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IRC [10:13] <Dossy> frankie, just saw your d-d-announce email--any significant impact to AOLserver packaging?
IRC [10:13] <Dossy> re: Tcl packaging changes?
IRC [10:13] <frankie> Dossy: not specifically, you use tclConfig.sh and it will not be a problem
IRC [10:13] <frankie> Dossy: btw i already suggested moving to tcl.m4
IRC [10:14] <frankie> Dossy: i.e. TEA2
IRC [10:14] <frankie> Dossy: i had to patch specifically the building script
IRC [10:15] <frankie> Dossy: btw, fedora and suse already use /usr/share/tclX.Y for their stuff
IRC [10:15] <frankie> we will do just better, as always :-P
IRC [10:17] <Dossy> awesome! that's great--cool
IRC [10:17] <Dossy> Yes, we should probably change AOLserver 4.5 to use tcl.m4.
IRC [10:45] <_justQ_> Hi, I was trying to compile aolserver 4.5 and got this message : "Variable BUILD is recursive" and the process stopped there...do you have an idea why it happened?
IRC [10:47] <_justQ_> I got that message when I did the make install
IRC [10:47] <_justQ_> the tclsh nsconfig worked fine :)
IRC [11:29] <Dossy> is this on Windows again?
IRC [11:34] <_justQ_> well, not this time
IRC [11:34] <_justQ_> linux debian SID
IRC [11:35] <_justQ_> :-)
IRC [11:43] <frankie> _justQ_: i would suggest to use the package
IRC [11:44] <frankie> possibly seeing the debian/rules if you need compiling from scratch
IRC [11:47] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [11:47] <Dossy> If you're on Debian, use the AOLserver packages. :-)
IRC [11:48] <Dossy> Hey, Frankie--is there an aolserver-dev package so that folks can easily build extra AOLserver modules?
IRC [11:48] <frankie> Dossy: aolserver4-dev
IRC [11:49] <frankie> and possibly see some example like one of the aolserver4-ns* module
IRC [11:50] <Dossy> nice :)
IRC [11:55] <_justQ_> yup, the package is working now
IRC [11:55] <_justQ_> Thanks
IRC [11:57] <_justQ_> there is a problem in this server cuz can't compile and I've just compile it in another one with SID as well
IRC [11:57] <_justQ_> anyway, will use the package instead
IRC [11:57] <_justQ_> in this machine
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IRC [21:04] <Dossy> Hm, some new faces.
IRC [21:04] <Dossy> Hi, rose. What brings you here?
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