AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [05:45] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [05:59] *** jbellis joined the chat.
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> upgrading to 4.5 from 4.0.10
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> works fine on my test server
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> on the production box I get
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> [30/Nov/2007:05:53:47][25779.3083921088][-main-] Notice: prebind: bound:
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> ...
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> [30/Nov/2007:05:53:50][25779.3069029296][-nssock:driver-] Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> ???
IRC [07:40] <jbellis> (i.e., the prebind shows that I'm specifying the right -b)
IRC [07:43] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [07:43] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [07:44] *** daguz parted the chat.
IRC [07:44] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [07:45] *** daguz joined the chat.
IRC [07:45] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [07:45] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [07:45] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [09:17] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [09:52] <partymola> jbellis: are you executing nsd as root?
IRC [10:05] <jbellis> partymola: yes
IRC [10:07] <partymola> a permission denied is VERY weird
IRC [10:07] <partymola> what operating system are you using?
IRC [10:09] <Dossy> nsd won't run as root though
IRC [10:09] <Dossy> whatever user you specified in -u, make sure _they_ have permission ...
IRC [10:10] <partymola> Dossy: but you need to run it as root so it bind to the port and then change to the other user...
IRC [10:10] <partymola> or have it suid...
IRC [10:11] <Dossy> right.
IRC [10:11] <Dossy> what's the exact problem here?
IRC [10:11] <partymola> <jbellis> [30/Nov/2007:05:53:50][25779.3069029296][-nssock:driver-] Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied
IRC [10:12] <Dossy> oh, did you prebind with -b?
IRC [10:12] <partymola> <jbellis> [30/Nov/2007:05:53:47][25779.3083921088][-main-] Notice: prebind: bound:
IRC [10:12] <Dossy> this is the #1 FAQ :)
IRC [10:13] <partymola> Dossy: i wonder what's that prebinding thing... i don't use it lol
IRC [10:13] <Dossy> partymola, you have to if you bind to a port < 1024--unless your OS is configured to let non-root users bind to any port
IRC [10:14] <Dossy> is on an actual eth interface on the host?
IRC [10:15] <Dossy> and, of course, the obvious question: make sure no other process has already bound to that ip/port :
IRC [10:15] <partymola> Dossy: oh! ok, ok, i have aolserver listening in ports > 1024
IRC [10:16] <partymola> by the way, i sent you the already :)
IRC [10:16] <Dossy> ah, cool. I should hopefully get mine on 4 dec :)
IRC [10:16] <partymola> should reach you in one week approx.
IRC [10:16] <partymola> nice
IRC [10:16] <partymola> where are you printing your cards?
IRC [10:17] <Dossy> some business card website...
IRC [10:17] <partymola> same here, i did with
IRC [10:18] <Dossy> I used ... ... or something like that
IRC [10:18] <partymola> i see
IRC [10:37] <partymola> jbellis: Jonathan! WAKE UP!!
IRC [10:59] <jbellis> Dossy: yes, no other process... the error is different if someone else has the port, I tested that
IRC [10:59] <jbellis> and it's the same if that nsd 4.0.10 is using w/o problems
IRC [11:08] <jbellis> it works fine if i use port 8000
IRC [11:08] <jbellis> so i guess prebind is not working somehow
IRC [11:10] <jbellis> tried 1022 just to doublecheck, that does not work either
IRC [12:39] <Dossy> uh, > 1024
IRC [12:39] <Dossy> but yeah, prebind isn't working--my guess, that IP address isn't plumbed on any network device
IRC [12:57] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [15:02] *** partymola_ joined the chat.
IRC [15:02] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [16:32] *** dekoy joined the chat.
IRC [17:02] *** dekoy parted the chat.
IRC [17:40] <jbellis> ... so yeah, my point was, > 1024 works, < 1024 does not, nothing special about 80
IRC [17:41] <partymola> jbellis: Dossy said maybe that ip you're binding is not the correct one
IRC [17:41] <jbellis> 4.0.10 works on that exact ip/port
IRC [17:41] <partymola> check that's the correct ip on your interface
IRC [17:41] <partymola> :S
IRC [21:04] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [21:04] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [21:06] <Dossy> jbellis: wait, you can get it working on a port > 1024, but not < 1024? I'd have to see your config .tcl or at least your startup log
IRC [21:29] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [21:35] *** partymola parted the chat.