AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [01:39] <jim> back from rehersal
IRC [01:51] <jim> I've convinced myself the nspostgres driver's changes I made aren't going to harm anyone... I ran openacs test suite with the new driver, and the same exact tests failed as when the 4.0 driver was there; all the rest passed either way, too.
IRC [01:52] <jim> now I gotta convince Dossy :P
IRC [01:52] <jim> :)
IRC [02:24] <tekbasse> jim, any chance they might decrease performance of queries that run without errors?
IRC [02:30] <tekbasse> about 7 years ago, I had brought up the possibility of adding features that increase providing details in error messages for nspostgres, but was told that doing so would affect performance of queries that worked... if you've found a way around that.. then great!
IRC [04:37] *** iceman12177 joined the chat.
IRC [04:38] *** iceman12177 parted the chat.
IRC [05:13] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [12:51] <jim> tekbasse: hi
IRC [12:51] <jim> checking...
IRC [13:18] <jim> tekbasse: there is absolutely no place that affects non-error performance anywhere in my changes.
IRC [13:22] <jim> reason being... I never added or altered anything outside of code where an error condition already existed
IRC [13:23] <jim> a corollary to that, is I did not add any checks for additional error conditions
IRC [13:25] <jim> I have a list of line numbers where cvs says I changed something, I can email it to you and you can follow along with the cvs blame report :)
IRC [13:25] <jim> err, not blame... but -annotate- :)
IRC [13:26] <jim> so, in direct answer to your question, there's no chance...
IRC [13:27] <jim> however
IRC [13:27] <jim> I have to go thru where I added to the error messages and make sure the struct I'm handed a pointer to exists in each case
IRC [13:39] <jim> looks like there are a few places
IRC [13:54] <jim> so I'm factoring
IRC [15:44] <jim> ok, the coding of the factoring is done, and it builds...
IRC [15:45] <jim> and there are 5-6 places where I alter or add to an existing message, so the tests would be to indicate whether all those work
IRC [15:48] <jim> ok, the factored function and one of its calls, both works
IRC [15:49] <jim> (the call in DbFail())
IRC [16:53] <jim> aaaannnnd
IRC [16:53] <jim> commited
IRC [17:15] <partymola> and... all aolservers start crashing
IRC [17:15] <partymola> :P
IRC [17:17] <tekbasse> bravo, jim, the extra error info might help with matching up with error info in other related situations at postgresql listerv archives etc
IRC [17:17] <tekbasse> useful with diagnostics
IRC [17:17] <tekbasse> bbl
IRC [17:28] <Dossy> jim: you need to look at how Tcl_DString is used...
IRC [17:29] <Dossy> just looked at your most recent commit--can you please fix it?
IRC [17:57] <jim> umm... details? :)
IRC [17:58] <jim> I'm not sure what the problem is...
IRC [18:00] <jim> I'd be happy to fix it once I know what's up
IRC [18:02] <jim> as far as I know... I'm allocating a dstring, initializing it (at this point it's ready to use), putting some chars in it, returning it.
IRC [18:02] <jim> as the comments mention, it's the caller's responsibility to deallocate it (that's both the dstring and the storage it'
IRC [18:02] <jim> s on)
IRC [18:05] <jim> maybe I ought to see if any of the funcs I'm using return status I'm not picking up
IRC [18:06] <jim> - Tcl_DStringFree does not return a status or anything, accdg to the docs
IRC [18:08] <jim> - free() also does not return any value
IRC [18:12] <jim> tekbasse: let me know how it goes
IRC [18:12] <jim> partymola: would you care to give it a shot? :)
IRC [18:13] <jim> plus, I want to see why your build situation requires a separate link step
IRC [18:13] <jim> and see if we can't eliminate that
IRC [18:15] <partymola> ok
IRC [18:16] <jim> Dossy: could you provide an example of use?
