AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [00:08] *** trajxfunc99 joined the chat.
IRC [00:08] *** trajxfunc99 parted the chat.
AIM [00:30] *** feqkaak joined the chat.
AIM [00:32] *** feqkaak joined the chat.
IRC [00:40] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [04:58] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [09:21] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [09:37] <Dossy> heh
IRC [09:38] <Dossy> Hmm.
IRC [12:45] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [18:40] *** the-net-the-nett joined the chat.
IRC [18:40] <the-net-the-nett> will 4.5 compile on linux yet?
IRC [19:08] <the-net-the-nett> is not working
IRC [19:08] <the-net-the-nett> hm
IRC [19:08] <the-net-the-nett> I think two compiles got on top of one another
IRC [19:08] <the-net-the-nett> bin dir has only aolserver binaries
IRC [19:08] <the-net-the-nett> :(
IRC [19:12] <Dossy> hmm
IRC [19:12] <Dossy> 4.5 does compile on Linux, yeah.
IRC [19:12] <Dossy> Read the README that comes with the source--the build process is slightly weird.
IRC [19:18] <the-net-the-nett> I got i compiled
IRC [19:18] <the-net-the-nett> but it wont start
IRC [19:18] <the-net-the-nett> and bin has only tclsh inside
IRC [19:19] <the-net-the-nett> may i paste the install script I built from the readme?
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> gunzip < tcl8.4.14-src.tar.gz | tar xvf -
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> cd tcl8.4.14/unix
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver --enable-threads
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> make install
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> /usr/local/aolserver/bin/tclsh84 ./nsconfig.tcl
IRC [19:21] <the-net-the-nett> gmake install
AIM [19:21] <OnlineHost> You have been removed from the room for scrolling.
IRC [19:22] <the-net-the-nett> cmon
IRC [19:22] <the-net-the-nett> please
IRC [19:25] <Dossy> ?
IRC [19:25] <Dossy> oh, ignore that--
IRC [19:25] <Dossy> you're following instructions for 4.0?
IRC [19:25] <Dossy> Check the README for 4.5?
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> no
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> 4.5
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> readme from 4.5
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> yes
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> yes
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> those are the unix parts
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> slapped into a bash script
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> and modified for tcl 8.4.14
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> ;)
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> just the 14
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> :)
IRC [19:27] <the-net-the-nett> seemed to chug away quite happily
IRC [19:30] <the-net-the-nett> oho i might have been in usr local
IRC [19:30] <the-net-the-nett> not usr local aolserver when i ran that
IRC [19:30] <the-net-the-nett> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
IRC [19:32] <the-net-the-nett> tricky little fucker unix is
IRC [19:32] <the-net-the-nett> I really want to build sites with aolserver and tcl
IRC [19:32] <the-net-the-nett> with postgesql on unix
IRC [19:32] <the-net-the-nett> sounds like kick butt combo
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> 3e. Try running the server in a shell window:
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> % cd /usr/local/aolserver
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> % bin/nsd -ft nsd.tcl
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> where is nsd?
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> tried again after moving tcl i source to aolserver dir
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> ran thru compiled all stuff
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> but bn dir has only tclsh
IRC [19:36] <the-net-the-nett> ?
IRC [19:38] *** the-net-the-nett parted the chat.
IRC [19:38] *** the-net-the-nett joined the chat.
IRC [20:13] <the-net-the-nett> anyone can point me to a good 4.5 install guide?
IRC [20:13] <the-net-the-nett> :)
IRC [20:37] *** holycow parted the chat.