IRC [02:20] *** partymola joined the chat.
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IRC [17:26] *** daguz joined the chat.
IRC [17:27] <daguz> I am having a heck of a time building aolserver 4.5 on suse ent linux 10.1
IRC [17:27] <daguz> nspostgres will not install.
IRC [17:27] <daguz> make install POSTGRES=LSB ACS=1 INST=/usr/local/aolserver/
IRC [17:28] <daguz> make: execvp: /usr/local/aolserver/: Permission denied
IRC [17:28] <daguz> It looks like from the ns.mak file that it should be running a tcl script or something.
IRC [17:29] <daguz> I don't know makefile syntax very well.
IRC [17:29] <daguz> any help out there?
IRC [17:30] <daguz> Also there were lots of warnings when building. It is using posgres 8 .
IRC [17:50] *** MrWGW- joined the chat.
IRC [17:50] <MrWGW-> good afternoon
IRC [18:10] <tekbasse> daguz: try adding paramater AOLSERVER=/usr/local/aolserver
IRC [18:11] <tekbasse> the INST was changed to AOLSERVER not too long ago for many of the modules
IRC [18:13] <tekbasse> Here's some instructions for installing nspostgres in context of installing aolserver 4.10 for openacs http://openacs.org/xowiki/aolserver-install
IRC [18:13] <tekbasse> those instructions use both INST and AOLSERVER just to be sure its covered between versions and changes =)
IRC [18:14] <tekbasse> bbl
IRC [18:19] <MrWGW-> I'm having some difficulty installing AOLServer, I'm getting a permission denied error that mentions TCL (which I installed according to the readme) when I go to compile
IRC [18:19] <MrWGW-> any suggestions?
IRC [18:20] <tekbasse> are you installing as root?
IRC [18:21] *** MrWGW- parted the chat.
IRC [18:22] <tekbasse> bbl
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IRC [23:47] *** jim joined the chat.
IRC [23:48] <jim> hi
IRC [23:48] <jim> just checkin in