IRC [01:16] *** cacru1 parted the chat.
IRC [01:16] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [03:41] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [06:59] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [07:06] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [07:28] *** lexa joined the chat.
IRC [07:28] <lexa> hi
IRC [07:32] <lexa> what means "Error: 0-acs-init.tcl: error loading tdom: can't find package tdom"? anybody know?
IRC [07:32] <lexa> And after "Error: Bootstrap: We found the following problems with your PostgreSQL installation:<p><ul>
IRC [07:32] <lexa> <li>Your Postgres driver is either too old or was not compiled with <code>ACS=1</code>. Please update to a version 2.3 or higher and compile it with <code>ACS=1</code>."
IRC [07:37] <lexa> i've started gmake POSTGRES=PG_CONFIG ACS=1
IRC [07:38] <lexa> any ideas?
IRC [09:38] <lexa> http://rafb.net/p/nqgXGq83.html full log here
IRC [09:43] <Dossy> lexa: Perhaps you want to ask that in #openacs?
IRC [09:48] <frankie> lexa: maybe some issue with pkg_mkIndex or so?
IRC [10:05] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [10:10] <lexa> frankie> and what may be wrong?
IRC [10:13] <frankie> lexa: do you have a pkgIndex.tcl in the dir that contains the package stuff?
IRC [10:17] <lexa> frankie http://rafb.net/p/zqR1be20.html
IRC [10:18] <lexa> i can found some files in /usr/local/aolserver/aolserver/tcl8.3.2/library/
IRC [10:20] <frankie> i doubt tdom is a standard tcl 8.3 package, isn't it?
IRC [10:22] <lexa> i doubt in anything about aol
IRC [10:23] <lexa> so, i could understand what wrong
IRC [10:25] *** ryan-g2 joined the chat.
IRC [10:25] <ryan-g2> Is there a size limit imposed on the string returned by ns_return?
IRC [10:37] <lexa> sorry, but i realy don't how to run this
IRC [10:40] <lexa> frankie> i download http://www.tdom.org/files/tDOM-0.8.2.tgz unpack as MT-4.01-en
IRC [10:41] <lexa> in readme i see Movable Type requires the following applications: A web server like Apache, or Windows IIS;
IRC [10:45] <lexa> aol is like apache?
IRC [10:46] <lexa> and one more requement. Perl 5.6.1 or greater;
IRC [10:48] <lexa> thinking i missing my way. so difficy
IRC [11:03] <frankie> ugh, movabletype? that's perl not tcl
IRC [11:04] <lexa> stop
IRC [11:04] <lexa> i can found something
IRC [11:05] <lexa> i need install tDOM-0.8.2.tgz more carefully
IRC [11:07] <lexa> ./configure // checking for correct TEA configuration... ok (TEA 3.6) // checking for Tcl configuration... configure: WARNING: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions
IRC [11:23] <Dossy> ryan-g2: only by available memory
IRC [11:53] *** lexa parted the chat.
IRC [12:46] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [12:53] *** ryan-g2 parted the chat.
IRC [12:57] *** _justq joined the chat.
IRC [12:58] <_justq> Hi =) !
IRC [12:58] <_justq> I was compiling Aolserver 4.5 for windows
IRC [12:58] <_justq> and when I performed my 'nmake install'
IRC [12:59] <_justq> everything seems to be ok , compile process ended without errors
IRC [12:59] <_justq> but the target directory is empty
IRC [12:59] <_justq> no built code
IRC [12:59] <_justq> =(
IRC [13:00] <_justq> Do you have an idea what could be ?
IRC [13:00] <_justq> here are some lines at the beginning of the process:
IRC [13:04] <_justq> C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0>nmake install
IRC [13:04] <_justq> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.8882
IRC [13:04] <_justq> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved.
IRC [13:04] <_justq> c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe .\util\nsmakeall.tcl install nsthread nsd nstclsh make install: nsthread c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\util\nsinstall.tcl -d ""c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"\bin" nsthread.dll installed: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/bin/nsthread.dll
IRC [13:04] <partymola> hi
IRC [13:05] <_justq> Hi
IRC [13:05] <_justq> the process finishes
IRC [13:05] <_justq> with no errors
IRC [13:05] <partymola> aren't the files in their place?
IRC [13:05] <_justq> the sources files you mean?
IRC [13:05] <_justq> or the built files ?