IRC [18:19] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [18:23] <Dossy> Jim: yeah, I'm doing that--email coming
IRC [18:25] <Dossy> okay, you've got email coming to you :)
IRC [18:26] <jim> ok, cool
IRC [18:28] <Dossy> Hopefully the example will help you see the pattern.
IRC [18:28] <jim> next commit is for something else...
IRC [18:28] <Dossy> Did you remove a bunch of files, BTW
IRC [18:28] <jim> remove?? no
IRC [18:29] <jim> from where? how?
IRC [18:29] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
IRC [18:29] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Warning: modload: could not find Ns_DbDriverInit in /usr/local/aolserver/bin/
IRC [18:29] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Error: dbdrv: failed to load driver 'postgres_driver'
IRC [18:29] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Error: dbinit: no such default pool 'postgres_pool'
IRC [18:29] <partymola> if i omit my linking step
IRC [18:29] <jim> ok
IRC [18:31] <jim> we'll explore that in a moment... but right now I'm trying to determine if you're getting the extra pieces of the message
IRC [18:31] <Dossy> you need to load in your config.tcl
IRC [18:31] <partymola> Dossy: i did :)
IRC [18:32] <partymola> jim:
IRC [18:32] <partymola> jim: linked, and working now
IRC [18:32] <partymola> gimme instructions ;)
IRC [18:33] <Dossy> <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Warning: modload: could not find Ns_DbDriverInit in /usr/local/aolserver/bin/ <-- that looks like you're missing
IRC [18:34] <jim> your link step is line 7?
IRC [18:34] <Dossy> Ns_DbDriverInit(char *hDriver, char *configPath)
IRC [18:34] <Dossy> that's in nspostgres.c ... hmm
IRC [18:34] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
IRC [18:34] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/local/aolserver/bin/'
IRC [18:34] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:29:36][1966.134561792][-main-] Warning: modload: could not find Ns_DbDriverInit in /usr/local/aolserver/bin/
IRC [18:34] <Dossy> Interesting.
IRC [18:34] <partymola> but
IRC [18:34] <jim> so it's -not- working now?
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> >> #
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> ld -shared -x -o nspostgres.o \
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> #
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> -L/usr/local/aolserver/lib -lnsd -lnsthread -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl84 -lm -rpath /usr/local/aolserver/lib -rpath /lib
IRC [18:35] <partymola> jim: yes, it's working now, those messages were when i didn't do my "custom" linking
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> where's -lnsdb in the link line?
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> hm, then you have:
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> ld -shared -x -o -L/usr/local/lib -lpq -lnsdb -L. -lnspostgres -L/usr/local/aolserver/lib -lnsd -lnsthread -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl84 -lm -rpath /usr/local/aolserver/lib -rpath /lib
IRC [18:35] <Dossy> why is nspostgres creating a grr.
IRC [18:36] <partymola> somebody fix the Makefile xD
IRC [18:36] <Dossy> Does *anyone* out there actually link to a standalone executable?
IRC [18:36] * Dossy nods at partymola.
IRC [18:36] <Dossy> I should commit my nsopenssl changes tonight, too.
IRC [18:36] <Dossy> I've been sitting on them WAY too long.
IRC [18:36] <Dossy> Oh, and tag and release AOLserver. *ugh*
IRC [18:36] <Dossy> I still need to write up the "release manager" description for tekbasse :)
IRC [18:36] <partymola> Dossy: what i do after compiling nspostgres is a "manual relinking" so it works correctly
IRC [18:37] <jim> partymola: zooming all the way out... we have to see exactly how you build (1) tcl, (2) aolserver and (3) nspostgres
IRC [18:37] <partymola> ld -shared -x -o -L/usr/local/lib -lpq -L. -lnspostgres -L/usr/local/aolserver/lib -lnsd -lnsthread -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl84 -lm -rpath /usr/local/aolserver/lib -rpath /lib nspostgres.o
IRC [18:37] <Dossy> jim: FYI, I hope I'm not coming across as harsh--I really am thrilled you're taking ownership of nspostgres--and want to encourage you to commit more code, but better code. :-)
IRC [18:38] <partymola> Dossy: teach us!! ;)
IRC [18:38] <jim> Dossy: no problem... I just need to know specifically what the problem is... I have to look at the example to see if it does that
IRC [18:38] <jim> if not... I would ask you to be more specific :)
IRC [18:39] <Dossy> partymola: definitely! I'd love to get more folks contributing to the AOLserver core.
