IRC [00:41] *** holycow parted the chat.
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IRC [02:13] *** KnifeHat parted the chat.
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IRC [14:14] *** partymola joined the chat.
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IRC [17:01] *** cyberman joined the chat.
IRC [17:02] <cyberman> helllo
IRC [17:02] <cyberman> an install didn't work for me this time as it did before on linux
IRC [17:05] <cyberman> [root@myhost aolserver4.5]# bin/nsd -ft nsd.tcl -u g bin/nsd: error while loading shared libraries: libnsd.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
IRC [17:05] <cyberman> [root@myhost aolserver4.5]# find /opt -type f -name libnsd.so /opt/aolserver-4.5.0/nsd/libnsd.so /opt/aolserver4.5/lib/libnsd.so
IRC [17:06] <cyberman> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Aolserver also had to add this debug measure
IRC [17:08] <cyberman> [root@myhost aolserver4.5]# tclsh % set home [file dirname [ns_info config]] invalid command name "ns_info"
IRC [17:11] <cyberman> hmmm
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> http://rubick.com:8002/blogger/one-entry?entry_id=10031 fixed it
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> that export command
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> interesting
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> wow
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> 2 hacks to docs to ge this going
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> rolled change back into http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Aolserver
IRC [17:18] <cyberman> WHEW!
IRC [17:48] <cyberman> bug added to sourceforge too
IRC [17:57] <cyberman> very exciting
IRC [17:58] <cyberman> I'm not even sure if these erros are linux environment or what.
IRC [17:58] <cyberman> but few fixit lines are lsited in my wiki entry
IRC [17:58] <cyberman> and Im up and runnign now