AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [05:11] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [05:37] *** IEF parted the chat.
IRC [11:26] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [14:48] *** IEF joined the chat.
IRC [20:18] *** KnifeHat joined the chat.
IRC [21:09] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [22:29] *** jbellis joined the chat.
IRC [22:29] <jbellis> So I'm running nsd -f in a bash with ulimit -c unlimited
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> [05/Nov/2007:22:19:33][29957.3060759472][-conn:cb2::19] Fatal: received fatal s\
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> ignal 11
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> Aborted
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> but there is no core
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> trying to run it in gdb fails with
IRC [22:30] <jbellis> thread_db_get_info: cannot get thread info: generic error
IRC [22:31] <jbellis> I strongly suspect the sig11 is from tdom since I have found that when you exercise that a lot, bad things happen, but how can I get a bt to verify this?
IRC [22:39] <jbellis> Dossy? :)
IRC [23:37] *** KnifeHat_ joined the chat.
IRC [23:37] *** KnifeHat parted the chat.
IRC [23:40] *** KnifeHat joined the chat.
IRC [23:40] *** KnifeHat parted the chat.
IRC [23:51] *** KnifeHat_ parted the chat.
IRC [23:55] *** KnifeHat joined the chat.
IRC [23:55] *** KnifeHat_ joined the chat.
IRC [23:55] *** KnifeHat_ parted the chat.