IRC [18:39] <partymola> i am developing an online catalog atm using aolserver
IRC [18:40] <partymola> if i see any problem, or if you need my help anytime, just tell me
IRC [18:40] <Dossy> cool.
IRC [18:40] <partymola> i am more than happy to help in any way i can
IRC [18:40] <Dossy> ok, time to put my kids to bed. brb
IRC [18:40] <partymola> okee :)
IRC [18:40] <partymola> take some time to read them a book lol
IRC [18:43] <partymola> houston, we have a problem
IRC [18:43] <partymola> jim: something is not working ok :S
IRC [18:43] <jim> which part?
IRC [18:43] <partymola> no access to pool: "postgresql_pool"
IRC [18:43] <partymola> since i changed to your new version :S
IRC [18:43] <jim> ok, prev messages?
IRC [18:45] <partymola>
IRC [18:45] <partymola> full server.log
IRC [18:46] <partymola> it's loaded ok, as always :S
IRC [18:47] <partymola> wait!
IRC [18:48] <partymola> zomg... i had a mistake @ code that i had not seen before
IRC [18:48] <partymola> jim: problem solved... lol
IRC [18:48] <jim> oh, what was it?
IRC [18:49] <partymola> pool name is postgres_pool
IRC [18:49] <partymola> not the one i was trying to access...
IRC [18:49] <jim> Dossy: so you're saying I should feed the thing a ready string
IRC [18:49] <jim> I can do that
IRC [18:50] <jim> lemme start food stuff, incl. coffee
IRC [18:50] <partymola> okee
IRC [18:52] <jim> Dossy: and I see benefit of that, what if you want to append to an existing string
IRC [18:52] <partymola> Database operation "1row" failed (exception NSINT, "Query returned more than one row.") <- Error reporting look the same to me :S
IRC [18:53] <jim> show the next line
IRC [18:53] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:00:50:21][2094.134804480][-conn:1-] Error: Tcl exception:
IRC [18:53] <partymola> Database operation "1row" failed (exception NSINT, "Query returned more than one row.")
IRC [18:53] <partymola> while executing
IRC [18:53] <partymola> "ns_db 1row $db "SELECT * from presesiones LIMIT 2""
IRC [18:53] <jim> that's DbFail()
IRC [18:53] <jim> ok, so you're still not getting the new code
IRC [18:53] <partymola> :S
IRC [18:54] <partymola> changelog file & .c file were updated from cvs
IRC [18:54] <jim> I don't doubt that
IRC [18:54] <partymola> last changelog entry is from 17th
IRC [18:55] <jim> I'll look carefully at the code when I get back
IRC [18:55] <partymola> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root simpleoption 14706 Feb 18 00:32 /usr/local/aolserver/bin/
IRC [18:55] <partymola> ^ 26 minutes ago ^
IRC [18:55] <partymola> okee :)
IRC [18:55] <jim> I'll do the dossy thing too
IRC [18:55] <jim> he wants the function I factored out to be a little more generally useful
IRC [18:56] <partymola> each time you work with TCL Strings, a kitty dies lol
IRC [18:56] <jim> aww, poor kittys
IRC [18:56] <partymola> tcl is evil, i tell ya ;)
IRC [18:56] <jim> it does have that rep
IRC [18:56] <jim> but
IRC [18:57] <jim> it
IRC [18:57] <jim> it's proven to be rock solid over the years
IRC [18:57] <partymola> hell yeah :)
IRC [18:57] <partymola> we, go having ur food & coffee :)
IRC [18:57] <partymola> bon apetit :D
IRC [18:57] <jim> tnx...
