AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [19:19] *** _AIM_ joined the chat.
IRC [19:19] <Dossy> bot, what time is it?
IRC [19:20] <Dossy> aim, what time is it?
IRC [19:22] <Dossy> hm, guess I didn't implement that in the bot. lol
IRC [19:27] <partymola> lol
IRC [19:27] <partymola> i sent an e-mail to the list
IRC [19:28] <partymola> i wondered if you could reply it? and to the other person too ;)
IRC [19:28] <partymola> and also, another question is: i have some functions defined in modules (/modules/tcl/) ... how can i "redefine" them... those are loaded when aolserver starts, but i would like to "reload" them without having to restart the server ;)
IRC [19:31] <partymola> :m ... i guess Dossy has no internet in the church (rofl)... so i'll wait until he comes back... i'll go back to the lonely lonely work...
IRC [19:31] <partymola> AIM, gimme the url to logs lol
IRC [19:31] <partymola> aim, hello
IRC [19:31] <partymola> aim hates me :(
IRC [19:47] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [20:19] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [20:19] *** partymola_ joined the chat.
IRC [21:48] <Dossy> bot, hello
IRC [21:48] <Dossy> heh
IRC [21:48] <Dossy> bot, chat logs?
IRC [22:39] *** jpastore joined the chat.
IRC [22:41] <jpastore> I'm having some problems installing. I did ./configure --enable-threads --disable-tdomalloc --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver45 --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib
IRC [22:41] <jpastore> ran make and got: ./util/nsmakeall.tcl build nsthread nsd nstclsh nsdb nssock nslog nsperm nscgi nscp
IRC [22:41] <jpastore> make: execvp: ./util/nsmakeall.tcl: Permission denied
IRC [22:42] <jpastore> what should I do to get this installed?
IRC [22:43] <jpastore> oh and the wiki is down..looks like it can't communicate with mysqld
IRC [22:43] <Dossy> 1) yeah, didn't realize the wiki was down--thanks
IRC [22:43] <Dossy> it's up now :)
IRC [22:43] <Dossy> 2) when you configure, add: TCLSH=/path/to/your/tclsh ./configure ...etc
IRC [22:44] <Dossy> btw, hi jpastore :) what aolserver-based site are you working on? :)
IRC [22:45] <jpastore> I'm trying to install project open
IRC [22:47] <jpastore> Dossy, could you take a look at this: doing make is erroring out
IRC [22:48] <jpastore> thanks for the TCLSH comment that got me a little further =)
IRC [22:56] <jpastore> Dossy, do you have any ideas on how to resolve that issue?
IRC [22:57] <Dossy> jpastore:
IRC [22:57] <jpastore> thanks checking out
IRC [22:57] <Dossy>
IRC [22:57] <Dossy> depends on what you feel like editing :)
IRC [22:58] <Dossy> bot, _init compile error is or
IRC [22:59] <jpastore> you rock
IRC [22:59] <Dossy> lol :)
IRC [22:59] <jpastore> that first link did it! thanks!
IRC [23:00] <jpastore> let me see what I get to bash my head in next with =)
IRC [23:00] <Dossy> cool. let me know what you think of ]po[.
IRC [23:00] <Dossy> hang out here. as long as it's AOLserver-specific, I can help :)
IRC [23:01] <Dossy> brb- smoke
IRC [23:03] <jpastore> When you get back, is there a service script to start and stop it and something I can link to in the /etc/rc3.d/ dir?
IRC [23:04] * jpastore sighs
IRC [23:04] <jpastore> docs say to test ti with nsd -h...I get:
IRC [23:04] <jpastore> /usr/local/aolserver45/bin/nsd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
IRC [23:04] <jpastore> hmmm ld config issue?
IRC [23:06] <jpastore> did ./configure with the option: --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib and I just verified that is in that path....
IRC [23:06] <jpastore> does the file itself have to be included in the path used for the with-tcl option?
IRC [23:07] <Dossy> typically, I ijust run aolserver out of inittab: )
IRC [23:08] <Dossy> some folks like to go the extra mile and set it up under daemontools.
IRC [23:08] <Dossy> and yeah, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the tcl dir :)
IRC [23:08] <Dossy> --with-tcl just tells configure where to find so it can build
IRC [23:08] <jpastore> ahh
IRC [23:09] <Dossy> by the way, how did you know to come here? google search? just a guess?
IRC [23:10] <jpastore> lucky guess...been spending a lot of free time on for other stuff
IRC [23:10] <Dossy> OK, cool
IRC [23:11] <Dossy> glad you found us, then :)
IRC [23:11] <jpastore> at first in #ubuntu and $ubuntu-effects, the #vbox #openvz and few other projects
IRC [23:11] <jpastore> figured it was worth a shot =)
IRC [23:11] <Dossy> yup
IRC [23:11] <jpastore> so am I!
IRC [23:11] <Dossy> certainly saved you a lot of aggro, I'm sure :)
IRC [23:11] <jpastore> looks like it's not complaining any do I start the service and through it in the inittab?
IRC [23:12] <jpastore> oh yea
IRC [23:12] <Dossy> as01:23:respawn:/home/aolserver/run -it config/ -b
IRC [23:12] <Dossy> 80, -u www
IRC [23:12] <Dossy> oops, that should be one long line
IRC [23:12] <Dossy> my /home/aolserver/run looks something like this:
IRC [23:12] <jpastore> that whole 64bit thing was going to make me a little insane! someone needs to update the documentation or the configure script to figure that out
IRC [23:13] <Dossy>
IRC [23:13] <jpastore> 1 sdec
IRC [23:13] <jpastore> er sec
IRC [23:13] <Dossy> yeah, need to do another release ...
IRC [23:14] <jpastore> ok so I'm running out of /usr/local/aolserver45 just through that run script in there and add that line to the inittab? just modify the ip obviously and what's the config param?
IRC [23:14] <Dossy> your config .tcl script
IRC [23:15] <Dossy> i'm guessing there should be one included with ]po[
IRC [23:29] *** jpastore_ joined the chat.
IRC [23:29] <jpastore_> hmm...that wasn't good
IRC [23:30] <Dossy> ?
IRC [23:30] <jpastore_> I got disco'd no notice
IRC [23:30] <jpastore_> did you see my last question?
IRC [23:30] <jpastore_> ok so I'm running out of /usr/local/aolserver45 just through that run script in there and add that line to the inittab? just modify the ip obviously and what's the config param?
IRC [23:31] *** jpastore parted the chat.
IRC [23:33] <jpastore> ok now I feel like a retard
IRC [23:34] <jpastore> there's no manifest of the tar ball for project open ...but the rpm has an aolserver rpm etc....
IRC [23:34] <jpastore> let me go undo what I did and see what happens with this...
IRC [23:34] * jpastore sighs
IRC [23:34] <jpastore> maybe I should create another VE so I don't lose what I did so far
IRC [23:44] <Dossy> lol
IRC [23:44] <Dossy> heh
IRC [23:53] <jpastore> man....this is getting annoying...
IRC [23:53] <jpastore> so the rpms are all i386
IRC [23:53] <jpastore> and they install but! the postgres related ones won't install...claiming needs to be there...and it's in /usr/lib64
IRC [23:54] <jpastore> but I guess the i386 version doesn't want to hear it ... /sigh I guess I could force it...
IRC [23:54] <Dossy> lol