IRC [02:49] <frankie> holycow: pong
IRC [04:23] <holycow> hi frankie
IRC [04:24] <frankie> i'm here
IRC [04:24] <holycow> hey i was just curious about aolserver 4.5 packaging ... it doesn't seem to be listed on the unstable debian list
IRC [04:24] <holycow> :) was just wondering when/if we might see it or if we can help out
IRC [04:24] <frankie> not yet available, I have to complete some patch porting task minimally
IRC [04:25] <frankie> and we are frozen currently, so i could only upload to experimental
IRC [04:25] <holycow> ah! :)
IRC [04:25] <holycow> okay no biggie, not trying to stress you or anything
IRC [04:25] <holycow> :)
IRC [04:25] <holycow> just curious thats all
IRC [04:26] <holycow> i appreciate all the work you do on that
IRC [04:26] <frankie> if you would help, you could see to merge a multi-site configuration (provided in examples) in the main one
IRC [04:27] <holycow> i'm not very good with packaging but i know an old dd working on oacs packaging. maybe i can see if we can get you some help
IRC [04:29] <frankie> i'm not so keen in supporting applications or application frameworks in packages: generally security support result a pain in the ass
IRC [04:29] <holycow> oh lol, please don't misunderstand my statement or intent :)
IRC [04:30] <holycow> he is only doing it for the framework it self, no suggestion of any dependency work/etc. is intended
IRC [04:30] <frankie> you can try that, but i'm just warning about that :)
IRC [04:30] <holycow> i was just looking at the debian repost wondering when 4.5 might show up and thought to email you/msg just to get a heads up :)
IRC [04:30] <holycow> frankie, *nod* of course. we like debian, nice pure and clean
IRC [04:30] <holycow> hehe
IRC [04:33] <holycow> thanks for the update frankie, i havet grab some sleep
IRC [04:33] <holycow> ttyl
IRC [06:27] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [16:03] *** shedi_ joined the chat.
IRC [16:04] *** shedi_ parted the chat.
IRC [17:41] *** holycow joined the chat.