IRC [03:58] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [07:24] <frankie> Dossy: current package in sid is 4.5
IRC [11:02] <Dossy> Ah, okay--that's good to know.
IRC [11:03] <Dossy> You've done a great job packaging, btw--where you placed the binaries/etc. work out nicely.
IRC [11:03] <Dossy> The only problem is our makefiles assume that Makefile.module is in $(AOLSERVER)/include/Makefile.module ... but that's not a big deal.
IRC [11:04] <Dossy> make AOLSERVER=/usr/lib/aolserver4 would still "work" if there was a symlink (i.e., cd /usr/lib/aolserver4 && ln -sf include .)
IRC [13:04] <Dossy> AOLserver 4.0.10 VMware appliance, and AOLserver Conference: http://dossy.org/archives/000450.html
IRC [14:55] <frankie> Dossy: in 4.5 i moved those files
IRC [14:56] <frankie> klecker:~$ ls /usr/share/aolserver4/
IRC [14:56] <frankie> Makefile.global Makefile.module nsinstall.tcl ns.mak nsmakeall.tcl nsremove.tcl
IRC [14:57] <frankie> but I left a sym link in /usr/lib/aolserver4/
IRC [14:58] <frankie> Dossy: btw, i wrote a msg about some oddities in current build script
IRC [14:59] <frankie> Dossy: the TCLSH lacking is due to changes in tcl8.4 building, the old way is now deprecated
IRC [15:10] <frankie> Dossy: i'll add that symlink in a next upload
IRC [15:25] <Dossy> Cool.
IRC [15:26] <Dossy> do you have/use VMware? :)
IRC [15:26] <Dossy> i changed the /etc/aolserver4/aolserver4.tcl to listen to address, and changed /etc/init.d/aolserver4 to -b
IRC [15:26] <Dossy> just to make things easier for n00bies.
IRC [15:26] <Dossy> right now I'm trying to .rar the appliance up and figure out how to publish a .torrent :)
IRC [15:26] <Dossy> btw, I realized I never added the license verbiage to nsmysql :-)
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> and, would you be interested in packaging a build of nssqlite3? it seems to work okay ...
IRC [15:27] <Dossy> What does it take to be an official Debian Developer? I should read up on it ... :-)
IRC [15:37] <tekbasse> dossy: maybe you can use the debian packaging docs as a template for what it takes to create an aolserver release. ;)
IRC [15:44] <frankie> Dossy: quite long process
IRC [15:45] <frankie> Dossy: but packaging activities can be sponsored by other DDs, so there's an easier way
IRC [15:45] <Dossy> cool.
IRC [15:46] <Dossy> tekbasse: yeah, I'm thinking about that. I really want to get others to contribute directly ...
IRC [15:46] <frankie> http://www.debian.org/devel/join/nm-checklist this is basically the process, but it could require many months
IRC [15:48] <Dossy> that's fine, I'm in no rush--as you pointed out, there's other ways of getting packages up
IRC [15:48] <frankie> nssqlite3 is nice, basically i would package the whole set of modules available on cvs, but it requires too many efforts for a one-man-show
IRC [15:49] <frankie> so, you are welcome to cooperate for packaging
IRC [15:55] <Dossy> Great! Perfect.
IRC [15:55] <Dossy> I'm assuming I can download the source for another AOLserver module Debian package and use that as a start?
IRC [16:07] <frankie> yes
IRC [16:07] <frankie> use unstable package as model, there are a few difference with 4.0.10 style
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> OK, torrent is up:
IRC [16:26] <Dossy> http://www.torrentbox.com/download/107375/AOLserver%204.0.10%20VMware%20Appliance%202007-05-19.torrent
IRC [16:27] <Dossy> Maybe someone'll download it and try it out. :-)
IRC [22:38] *** dekoy joined the chat.