IRC [19:19] <Dossy> jim: ok, you got my email?
IRC [19:46] <Dossy> wow, everyone got quiet :)
IRC [19:52] <partymola> jim is out...
IRC [19:53] <partymola> probably crying on a corner because of your previous comments, Dossy ;)
IRC [19:59] <Dossy> awwww
IRC [19:59] <Dossy> haha
IRC [19:59] <Dossy> I wasn't that bad :)
IRC [20:03] <partymola> ;)
IRC [20:20] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:20] <partymola> Our holy cow was sacrificed to TCL's god :)
IRC [20:46] <Dossy> HAHA
IRC [20:46] <partymola> who killed jim? XD
IRC [20:47] <Dossy> maybe he went for food.
IRC [20:47] <partymola> seems that McDonad's hamburger took him down
IRC [20:47] <Dossy> ouch.
IRC [20:47] <partymola> it seems like he has gone for food to Mexico lol
IRC [20:47] <partymola> it can't take so much time!
IRC [20:48] <Dossy> who knows. maybe he fell asleep.
IRC [20:50] <partymola> he'll have nightmares as long as nspostgres isn't working as he expects ;O
IRC [20:51] <Dossy> hehe.
IRC [21:35] <partymola> ooops, i have a problem
IRC [21:35] <partymola> (due to my ignorance, of course)
IRC [21:35] <partymola>
IRC [21:36] <partymola> that piece of code gives me that error :S
IRC [21:36] <partymola> That piece of code should delete all rows @ table "presesiones"
IRC [21:37] <partymola> Don't worry, that's not real code... just a test to know why I get that weird error :|
IRC [21:39] <partymola> when doing that, it only deletes the 1st row on each execution of that function
IRC [21:39] <partymola> i think it may be because i need a different db handler for the "delete" sentence
IRC [21:39] <partymola> but it doesn't allow me to get two handlers
IRC [21:39] <partymola> (that piece of code is at a tcl module)
IRC [21:52] <Dossy> pastebin ... so ... slow
IRC [21:52] <Dossy> um, of course it's only going to delete one row at a time
IRC [21:52] <Dossy> you're telling it to delete where ID = one value :)
IRC [21:52] <Dossy> btw, you can't scroll a resultset like a cursor
IRC [21:53] <Dossy> you have to select ALL the rows back before you issue another ns_db command.
IRC [21:53] <Dossy> or, use multiple DB connections
IRC [21:53] <Dossy> you can't get two db handles separately, but you can get them at the same time
IRC [21:53] <Dossy> look at the ns_db gethandle doc
IRC [21:53] <partymola> okey
IRC [21:57] <partymola> it gives me a list
IRC [21:57] <partymola> of handlers
IRC [21:57] <partymola> how can i select the 1st element?
IRC [21:59] <partymola> got it
IRC [21:59] <partymola> lindex :D
IRC [22:07] <jim> heya
IRC [22:08] <jim> did you guys figure out the build problem?
IRC [22:08] <partymola> we've not worked on that XD
IRC [22:08] <partymola> lazy men we are...
IRC [22:08] <jim> ok
IRC [22:08] <jim> what if we try just a rebuild in another dir
IRC [22:09] <jim> meaning we'd build...
IRC [22:09] <partymola> but i think it's what Dossy pointed... the lack of -lnsd
IRC [22:09] <jim> - tcl
IRC [22:09] <jim> - aolserver
IRC [22:09] <jim> - nspostgres
IRC [22:09] <jim> - any other modules you use
IRC [22:09] <partymola> lol........
IRC [22:09] <jim> and install them in a different place
IRC [22:09] <Dossy> -lnsdb is missing from the linker step, I think
IRC [22:09] <partymola> that's gonna take a long while
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> although ...
