IRC [01:38] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [03:49] *** frankie joined the chat.
IRC [15:47] <Dossy> man, what's up with Jon's poor Fedora FC5 install ... heh.
IRC [15:47] <Dossy> Anyone else here running FC5?
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> http://www.thesuperficial.com/2006/07/11/david_hasselhoff_secret_agent.html
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> MY EYES!@!#
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> heh.
IRC [16:56] <jhavard> hasselhomygod
IRC [17:05] <jhavard> I gave up on fedora when I was "behind the times" three months after I installed, despite the fact that I installed FC2 when FC2 was released.
IRC [17:23] * |Lurch| gave up on linux years ago... too much pain. FreeBSD is just the way to go...
IRC [17:36] <tekbasse> |Lurch| any suggestion for substituting cp -u ?
IRC [17:36] <|Lurch|> tekbasse: huh?
IRC [17:36] <tekbasse> I'm trying to put it into a Makefile for docs in openacs : http://openacs.org/xowiki/pages/en/pastebin
IRC [17:37] <tekbasse> cp -u is not suppored in freebsd/osx
IRC [17:37] <tekbasse> supported
IRC [17:37] <|Lurch|> tekbasse: perhaps if you told me what -u does, i could tell you what the right way of doing it was in the first place. :)
IRC [17:38] <tekbasse> it copies from to , but doesn't write over any files with newer timestamps
IRC [17:39] <tekbasse> btw, I prefer freebsd, too.. just happen to be running into this annoyance
IRC [17:39] <|Lurch|> tekbasse: cp is supposed to copy.
IRC [17:40] <tekbasse> right, but the -u flag tells cp not to overwrite any newer files in the process
IRC [17:41] <tekbasse> anyway, I'd be very happy if a solution is found.. bbl
IRC [17:41] <|Lurch|> tekbasse: i'm not quite sure what the problem is...
IRC [17:42] <tekbasse> oh.
IRC [17:42] <tekbasse> in the url provided, the command: cp -u non-xml/*.html ../.
IRC [17:42] <tekbasse> copies *.html files to the dir in the above tree
IRC [17:43] <tekbasse> where there are files with the same name
IRC [17:43] <tekbasse> but, it only copies a file when the timestamp in non-xml/* is newer than the ones in ../.
IRC [17:44] <|Lurch|> tekbasse: so as to prevent unnecessary copying?
IRC [17:44] <tekbasse> so as to prevent overwriting a file that has been edited by someone else
IRC [17:45] <tekbasse> the work arround at this point is to just overwrite (ignore the -u), but would be nice to have a freebsd equiv. since cp -u seems to be commonly used in some Makefiles
IRC [17:45] <tekbasse> anyway, have to leave for a bit. bbl
IRC [18:40] <Dossy> ues "install" instead?
IRC [18:41] <Dossy> oh, never mind
IRC [18:42] <Dossy> [ -e file2 -a file1 -nt file2 ] && cp ...
IRC [19:51] <|Lurch|> Dossy: i'm sure there is a large number of solutions possible with a shell script.. but I think most/all are kind of pointless... the problem he described was solved by "make" years ago...
IRC [21:24] <tekbasse> I'll accept that make solved it... just wonder how.. =/
IRC [22:39] <Dossy> target: source
IRC [22:39] <Dossy> cp source target
IRC [22:39] <Dossy> it only fires the rule if source is newer than target.
IRC [22:51] *** |Lurch| parted the chat.
IRC [22:54] *** |Lurch| joined the chat.