IRC [13:06] <partymola> built
IRC [13:06] <_justq> that's the problem, they are not in the INSTALLDIR
IRC [13:06] <_justq> the INSTALLDIR is empty
IRC [13:07] <_justq> the last lines I got from the compiling process are :
IRC [13:10] <_justq> Creating library nscp.lib and object nscp.exp cl /EHsc /W3 /nologo /c /MD /O2 /D "_WINDOWS" /D "TCL_THREADS=1" /D "WIN32" /D "FD_SETSIZE=128" /D"NO_CONST=1" /D "_MBCS" /D "NDEBUG" /I "C:\oacs_so rces\aolserver-4.5.0\include" /I "c:\tcl8416\include" /DNS_MODINIT=NsCp_ModInit /c /Fonscp-mod.obj C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\include\nsmodinit.c
IRC [13:10] <_justq> nsmodinit.c
IRC [13:10] <_justq> link.exe /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OPT:NOREF /OPT:NOWIN98 /OPT:NOICF /EXPORT:NsCp_ModInit /DLL /OUT:nscp-mod.dll nscp-mod.obj nscp.lib /LIBPATH:"C\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\nsthread" nsthread.lib /LIBPATH:"C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\nsd" nsd.lib c:\tcl8416\lib\tcl84t.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib
IRC [13:10] <_justq> Creating library nscp-mod.lib and object nscp-mod.exp
IRC [13:10] <_justq> c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\util\nsinstall.tcl -f ""c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"\bin"/nscp.so nscp-mod.dll
IRC [13:10] <_justq> installed: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/bin/nscp.so
IRC [13:10] <_justq> c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\util\nsinstall.tcl -d ""c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"\bin" nscp.dll
IRC [13:10] <_justq> installed: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/bin/nscp.dll
IRC [13:10] <_justq> c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe C:\oacs_sources\aolserver-4.5.0\util\nsinstall.tcl -d ""c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"\lib" nscp.libinstalled: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/lib/nscp.lib c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe .\util\nsinstall.tcl -d "c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"/log c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe .\util\nsinstall.tcl -d "c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5" examples/config/base.tcl
IRC [13:10] <_justq> installed: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/base.tcl
IRC [13:10] <_justq> c:\tcl8416\bin\tclsh84t.exe .\util\nsinstall.tcl -d "c:\Program~1\AIMS30\Aolserver4_5"/servers/server1/pages -n ./installed: C:/Program~1/AIMS30/Aolserver4_5/servers/server1/pages/./
IRC [13:11] <_justq> so sorry for pasting that code
IRC [13:11] <_justq> but I couldn't find other way
IRC [13:11] <_justq> to show you the error
IRC [13:11] <_justq> or not even the error, the feedback I've got so far =)
IRC [13:12] <_justq> So far, what I've seen is that there might be something wrong with the slashes (/ and \)
IRC [13:12] <_justq> in the Makefile
IRC [13:16] <partymola> install in a diff folder
IRC [13:16] <partymola> something like C:\nsd45\
IRC [13:17] <partymola> maybe the installer and long paths don't get along very well ;)
IRC [13:22] <_justq> I'm trying now
IRC [13:22] <_justq> hang on!
IRC [13:22] <_justq> =)
IRC [13:30] <_justq> ok
IRC [13:30] <_justq> aparently
IRC [13:30] <_justq> there was a problem
IRC [13:30] <_justq> with Windows itself
IRC [13:30] <_justq> (... as usual ...)
IRC [13:30] <_justq> the directory C:\Program Files\
IRC [13:30] <_justq> was used as a C:\Program~1
IRC [13:32] <_justq> and in order to make things work ok
IRC [13:32] <_justq> I had to make a symbolic link
IRC [13:32] <_justq> from c:\tcl8_4_16 to c:\Program Files\oacs\tcl
IRC [13:32] <_justq> to avoid having problem with the white space
IRC [13:33] <_justq> of 'Program Files' directory
IRC [13:33] <_justq> anyway, it's working now I think =), thanks partymola!
IRC [13:33] <partymola> heh
IRC [13:33] <partymola> no problem
IRC [13:34] <partymola> as always, windows has problems with paths...
IRC [13:34] <_justq> hehehe, yes, I always thought it was going to be a windows related prob
IRC [13:35] <_justq> since aolserver was working ok for linux and should be ok for win as well
IRC [13:35] <_justq> but thanks again for your attention
IRC [13:35] <_justq> =)
IRC [15:13] *** _justq parted the chat.
IRC [16:04] *** ryan-g2 joined the chat.
IRC [16:48] <holycow> mr. partymola sir
IRC [17:19] *** ryan-g2 parted the chat.
IRC [18:13] <partymola> heyya holycow
IRC [19:18] *** CIA-24 parted the chat.
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IRC [21:20] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [23:27] *** holycow parted the chat.