IRC [00:24] <Dossy> ?
IRC [00:24] <Dossy> i don't. what processors are you using?
IRC [00:31] <h3x> slackware is on an AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 246
IRC [00:32] <h3x> and the debian box is on a 1ghz duron
IRC [02:09] <Dossy> is the opteron a x684?
IRC [02:09] <Dossy> er, x64, I mean.
IRC [02:14] <h3x> x64
IRC [02:17] <cacrus> Dossy: is thee a away to reload procs , without restarting aolserver ?
IRC [02:21] <Dossy> h3x: x64 ... are you doing an --enable-64bit build for tcl?
IRC [02:21] <Dossy> cacrus: ns_eval
IRC [02:23] <cacrus> it can read tcl libraries again and reload procs ?
IRC [02:51] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [03:08] *** ci_omegadog parted the chat.
IRC [03:12] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [04:08] *** CIA-25 parted the chat.
IRC [04:25] <cacrus> guys any suggestion for TCL developement IDE ? we use Eclipse , but it really sucks .
IRC [04:32] <cacrus> If it cross platiform , infact i will lobby with you all to have komodo , but if its not , that i will oppse strongly
IRC [04:33] <cacrus> actually i ust checked it is multiplatoform
IRC [04:38] <cacrus> Oops wrong window, ignore my last two comments
IRC [06:15] *** celtics_fan joined the chat.
IRC [06:18] <celtics_fan> y
IRC [06:18] <celtics_fan> yoo
IRC [06:18] <celtics_fan> yo
IRC [06:18] <celtics_fan> whers everyone?
IRC [06:39] *** celtics_fan parted the chat.
IRC [07:00] *** ci_omegadog joined the chat.
IRC [07:14] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [11:07] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [14:00] *** CIA-25 joined the chat.
IRC [14:03] *** CIA-25 parted the chat.
IRC [14:13] *** CIA-25 joined the chat.
IRC [14:44] <Dossy> Hope everyone's having a good day.
IRC [16:14] <frankie> Dossy: thanks :)
IRC [17:28] *** ci_omegadog parted the chat.
IRC [20:24] <holycow> ha!
IRC [20:24] <holycow> hey frankie, still haven't forgotten about your quote for packaging pg and aolserver for debian in a backport manner :)
IRC [20:24] <holycow> just haven't had time to look at that, damend i.t. it eats up all spare time
IRC [20:41] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [21:05] <Dossy> )
IRC [21:28] *** ci_omegadog joined the chat.
IRC [21:39] *** ci_omegadog parted the chat.