AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [00:44] *** handsomeDevil parted the chat.
IRC [01:08] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [06:13] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [06:46] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [10:57] <Dossy> ...
IRC [11:15] <partymola> lmao
IRC [11:15] <partymola> we had visit, eh? XD
IRC [11:36] <Dossy> yup. so, how's your project going?
IRC [11:36] <partymola> we've been spending the last time or so designing all the think on paper with our designer
IRC [11:36] <partymola> we've a lot of design work to do
IRC [11:36] <Dossy> cool
IRC [11:36] <Dossy> that's great
IRC [11:36] <partymola> yeah, since aolserver is pretty good
IRC [11:36] <partymola> i don't worry too much about it :)
IRC [11:37] <partymola> i mean about dealing with aolserver itself, i know we'll get it
IRC [11:37] <partymola> so i worry a lot more about having a correct design, and to make users have a good experience ;)
IRC [11:38] <Dossy> nice
IRC [11:39] <Dossy> when do you think you'll have a demo?
IRC [11:39] <partymola> 6-8 weeks
IRC [11:39] <partymola> not a demo, just the full think working
IRC [11:39] <partymola> we're starting a full business over that website
IRC [11:39] <partymola> so we have to get everything running ;)
IRC [11:46] <Dossy> wow, cool
IRC [11:46] <Dossy> good luck :)
IRC [11:57] <Dossy> Isn't Google becoming CAS?
IRC [11:57] <Dossy> oops, wrong window
IRC [12:12] <partymola> CAS? XD
IRC [12:34] <Dossy> content-addressable storage. sorry.
IRC [13:03] <partymola> oh, i suppose you mean something like associative storage
IRC [13:04] <partymola> ok, wikipedia says it's the same XD
IRC [13:06] <partymola> well, due to the nature of Google, if they really want to index all the info, they need to become CAS
IRC [13:07] <partymola> I assisted to a Google lecture, and I told them that discarding index info about pages that have changed or that have been deleted is against their mission...
IRC [13:08] <partymola> I don't give 5 cents for their mission, but going CAS is what they must do if they really believe somehow in their mission.
IRC [13:46] <Dossy> heh
IRC [13:46] <Dossy> yeah, it's interesting how things are progressing.
IRC [15:26] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [17:18] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [17:31] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [18:40] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [18:43] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [18:49] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [19:29] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [20:49] *** holycow parted the chat.