IRC [00:36] *** table-power parted the chat.
IRC [19:16] *** Whopper joined the chat.
IRC [19:17] <table-power> wow not too many in here
IRC [19:19] <Whopper> nope
IRC [19:20] <Whopper> hey :)
IRC [20:12] <table-power> hi
IRC [20:12] <table-power> Im running 4.0.10 now :)
IRC [20:12] <table-power> hehe
IRC [20:12] <table-power> im sexy
IRC [20:13] <Whopper> lol
IRC [20:16] <table-power> phil greenspun kinda like inspired me
IRC [20:50] <table-power> why 3 people in here and 100s in apache if aolserver is doper?
IRC [21:40] *** table-power parted the chat.
IRC [23:05] *** Whopper|Away parted the chat.