IRC [05:59] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> 03gneumann * 10aolserver/nsd/ (nsd.h pools.c queue.c):
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> Continuing work on BUG #1615787; instead of performing
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> in boundary situations in the worst case more than the
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> configured maxconns requests, a new connection thread
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> is created automatically after the exit of a thread
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> coming to the end of it work cycle, when jobs are
IRC [07:57] <CIA-24> pending and no other thread is able to process these.
IRC [12:20] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [12:39] <CIA-24> 03gneumann * 10aolserver/tcl/util.tcl: using Tcl 8.4 string comparison operators
IRC [14:33] *** knifehat_ parted the chat.
IRC [14:33] *** knifehat joined the chat.
IRC [18:23] *** tekbasse joined the chat.