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> ifndef AS3
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> MODLIBS += -lnsdb
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> endif
IRC [22:10] <partymola> yep
IRC [22:10] <partymola> i saw that too
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> You're not defining AS3, rihgt?
IRC [22:10] <partymola> i am not!
IRC [22:10] <Dossy> where was that pastebin if your build output?
IRC [22:10] <jim>
IRC [22:10] <partymola>
IRC [22:10] <jim> oh L(
IRC [22:10] <jim> :)
IRC [22:11] <partymola> :D
IRC [22:11] <partymola> s l o w p a s t e b i n
IRC [22:11] <Dossy> ... slow ... pastebin ...
IRC [22:11] <Dossy> HAHa
IRC [22:11] <partymola> ;)
IRC [22:11] <Dossy> should write a pastebin in aolserver
IRC [22:11] <jim> you could use
IRC [22:11] <partymola> should write world peace in tcl
IRC [22:12] <jim> I think sandra bullock would like that
IRC [22:12] <partymola> maybe, maybe :)
IRC [22:12] <jim> ohh, my thing was not the build log
IRC [22:13] <jim> didn't see that
IRC [22:13] <partymola> now you see it ;)
IRC [22:13] <jim> and now I don't :)
IRC [22:14] <partymola> don't close your eyes! XD
IRC [22:14] <jim> or close the winder
IRC [22:14] <partymola> yes, Dossy , it's linked to nsdb
IRC [22:14] <partymola> look at line #4
IRC [22:14] <jim> before your link step?
IRC [22:15] <partymola> oh, wait
IRC [22:15] <jim> or does that log show just the results of make?
IRC [22:15] <partymola> weird, weird! XD
IRC [22:15] <partymola> just the results of make
IRC [22:15] <Dossy> let me see
IRC [22:15] <jim> ok, so after all that, you do that thing
IRC [22:15] <partymola> is linked to nsdb
IRC [22:16] <partymola> BUT is not
IRC [22:16] <jim> as the both of you know, I'm trying to incorporate the use of pg_config to supply the postgres build attributes
IRC [22:16] <partymola> yep, and it works pretty well
IRC [22:16] <partymola> it works perfect for me
IRC [22:16] <jim> not yet it doesn't
IRC [22:17] <jim> otherwise you wouldn't have to do extra stuff :)
IRC [22:17] <partymola> well.... postgres has nothing to do with linking with nsdb or not
IRC [22:17] <jim> well
IRC [22:17] <Dossy> is missing the -lnsdb.
IRC [22:17] <Dossy> but, that shouldn't be an issue, in theory
IRC [22:17] <jim> but look at what it can do, for example try at the console, pg_config --cflags
IRC [22:18] <jim> that tells you the flags each .c file in postgres was compiled with
IRC [22:19] <jim> Dossy: in fact you'd expect that, because the app would link to nsdb
IRC [22:19] <partymola> yep
IRC [22:19] <jim> yaknow somethign, my builds don't produce libnspostgres.*
IRC [22:19] <Dossy> so, what's the issue now?
IRC [22:19] <Dossy> jim: you using AOLserver HEAD?
IRC [22:20] <jim> I want to take him thru a full, standard build
IRC [22:20] <Dossy> looks like partymola is using AOLserver 4.5
IRC [22:20] <partymola> yep, i am using CVS version from... let me see
IRC [22:20] <jim> no, right now I'm using 4.0.10
IRC [22:20] <Dossy> ah.
IRC [22:20] <Dossy> Jim, try building 4.5 from CVS HEAD
IRC [22:20] <partymola> [xel@peter ~/temp/nspostgres] /usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd -V
IRC [22:20] <partymola> AOLserver/4.5.0 (aolserver4_5)
IRC [22:20] <partymola> CVS Tag: $Name: $
IRC [22:20] <partymola> Built: Dec 16 2006 at 11:27:22
IRC [22:20] <partymola> Tcl version: 8.4
IRC [22:20] <partymola> Platform: freebsd
IRC [22:20] <jim> ok
IRC [22:23] <jim> actually gimme just a sec
IRC [22:30] <jim> ok that commit was some missing NULLs from the ends of some Tcl_AppendResult()s
IRC [22:31] <partymola> ok! i found the difference between the linker line that works and the one that doesn't!
