:59] <Dossy> nsopenssl has an https.tcl that provides ns_httpsopen
IRC [18:14] *** daguz joined the chat.
AIM [21:25] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [21:25] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.