IRC [04:07] <cacrus> Dossy: I checked your provided link , i am using cvs version of aolserver 4.0.10 , and can see that the code you are referring is in the nsmain.c file , i am using 2.6.9-42 version , still i can not see any core dump.
IRC [04:12] <cacrus> Dossy: Please ignore my last message , i noticed i did not have ulimit -c unlimited on 2.6 kernel server
IRC [07:39] *** IEF parted the chat.
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IRC [07:40] <cacrus> Hey Dossy u dere ?
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IRC [09:15] <Dossy> cacrus, did you see my response?
IRC [09:15] <Dossy> cacrus, still having problems getting a core file?
IRC [09:16] <cacrus> Oh yes i was waiting for you to come online :)
IRC [09:16] <Dossy> So, how far have you gotten?
IRC [09:17] <cacrus> I have another type of core dump , which occurs with many /404.adp errors , i have been banging my head trying to get hints with gdb core results and looiing into dsprinf.c and other files , but cant do much of it .
IRC [09:17] <cacrus> I will really appreciate if you can help me in this .
IRC [09:18] <cacrus> I have the dump , for the exceeded recursion limit crash
IRC [09:19] <Dossy> OK.
IRC [09:19] <Dossy> can you email me the backtrace? do "set height 0; thread apply all bt"
IRC [09:20] <cacrus> ok just a sec
IRC [09:20] <Dossy> or use pastebin.com
IRC [09:21] <cacrus> i can use pastebin, but wheni type its actually huge , as there are thousands of exceeded recursion limit errors before the crash , shall i send you initial bt ?
IRC [09:22] <cacrus> is there a way i can spol the output in a file ?
IRC [09:23] <cacrus> i can not copy it , its scrolling mutiple screens
IRC [09:31] <cacrus> Dossy: i sent you the file to your email
IRC [09:31] <cacrus> i could haev used pastebin , bu i guess it will be better for you to see the complete result .
IRC [09:37] <cacrus> Dossy: did u get it ?
IRC [09:49] <Dossy> what version of Oracle?
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> wow, what is with that recursion redirect loop --
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> you've got a 503 internal error redirect configured, but where it's redirecting to is also resulting in a 503 error -- LOL
IRC [09:52] <Dossy> looks like you've got an uncaught Tcl error in your 404.adp
IRC [09:53] <cacrus> we are using oracle 9iR2
IRC [09:53] <cacrus>
IRC [09:54] <Dossy> OK, well--the first backtrace you sent was some oracle/nsoracle crash
IRC [09:54] <Dossy> the second one has this awful internal redirect looop
IRC [09:54] <cacrus> yes thats the different type of crash
IRC [10:01] <cacrus> shall i send you the previous backtrace with thread apply all ?
IRC [10:02] <Dossy> not yet--lets figure out one thing at a time :)
IRC [10:02] <Dossy> email me your config .tcl
IRC [10:02] <cacrus> OK ,
IRC [10:02] <Dossy> and your 404.adp
IRC [10:02] <cacrus> ok
IRC [10:07] <cacrus> Dossy: 404.adp has just this inside it <% ad_returnredirect "[byt_app_root]/index?body=file-not-found" %>
IRC [10:08] <cacrus> i am sending you my config
IRC [10:16] <Dossy> yeah ... so somewhere in there I'm guessing it's throwing a Tcl error? what's your server log say?
IRC [10:16] <Dossy> LOL--you realize you've configured this:
IRC [10:16] <Dossy> ns_section ns/server/myserver/redirects ns_param 404 /404.adp ns_param 500 /404.adp
IRC [10:17] <Dossy> 404 redirects to /404.adp, and 500 redirects to /404.adp :)
IRC [10:17] <cacrus> yes , i think we want to show the same page on both erros , is this wrong ?
IRC [10:17] <Dossy> no
IRC [10:18] <Dossy> but, the general rule of thumb is your 500 page handler should NOT ever result in a 500 error ... otherwise you end up in an infinite loop :)
IRC [10:18] <cacrus> server log shows thousands of exceeded recursion liomits and than restarts
IRC [10:18] <Dossy> yeah.
IRC [10:18] <cacrus> i mean in this particualr type of crash .
IRC [10:18] <Dossy> really, your 500 handler should be a static page ...
IRC [10:18] <cacrus> would that solve this recursion limit issue ?
IRC [10:19] <Dossy> any dynamic bits should be minimal and hand-inspected such that they never generate an uncaught exception
IRC [10:19] <Dossy> yes
IRC [10:21] <cacrus> alrtight thanks i will make the 500 static page ,
IRC [10:21] <cacrus> shall we move to the other crash ?
IRC [10:22] <cacrus> i am tryingt o understand , how come 500 is producing 404 error ,
IRC [10:23] <cacrus> as i have defined in the server config file that 500 should go to 404.adp , so it should find it right ?