IRC [22:33] <partymola>
IRC [22:33] <partymola> check that Dossy and jim
IRC [22:34] <partymola> look at the end X'D
IRC [22:34] <partymola> little surprise... lol
IRC [22:35] <jim> yeah, I think you need both of those things :)
IRC [22:36] <jim> that is...
IRC [22:36] <partymola> lol!
IRC [22:36] <partymola> no, it works now >_>
IRC [22:36] <jim> I think at the end you need nspostgres.o -lnsdb
IRC [22:36] <jim> ok
IRC [22:36] <partymola> i've changed makefile from:
IRC [22:36] <partymola> ifndef AS3
IRC [22:36] <partymola> MODLIBS += -lnsdb
IRC [22:36] <partymola> endif
IRC [22:37] <partymola> to:
IRC [22:37] <partymola> ifndef AS3
IRC [22:37] <partymola> MODLIBS += $(OBJS)
IRC [22:37] <partymola> endif
IRC [22:37] <partymola> and it works now perfect
IRC [22:37] <partymola> should test that on linux too :)
IRC [22:37] <partymola> jim: good news! one problem solved :)
IRC [22:37] <jim> it'
IRC [22:37] <jim> I still would like to have you go thru a full build
IRC [22:38] <partymola> lol.....
IRC [22:38] <partymola> you wanna make my processor cry, eh? XD
IRC [22:38] <jim> because if what you say is the case, then the build system that aolserver uses doesn't work on your platform
IRC [22:38] <jim> I have one more commit to do...
IRC [22:39] <partymola> well, it doesn't works in another server of us
IRC [22:40] <partymola> jim: do you prefer tcl with threads or without them? XD
IRC [22:45] <partymola> Built tcl with:
IRC [22:45] <partymola> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl
IRC [22:45] <Dossy>
IRC [22:45] <Dossy> just built tcl & aolserver over at dreamhost :)
IRC [22:46] <partymola> lol
IRC [22:46] <Dossy> should I write a quick pastebin? :)
IRC [22:46] <Dossy> haha
IRC [22:46] <Dossy> oh, the temptation.
IRC [22:47] <partymola> X'D
IRC [22:47] <partymola> u want to rewrite everything, eh?
IRC [22:47] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [22:47] <partymola> actually, aolserver makes it pretty easy ;)
IRC [22:54] <partymola> ooops, i need tcl with threads
IRC [22:56] <jim> partymola: yeah, aolserver needs --enable-threads
IRC [22:56] <jim> on the tcl it uses
IRC [22:56] <partymola> tcl recompiled
IRC [22:56] <jim> then in aolserver you should be able to do:
IRC [22:57] <jim> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl --with-tcl=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl/lib
IRC [22:57] <partymola> okee
IRC [22:57] <jim> (why not put it in the same place)
IRC [22:58] <jim> then build nspostgres like:
IRC [22:59] <jim> make POSTGRES=PG_CONFIG AOLSERVER=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl INST=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl
IRC [23:00] <jim> then see if everything builds right
IRC [23:00] <jim> hopefully it shouldn't need the extra link step
IRC [23:01] <partymola> if not, will i be given a medal?
IRC [23:04] <partymola> ok, everything done
IRC [23:04] <partymola> let's pray
IRC [23:05] <partymola> yay! it failed >_>
IRC [23:05] <partymola> nsd is not linked correctly
IRC [23:05] <partymola> ./nsd
IRC [23:05] <partymola> /libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "nsd"
IRC [23:06] <jim> oh,
IRC [23:06] <jim> that's fine
IRC [23:06] <jim> try this:
IRC [23:07] <jim> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl/lib
IRC [23:07] <jim> then run it
IRC [23:09] <jim> see, it's our fault... we did that sorta on purpose
IRC [23:09] <jim> we wanted to put this in non-system-wide place
IRC [23:09] <partymola> nice, it works
IRC [23:09] <partymola> i mean
IRC [23:09] <partymola> nsd can run now xD
IRC [23:09] <jim> ok, so now we're at nspostgres to build?
