AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [10:02] <cacrus> Hi , i have compiled php with aolserver 4.0.10 and installed module , it loads up fine , i added module entry in tcl and added directory file entry , but the simple hello page shows up as text file
IRC [10:02] <cacrus> this is the page
IRC [10:03] <cacrus> <html> <head> <title>My First PHP Page</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> </body> </html>
IRC [10:03] <cacrus> it shows up exacty like this , any idea ?
IRC [10:32] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [10:40] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [10:41] <cacrus> its working fine now
IRC [10:42] <partymola> :O
IRC [10:42] <partymola> how did u get it to work?
IRC [10:43] <cacrus> there was something in tcl config which was not correct
IRC [10:43] <partymola> ah, ok
IRC [10:43] <cacrus> now i can have .php fiels run properly with aolserver
IRC [10:43] <cacrus> there were some issues in compiling and making it work though :)
IRC [14:33] *** cacru1 joined the chat.
IRC [17:58] *** cacru1 parted the chat.
IRC [22:05] *** Dossy_ joined the chat.