IRC [10:24] <cacrus> ahh , so u are suggesting that when 500 happens , the redirect happens to /404.adp , which also produces 500 error ,
IRC [10:34] <Dossy> yes
IRC [10:34] <Dossy> exactly
IRC [10:34] <cacrus> ok ,
IRC [10:34] <Dossy> and it keeps happening until the recursion limit is reached
IRC [10:34] <cacrus> i got this one :)
IRC [10:35] <Dossy> then AOLserver just gives up :)
IRC [10:35] <cacrus> Dossy: what time is it there at your end ?
IRC [10:40] <cacrus> Dossy i have to leave office now, i will see you hopefully from home again in a couple of hours in the mean time i will send you the backtrace backtrace with thread apply all for the other type of crash ? its 7:40 PM here :)
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> 10:40 AM
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> ok
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> i don't need the full backtrace for the other crash
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> or rather, it won't help in this case
IRC [10:50] <Dossy> getting interactive gdb access might be useful if I can ssh in ...
IRC [11:57] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [11:57] <partymola> heya!
IRC [11:58] <partymola> party travels to London next week!
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IRC [13:57] <cacru1> Dossy: u there ?
IRC [13:58] <cacru1> I am using CVS version of nsoracle , i downloaded this almost a month ago or maybe two months
IRC [14:07] <Dossy> hmm
IRC [14:07] <Dossy> partymola: London? For how long?
IRC [14:07] <partymola> 3 days
IRC [14:07] <partymola> from next Monday to Wednesday
IRC [14:07] <Dossy> cacru1: Can you isolate the ns_ora command that causes the crash?
IRC [14:07] <Dossy> Ah, cool. Enjoy :)
IRC [14:07] <partymola> i am going to attend to an event where Paul Graham will go
IRC [14:07] <Dossy> aha! very nice. brush up on your LISP :)
IRC [14:08] <partymola> bah
IRC [14:08] <partymola> http://www.imperialentrepreneurs.com/garage/paul-graham.php
IRC [14:08] <partymola> i am ok with tcl & tk :)
IRC [14:08] <partymola> & aolserver ;)
IRC [14:09] <Dossy> hehe
IRC [14:10] <cacru1> Dossy: how do i download the latest nsoracle from cvs with this commadn
IRC [14:10] <cacru1> cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@aolserver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/aolserver co -P nsoracle
IRC [14:10] <Dossy> yup.
IRC [14:10] <Dossy> that looks right.
IRC [14:11] <cacru1> this means my nsoracle is pretty latest
IRC [14:11] <cacru1> i did it a month ago .
IRC [14:11] <partymola> oh, i have a question ... when a server starts, it loads some scripts in the /modules/tcl/ of the server... how can i reload those scripts without having to restart aolserver ?
IRC [14:12] <cacru1> last update on CVS is 21 months back ,
IRC [14:12] <partymola> cacru1: i guess that means it's stable
IRC [14:13] <cacru1> Oh i got another core dump , let me see if this one gives any more hint
IRC [14:14] <Dossy> actually, the last change is: Thu Apr 19 19:33:33 2007 UTC (7 months, 1 week ago) by asteets
IRC [14:14] <Dossy> partymola: ns_eval source /path/to/file.tcl
IRC [14:15] <cacru1> Oh so i think i should downloaad again , i check the CVS link on aolserver site ,
IRC [14:15] <cacru1> and its showing me last updat 21 months , so shall i use the same CVS command ?
IRC [14:15] <Dossy> Hmm.
IRC [14:15] <Dossy> nsoracle.c was last committed 7 months ago
IRC [14:16] <Dossy> guess the ChangeLog wasn't updated :)
IRC [14:18] <cacru1> Dossy: any idea how i can isolate the statement ? the file name mentioned in the backtrace , could this be the file issuing the oracel statement ?
IRC [14:19] <Dossy> you should talk to whoever implemented the code :)
IRC [14:19] <Dossy> the ad_returnredirect suggests OpenACS?
IRC [14:19] <cacru1> yes it is , but the file mentioned in the code , would this be the file reponsible ?
IRC [14:20] <cacru1> actually there are two places where i am finding the core dump , one is the aolserver home directory and one is in one of the folder of our application,
IRC [14:22] <partymola> thanks Dossy
IRC [14:23] <Dossy> cacru1: depends--the file could just have code in it that calls a proc defined elsewhere, but yeah, it's where you'd have to start hand-tracing from, sure
IRC [14:25] <cacru1> is there any issue with clob handling and nsoracle ?
IRC [14:40] <Dossy> not sure. could depend on the version of Oracle
IRC [14:42] <cacru1> thanks Dossy , you have been a great help as always .
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