AIM [07:50] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [07:53] <GDdrummer526> holy crap
AIM [07:53] <GDdrummer526> no
AIM [07:53] <GDdrummer526> brfdres
AIM [07:56] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [07:56] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [07:57] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
IRC [08:16] *** frankie parted the chat.
AIM [08:28] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [08:28] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
IRC [10:15] *** frankie joined the chat.
AIM [14:32] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [14:33] <GDdrummer526> hi
AIM [14:34] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [14:35] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
AIM [14:35] *** GDdrummer526 joined the chat.
IRC [16:08] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [16:08] *** wjw parted the chat.
IRC [16:08] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [16:08] *** wjw joined the chat.
AIM [16:49] *** MegaMatrixman2 joined the chat.
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> holy shoot
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> wtf is this?
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> nvmbye
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> bye
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> bye
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> bye
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> bue
AIM [16:49] <MegaMatrixman2> f
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> hahahaha
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> lo
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> low
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> high
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> middle
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> medium
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> ho ho ho
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> oh oh oh
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> go go go
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> og og og
AIM [16:50] <MegaMatrixman2> yo
AIM [16:51] <MegaMatrixman2> oy oy oy
AIM [16:51] <MegaMatrixman2> ca ca ca
AIM [16:51] <MegaMatrixman2> deek deek deek
AIM [16:51] <MegaMatrixman2> keep keep kept
AIM [16:51] <MegaMatrixman2> judo
AIM [16:52] <MegaMatrixman2> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O=-O!!!!!;-):-):-(:-P:-(:-P;-);-):-)=-O:-(:-P:-)=-O++++++++++++++!@24*%&$@)103548444444444##$6969696969777777555444333222111###@@@!!!$$$%%%4*#*4*
AIM [16:52] <MegaMatrixman2> goodbye have a nice day!!
AIM [16:52] <MegaMatrixman2> VIRUS INFECTING IN 5....
AIM [16:52] <MegaMatrixman2> 4
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> 3
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> 2
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> 1
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> unloading C:/ drive
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> deleting all system files......
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> done.
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> everyone is dead!!!
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> ha
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> e
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> oh
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> e
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> yo
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> no
AIM [16:53] <MegaMatrixman2> dh
AIM [16:54] *** MegaMatrixman2 joined the chat.
IRC [19:54] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [21:04] *** xiper joined the chat.
IRC [21:06] <xiper> hi all, does anyone know if i can ns_write part of the output, have it 'flushed' (sent to the client), do some processing then ns_write some more?
IRC [21:30] *** xiper parted the chat.