IRC [02:57] *** cacrus parted the chat.
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IRC [07:11] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [12:03] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [17:12] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [17:29] *** gavino1 joined the chat.
IRC [17:40] <gavino1> so
IRC [17:40] <gavino1> does aolserver still do as well as latest apache or cherokee or lihghttpd
IRC [17:41] <gavino1> I heard multi threaded have scale problem over more than 1 proc
IRC [18:22] <Dossy> okay, stop trolling please.
IRC [18:27] *** lexa_ joined the chat.
IRC [18:27] <lexa_> hi
IRC [18:28] <partymola> LOL
IRC [18:28] <partymola> what a troll X'D
IRC [18:28] <Dossy> hi, lexa_.
IRC [18:28] <lexa_> )
IRC [18:29] <lexa_> lite question
IRC [18:29] <lexa_> how to browse files in a directory by aol?
IRC [18:30] <lexa_> )
IRC [18:31] <Dossy> look at the fastpath config section examples in the sample-config.tcl
IRC [18:37] <lexa_> i see only something about cache in this section
IRC [18:37] <lexa_> ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/fastpath"
IRC [18:45] <lexa_> what is pageroot and directoryfile
IRC [18:54] <lexa_> <Dossy> 10x
IRC [18:55] <lexa_> very much
IRC [19:16] <Dossy> did you figure it out?
IRC [19:17] *** CIA-2 parted the chat.
IRC [19:18] <gavino1> hey IM not trolling
IRC [19:18] <gavino1> I seriously saw some junk
IRC [19:18] <gavino1> about so called event driven servers liek lighttpd having some kind of technical dvantage in multi proc boxes, and was wondering waht hardcore aolserver people said about that
IRC [19:19] <gavino1> if not the case the fine
IRC [19:19] <gavino1> maybe fud
IRC [19:20] *** lexa_ parted the chat.
IRC [19:23] *** CIA-14 joined the chat.
IRC [20:25] <gavino1> must learn tcl.....
IRC [20:25] <gavino1> so hard to hack at work
IRC [20:25] <gavino1> distractions
IRC [20:35] <partymola> gavino1: read http://philip.greenspun.com/panda/ and http://philip.greenspun.com/tcl/
IRC [20:42] <gavino1> nice
IRC [20:42] <gavino1> thx
IRC [20:48] <partymola> no problem :)
IRC [21:12] <Dossy> AOLserver's core driver thread is event-driven. However, requests are serviced by threads. In theory, this should scale very well on multi-core hosts.
IRC [21:13] <partymola> Dossy: does it use FreeBSD's kqueue? :)
IRC [21:14] <Dossy> nope.
IRC [21:14] <partymola> ok, it was just curiosity :)
IRC [21:15] <partymola> you know kqueue generates events
IRC [21:15] <partymola> to prevent polling to sockets and such
IRC [21:15] <partymola> lighthttpd uses it on FreeBSD
IRC [21:19] <Dossy> I still wonder why the FreeBSD folks didn't just make their poll() implementation better.
IRC [21:19] <Dossy> i.e., AOLserver will use poll(). Why did folks go and implement kqueue, epoll, etc.
IRC [21:34] <partymola> well, you know, linux epoll only covers things that have file descriptors
IRC [21:35] <partymola> kqueue is previous to linux's epoll
IRC [21:35] <partymola> poll simply didn't scale up properly
IRC [21:35] <partymola> and changing it sure implied breaking backwards compatibility or something
IRC [21:35] <partymola> so BSD went for kqueue
IRC [21:36] <partymola> and later, after linux tried to implement it, sure something went bad, and finally they went for a diff thing that suited better linux kernel architecture
IRC [21:36] <partymola> you know... that kind of things use to happen all the time
IRC [21:36] <partymola> X'D
IRC [21:48] <Dossy> I'm still not convinced someone couldn't improve poll().
IRC [21:48] <Dossy> and, what might you want events from with kqueue that doesn't have a file descriptor?