IRC [23:09] <partymola> let's configure it
IRC [23:09] <partymola> nspostgres has build correctly, and it's installed
IRC [23:10] <jim> without the link step?
IRC [23:10] <partymola> now i am gonna get this aolserver running
IRC [23:10] <partymola> aolserver is not still running
IRC [23:10] <jim> why not try to run nsd on your old config
IRC [23:10] <jim> ok, why do you think it's failing
IRC [23:12] <jim> I guess something else is possible... you have the old aolserver running?
IRC [23:13] <partymola> wait a sec
IRC [23:19] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:05:19:26][26669.134561792][-main-] Warning: modload: could not load /usr/local/aolserver/bin/ Shared object "" not found, required by ""
IRC [23:19] <partymola> i get that error all the time >_>
IRC [23:20] <jim> ok, do you have a in the nspostgres dir?
IRC [23:20] <partymola> wait, wait
IRC [23:20] <partymola> it's loading the wrong library >_>
IRC [23:21] <jim> maybe not... does that file exist?
IRC [23:23] <jim> did the build of nspostgres build that file?
IRC [23:23] <jim> need to know
IRC [23:24] <partymola> yes, it did
IRC [23:24] <jim> also, you said you altered the makefile?
IRC [23:24] <partymola> i put it back at its original state
IRC [23:24] <jim> ok, cool...
IRC [23:24] <partymola> i am encountering lots of problems while trying to get that nsd running
IRC [23:24] <partymola> the nsd i have just compiled, i mean
IRC [23:24] <jim> so now, we need a copy of that file in...
IRC [23:25] <jim> hold on one sec...
IRC [23:25] <jim> $HOME/temp/comp/tcl/lib
IRC [23:26] <jim> after that, try to start the nsd again (this time I suspect you need modules you haven't built yet)
IRC [23:29] <jim> if it doesn't start, throw a log onto rafb or somewhere so I can see :)
IRC [23:29] <jim> also could I see your config file
IRC [23:30] <partymola> argh!
IRC [23:30] <partymola> didn't work
IRC [23:30] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:05:30:41][26765.134561792][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/home/xel/temp/comp/tcl/bin/'
IRC [23:30] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:05:30:41][26765.134561792][-main-] Warning: modload: could not find Ns_DbDriverInit in /usr/home/xel/temp/comp/tcl/bin/
IRC [23:30] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:05:30:41][26765.134561792][-main-] Error: dbdrv: failed to load driver 'postgres_driver'
IRC [23:30] <partymola> [18/Feb/2007:05:30:41][26765.134561792][-main-] Error: dbinit: no such default pool 'postgres_pool'
IRC [23:30] <partymola> same error as before :|
IRC [23:31] <jim> ok
IRC [23:31] <partymola> after all, my tcl, aolserver & nspostgres installs were not weird before
IRC [23:32] <partymola> have you tried to build nspostgres with the modification to the makefile i proposed
IRC [23:32] <partymola> ?
IRC [23:32] <jim> ok, that's good information
IRC [23:32] <jim> no, but only because it works here
IRC [23:33] <partymola> uh?
IRC [23:33] <jim> again, if that change were really needed, it might indicate the aolserver build system needs to be looked at
IRC [23:34] <jim> but I'm starting to suspect that anyway
IRC [23:34] <partymola> the best way to guess that would be... testing on linux & windows
IRC [23:35] <jim> I'm also suspecting that I'm not doing the right things with all the information available from pg_config
IRC [23:36] <partymola> it's not related to the linking problem, i bet
IRC [23:36] <jim> I'm not at all ready to say: "aolserver build system has problems"
IRC [23:36] <jim> I think it might be
IRC [23:36] <partymola> it's not aolserver build system... it's nspostgres' makefile
IRC [23:36] <jim> have you built other aolserver modules?
