IRC [00:29] *** shedi_ parted the chat.
IRC [03:56] *** growltiger joined the chat.
IRC [03:57] *** `mac joined the chat.
IRC [03:57] <`mac> hello, growltiger:
IRC [03:57] <`mac> http://home.earthlink.net/~hyeclass/clue.html
IRC [03:57] <`mac> the settings not sure what to input..
IRC [03:59] <growltiger> default or all
IRC [03:59] *** growltiger parted the chat.
IRC [08:13] <Dossy> Hi, `mac.
IRC [08:14] <Dossy> What's your question?
IRC [08:16] <partymola> Hi, Dossy
IRC [08:44] <Dossy> hi, partymola :)
IRC [10:05] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [12:10] <`mac> hello Dossy
IRC [13:04] *** `mac parted the chat.
IRC [13:08] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [15:58] *** mhansen joined the chat.
IRC [15:58] <mhansen> Hello, I'm getting the following error when trying to start aolserver 3.3:
IRC [15:58] <mhansen> pthread_create failed in NsThreadCreate: Cannot allocate memory
IRC [15:59] <mhansen> Does anyone recognize this?
IRC [15:59] <mhansen> daguz, I think I saw a chat log where you encountered this.
IRC [16:07] <mhansen> Anyone around?
IRC [16:15] <partymola> i have never got that problem before :S
IRC [16:15] <partymola> say what version of aolserver you're using
IRC [16:15] <partymola> and what line of code (or body of code) triggers that error
IRC [16:16] <partymola> i am going to have dinner
IRC [16:16] <partymola> see you later
IRC [16:18] <mhansen> The cvstag is nsd_v3_r3_p1
IRC [16:31] <mhansen> Right in front of the error, it prints nsthread(14191)
IRC [16:45] <partymola> what instruction arises that error?
IRC [16:57] <mhansen> When I just try to start the server with ./nsd .
IRC [16:57] <mhansen> I'm trying to use a newer version now.
IRC [17:10] <partymola> ah, ok
IRC [17:10] <partymola> mhansen: nsd v3 ... is a little old ;)
IRC [17:11] <partymola> you'd try current cvs version
IRC [17:11] <partymola> 4.5.0
IRC [17:18] <Dossy> Yeah, either try 4.0.10 or cvs HEAD.
IRC [18:04] <mhansen> I was able to get the 4.0r10 working without any issues.
IRC [18:07] <partymola> http://xkcd.com/c208.html :D
IRC [18:50] *** jhavard parted the chat.
IRC [19:24] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [19:35] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [19:44] *** mhansen parted the chat.
IRC [20:19] *** holycow parted the chat.