IRC [02:20] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [02:55] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [11:25] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [12:26] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [13:24] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [13:29] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [13:48] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [15:00] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [15:07] *** Dossy_ joined the chat.
IRC [15:07] <Dossy> google for test
IRC [15:11] <Dossy> google for test
IRC [15:13] <Dossy> google for test
IRC [15:13] <Dossy_> test => http://www.test.com/ Test Central Home; http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/ Bandwidth Speed Test; http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php?im NerdTests.com Fun Tests - Nerd Quiz;
IRC [15:14] <Dossy> heh. neat.
IRC [15:14] *** Dossy_ parted the chat.
IRC [15:14] <partymola> google for cucumber
IRC [15:14] <partymola> oh! left XD
IRC [15:14] <Dossy> hehe
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> google for cucumber
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> hmm, the AIM bot should have responded though
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> google for cucumber
IRC [15:15] <Dossy> hmm, rate limiting? weird
IRC [15:16] <partymola> google for google sucks
IRC [15:16] <partymola> yay xD
IRC [16:44] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [16:58] <jim> on a channel like #perl they have to rate limit... here probably no because the number of folks here can be represented by a single digit
IRC [19:01] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:04] <Dossy> It's pretty quiet here.
IRC [20:43] *** asteets_ parted the chat.
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IRC [20:45] *** Dossy parted the chat.
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IRC [21:25] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [22:23] <jim> question about the aolserver build process... are there any cases whose result differ from the present situation where the tclsh that aolserver will have been built against is not suitable for the build scripts that are written in tcl?
IRC [22:24] <jim> that is... we have aolserver-4.5.0/configure --with-tcl=/path/to/libdir/of/tcl
IRC [22:24] <jim> which causes "{--with-tcl}/lib/tclConfig.sh" to be read
IRC [22:25] <jim> that script has a fully qualified path to a working tclsh
IRC [22:25] <jim> any reason to NOT use that during aolserver build?
IRC [22:26] <jim> (one reason TO use it, it might be the only one on the machine)
IRC [22:43] <jim> anyway, I posted the above to https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1645617&group_id=3152&atid=103152
IRC [22:44] <jim> let's talk about it there :)