IRC [23:36] <jim> exactly what I'm saying
IRC [23:36] <partymola> no, i've not
IRC [23:37] <jim> so, so far, you're just playing with aolserver, its core modules and nspostgres?
IRC [23:37] <partymola> yep
IRC [23:37] <jim> I think that the nspostgres makefile needs to do more with the pg_config info
IRC [23:38] <jim> btw
IRC [23:38] <jim> how exactly do you start aolserver?
IRC [23:38] <partymola> the problem is that it's not linked correctly to *aolserver* libraries... postgres has nothing to do with that
IRC [23:39] <jim> are you sure that's the only possibility?
IRC [23:39] <partymola> sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/temp/comp/tcl/lib ./nsd -u nobody -g nobody -t config.tcl
IRC [23:39] <partymola> facts are facts, the way to fix the problem is to link against nspostgres.o too
IRC [23:39] <jim> so does your config.tcl put you at a low port such as 80?
IRC [23:40] <partymola> nope, at port 8003
IRC [23:40] <jim> oh, ok
IRC [23:40] <jim> I was wondering why you sudoed
IRC [23:40] <partymola> to be able to switch to nobody:nogroup credentials
IRC [23:40] <jim> oic
IRC [23:40] <partymola> oh, i had an error, it's -g nogroup
IRC [23:41] <jim> well
IRC [23:41] <jim> has to include the content of nspostgres.o
IRC [23:41] <partymola> yes...
IRC [23:41] <jim> I guess linking to it is effective too, but if that's the case nspostgres.o would also have to be installed
IRC [23:42] <jim> the thing is, should be the whole module, and if I recall correctly it
IRC [23:42] <partymola> not really
IRC [23:42] <partymola> in my case it's not installed
IRC [23:42] <partymola> and it works
IRC [23:43] <jim> so your includes nspostgres.o content
IRC [23:43] <partymola> yep
IRC [23:43] <partymola> i do the same install process, but the "-lnsdb" switch is replaced by "nspostgres.o"
IRC [23:43] <partymola> and then it works perfect
IRC [23:43] <partymola> the same files are installed, everything is the same
IRC [23:43] <partymola> except that switch
IRC [23:44] <jim> and it does or does not need
IRC [23:44] <partymola> idk X'D is installed at lib/
IRC [23:44] <partymola> as always
IRC [23:44] <jim> hmmm
IRC [23:44] <partymola> nothing changes, except that is linked a little different
IRC [23:45] <jim> I wonder if originally contained the old code, so did not, and got it by dynamically loading the lib?
IRC [23:45] <partymola> idk
IRC [23:46] <jim> that would explain why you kept getting the old behavior when it output errors
IRC [23:46] <jim> but I'm not sure it's the only expl
IRC [23:47] <jim> anyways... let's stop here
IRC [23:47] <partymola> so... no fix for the problem?
IRC [23:48] <jim> not yet
IRC [23:48] <partymola> when will it come? lol
IRC [23:48] <jim> right after it's fixed!
IRC [23:48] <partymola> lol....
IRC [23:49] <jim> or maybe a millisecond before...
IRC [23:50] <partymola> O_o
IRC [23:50] <jim> I need to figure out exactly how it's supposed to work
IRC [23:51] <jim> and then make it work that way :)
IRC [23:52] <partymola> i am looking forward to have that as soon as possible ;)
IRC [23:52] <jim> yeah meetoo... but meanwhile this doesn't actually stop you does it?
IRC [23:53] <partymola> not really, cut i have now a patch for the makefile @ company servers XD
IRC [23:53] <partymola> at least we know how to compile it @ FreeBSD lol